Who succeeded with Lock-tober?

I can’t stay locked long term. It hurts my balls.

So we do orgasm control manually. We have a fair amount of sex (3-4x a week) and I just try not to cum. I’ve gotten pretty good at it, but I did cum 2x this month: once by accident and she forced me to eat the Creampie. Then before I went away for a business trip we had the most animalistic sex and she had
Me cum in her mouth. She snowballed me.

So I guess I didn’t make it… 😇

One year I went all if Locktober and then all of no nut November. The cunshot I had after that was the strongest cumshot I’ve ever had. Explosive.
No Locktober for me but onboard to try No-Nut-November again. First time wasn't easy and don't think this year will be any different.
I think I'm going ask Bob to do a no cum NOvember.
Ok I'll let him cum, but I'll ruin them all.
Unless I need some PIV fucking. Then maybe he'll get lucky.
missed this year. We are doing laser hair removal and was told not to use the cage for a week after a session. I only have one left, can’t wait to be done. It’s great.
Just curious which of you boys were able to stay locked in chastity all month long?
I have to admit that I've never heard of Locktober. My cuckold is locked away 24/7, and has been for a number of years. I should qualify that - I release him every Saturday afternoon when he cleans and disinfects his cock lock. I then shave him and milk him, always to a ruined orgasm. I'm frequently asked why I allow him to cum whilst being such an advocate for tease and denial and permanent chastity. The answer is simple. A very good friend of mine, who is a Hot Wife as well as being a GP, told me many years ago that regular draining prevents problems with the prostate. So I milk my cuckold weekly (unless he's annoyed me, and I decide to cancel his session!) He gets no satisfaction from his milking which is performed via prostate massage. This regular practice is consensual and we both enjoy that 'click' when I lock him back up for another week.
If I had a key holder we would have probably done it. I didn't have one though, so without another person to undertake this abstinence for, the temptation was too great and the motivation wasn't there.