Who has the sexiest AV?


Jan 15, 2003
I want to see the sexiest AV's! I know that so far what's-his-name-knight has my lips, uh...I mean...VOTE!:p
Bent said:
There are several I can think of!

But I want to SEE them! There is also another mouth-waterer....but I can't think of to whom it belongs....the one in black and white (I think) of a woman on her tummy with a finger in her pussy.........ah, my favorite past time..... ;)
Oh, yeah and Plasticman33 as well!!!!!

Juicylips, too...I can't keep up
Rubyfruit said:

You told me I was your favorite.

Did I?

Your avatars are also always sexy and delicious.

JL was right, I shouldn't have said anything. LOL
I have this mental picture of RH's cock twitching back and forth between the two of ya'll ( SLG & Ruby)

It uh I mean he can't quite seem to make up his mind. :D
k¡tty said:
I have this mental picture of RH's cock twitching back and forth between the two of ya'll ( SLG & Ruby)

It uh I mean he can't quite seem to make up his mind. :D

Wow. First, I'm flattered that you're thinking about my cock.

Second, I really like the idea of being between SLG and Ruby.

I mean, I really really like that idea!
RawHumor said:
Did I?

Your avatars are also always sexy and delicious.

JL was right, I shouldn't have said anything. LOL

I tried to warn you before you stepped in some steep shit.

No one ever listens to me.
superlittlegirl said:
I bet he says that to all the girls.

I love your avs, Ruby.

I think you're right, Supergirlie. I feel so used.

Thanks! I love yours too, especially this new one. Can you tell me the circumstances around the shot? It looks like you're in public. Are you? Did a friend take the photo?