Who do you wanna fuck right now?

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had a mini film festival

and the winner of the day is Christian Bale. I just can't help myself. He is so fine. It scares me how hot he makes me--even in American Psycho. :eek: That is just wrong.
It would be easier to tell you who I don't wanna fuck than who I do.


It's a waaaaay shorter list ya see.

Fury :rose:
Saucyminx said:
and the winner of the day is Christian Bale. I just can't help myself. He is so fine. It scares me how hot he makes me--even in American Psycho. :eek: That is just wrong.
I know, the wronngness makes it crackle. Almost like Boxing Helena.
BedtimeStories said:
Her panties scare me! :eek: :eek: lol

Now see I didn't get caught up on that detail. I was thinking how they would look like in a pile on the floor! :D
BedtimeStories said:

Does sound like there's a story in that one!
yes well i think we all have one of THOSE ex-s... the ones that you know are real terrible people to be with, ones that use you for certain things, be it money, sex, whatever, but you feel incapable of refusing... well, she is mine, my bane.

I catch the bitch liplocking my cousin, and the next month I find myself back with her! :eek: :(. Slut... why can't I tell her to jump off a cliff, instead of cuddlin up to her like a dumb-ass sucker?

BedtimeStories said:
The sex that good? ;)
yeah, and now I'm doin the same thing to her as she did to me ;). With one of her oldest friends...

Two wrongs don't make a right, I know.. but does FEEL like a right! :p

TheCaptain said:
yeah, and now I'm doin the same thing to her as she did to me ;). With one of her oldest friends...

Two wrongs don't make a right, I know.. but does FEEL like a right! :p


It SOUNDS like a Lit story plot!
Awwwww! Bed, get the ruler and your habit! Capt. is bein a bad boy--and i think i like it. :eek:

And how come i never find anything like that in the woods when i go for a hike???
midlandsfun9999 said:
Katie Holmes and the girl from coyote ugly, "fighting" over my cock
lol nice... :)

If Katie Holmes was involved, I'd want that fucktard Cruise bound and gagged somewhere off to the side, so he could see what a real man would do to a gal like that...

Damn fool is he, that rich bastard... :p

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