who will make the landmark 33rd thread

33 is not a landmark.

wow that is great your story has 33 threads... however... I wouldn't call that a landmark. 50-100-150-200 those are landmarks. Anything over 200 is a land mark. And with that said, maybe I'll plug one of my stories.

A College Girl to be... currently has 91 pages... quickly approaching the big 100!


A Lost Identity: Sex Fugitive is at 41 pages. Also quickly approaching the landmark of 50 threads.

Thanks, hope you didn't mind me plugging my story.

-Tim (niceguy2002tim)

Sorry Lilguy, I guess I just don't understand your humour. You seemed really excited... so I thought you were serious.

-Tim (niceguy2002tim)
well adding to my story would make it better :)

or one of the many other great stories from lilguy inc