Who is really supporting terrorism?


Nibblin' On Sponge Cake
Feb 7, 2002
By Scott Ellis

The recent campaign to link the owners of SUVs (sport utility vehicles) to the support of terrorism -- because we must import oil from terrorist supporting nations to fuel our vehicles -- is being orchestrated by the greatest cause of our reliance on foreign oil, the environmental movement.

Their casting of stones at everyday citizens who are driving larger vehicles would be laughable, were their policies not so ruinous to our nation.

If dependence on foreign oil supports terrorism, no bigger sponsor of terror exists than Big Green.

The United States has a virtually unlimited supply of coal and uranium, and the use of these fuel sources would totally eliminate the need to use oil to produce electricity. Burning oil to generate power is a forced and uneconomical waste of a valuable resource.

Of the remaining oil we would need for vehicles and the chemical industry, more than ample reserves reside within our borders, although once again, Big Green forces us to leave much of the resource under the earth.

Regulations and litigation driven by the environmental agencies and their fellow travelers in Federal and State environmental agencies has worked to strangle energy production in the United States.

Ariana Huffington, whose chief claim to fame was marrying into wealth, can equate driving a SUV to supporting terrorists, yet can't bring herself to condemn the factions within our own borders that are most responsible for crippling our own production of energy.

Many may remember the Clinton administration's actions, closing vast resources of clean western coal in Utah by applying 'national monument' status -- while our own utilities import the same coal from foreign sources.

Nuclear power, our cheapest source of energy, has been regulated and litigated into oblivion.

Coal, which is truly an unlimited resource, cannot be efficiently used -- as EPA mandates require the same enormously expensive control devices on clean-burning western coal as on the dirtier eastern soft coal.

Large oil reserves in Alaska are forbidden, large coal reserves are forbidden, nuclear power is forbidden, and it is the SUV drivers who are supporting the terrorists?

The Number One enemy of American energy independence is still Big Green, and if anyone deserves credit for assisting terrorists through a created demand for foreign oil, let the environmental movement step forward to claim its award.


An interesting turn in reporting on the Environmental Wackos: Dangerous Extremists
That's just the tip of the iceberg..

Any exchange of petroleum products have a root source in S. America/Canada/Middle East/Africa all of whom support some terrorist faction of one kind or another.
Any bargain product you buy is usually made in a country that supports some type of terrorist organization.
With the definition of "Terrrorist" being expanded by the government, you'll soon be labeled a terrorist for lighting up a smoke in public. Look around your home, 90% of the products you use have supported some front organization without your knowledge.
Don't forget the yayhoos that will point at the US government that supports "freedom fighters" in other countries, that are known by locals as terrorists.
Paying Taxes supports terrorism by giving the government money to give to the UN, and to bribe Pakistan/Egypt/Yemen/Syria/Kuwait for logistic support with our interests in the region.
Not to mention the bribe the last adminstration paid for the Palestinian/Israel "peace" deal. (That was money well spent!)
Well shit, I guess we either kill all the terrorist or quit spending money.

Personally, I am for killing terrorist.
Fucking Aye!

<Slurp> Drinking a cup of fine S. American coffee blends, either kill them, or make 'em citizens so we can get more tax revenue to fund more terrorism...and so on, and so on..