White Entertainment Television

SilvaTungDevil said:

Sounds better the way he says it. lol

You still trying to get a 24 hour Beverly Hilbillies channel? I keep telling you, alternate with Hee Haw or maybe Pettycoat Junction and you may get a deal.
Will Colin Powell appear on it to say how he's tried to vote for pro-white issues?

I always thought WET was the collective name for TNT and TNN.
I'm thinking of taking some White Studies classes at my local college. Maybe I can get a scholarship from the National Association for the Advancement of White People. And just where in the Constitution is it made clear that White People should not be excluded?

I need to get paid, man.
RosevilleCAguy said:
Will WET carry "Austrailian Rules Dwarf Tossing"

This is very important to me.

only if they are white dwarfs...........

Hmmmm I think I see a point but it's so vague...really Dixon I think you need to be more clear. Are you saying something? :D
sunstruck said:
Hmmmm I think I see a point but it's so vague...really Dixon I think you need to be more clear. Are you saying something? :D

He doesn't know what he's doing. Its the Dayquil.