Who has met the most people here from Lit?

P. B. Walker

Literotica Guru
Nov 21, 2001
Not fucked or anything... just met in person, as in actually seen each other face to face and spoke words to. :)

I've met and said "Howdy" to 2.

Am I the winner?

you're not the winner, but you beat me.

my grand total is: 0
Not even close.

23, not counting double (triple in one case) posting nicks. But I think I'm leaving someone off who I met in Houston last year.
StrawberryPez said:
No Spearman. Way up north. But I would go to borger to grocery shop and to Amarillo to clothes shop.

my highschool played spearman! awesome

(damn those spearman linxs!)
I've only meet Kiwi Wolf in person and am proud to call him my friend and buddy.... :D

Otherwise I've talked to about a dozen others around the world on the telephone...