

stuff & junk
Dec 24, 2001
Do you find yourself losing your patience when peaking to a person with a whine in their voice much sooner than usual? I just realized I do. I don’t have the patience for it. Snobby? Probably. Rude? Sure. But I can’t take it. These people make me think that they’ve been pampered for way too lo0ng and now expect everyone to bow before them, tripping all over themselves just to have the pleasure of granting their wish.
J.B. said:
Do you find yourself losing your patience when peaking to a person with a whine in their voice much sooner than usual? I just realized I do. I don’t have the patience for it. Snobby? Probably. Rude? Sure. But I can’t take it. These people make me think that they’ve been pampered for way too lo0ng and now expect everyone to bow before them, tripping all over themselves just to have the pleasure of granting their wish.

This makes me wonder if you have kids... Not being snotty, just you get used to it (sorta) if you have kids.
No kids of my own. Though I am helping to raise my sister. I mean raise, not baby-sit. I was up doing 2 am feedings right after she was born and now 11 years later am having to figure out how to deal with the smart mouth she’s getting. No, I understand children whining. To some extent. I’m speaking of full fledged adults speaking in this tone. Maybe because I have so much patience with children I expect more for the adults.
It's just that tone. I hate it. Like nails on a chalk board
When people whine I call them on it and tell them to not be so half assed about it and whine like a two year old.
*SIGH* I know. It gives me an instant headache. I have zero-tolerance.

Here's a hint: Carry cheese sticks and hand them out.
Adults do it because they learned to as kids and it got them whatever it was they wanted (stuff, attention, etc..). Sometimes, ya just want off haul off and smack them though....
I am fortunate, people rarely whine to me.

Something to do with the look of disgust I give them, along with the sage advice of how to correct whatever problem it is they are having. I think my tone of voice inhibits people from whining to me twice.

Kids included.
lol. I’d love to call them on it, but when it’s a call at work you can’t exactly do that. I find my self changing my tone as well though. To the one I use with my 11 year old sister when she’s acting like a brat. All my answers are short. I find most catch on that I’m not going to bow before them. Other though, well they’re just a bit slower to understand is all.
At work is when it is the most fun. You don't necessarily have to call them out on it, but there is a certain tone of voice that leaves little doubt about how ridiculous you find them. Usually sugar sweet dripping with sarcasm. Although, that doesn't help much if they are clueless.
J.B!!! I agree 100%
I have encountered people who whine soo much that they become so boring and I just want to get away from them.

There are some that, whenever you speak to them, start talking about how someone did something unfair to them. Or they start talking how much work they have, or how bad they feel. I am like "I DON'T CARE!" but of course I don't say that to them because I dont' want to hurt their feelings.
I like optimistic and happy people more. BUT, that doesn't mean they have to be overly happy or party animals.
There's a guy at work, who has been getting fucked over by his counterpart on day shift, for about the past 3 years. He won't stand up to the guy, so he goes around whining all day. I'm sitting at my desk one night, and he walks in and starts in on his basic whine. Before he gets fully into his groove, I interrupted him. I says "Hey, is this gonna be another 'I'm getting fucked over' thing? Because if it is, I'm gonna keep reading this book, ok? I'll nod, and say 'uh huh' occasionally, but I'm not really paying attention. Now, what did you need?" He stared at me for about 15 seconds, then turned around and walked out.
I still remember from school when people would go around saying "Oh I got so much homework to do, oh oh oh" when they themselves picked the hardest classes. Then next day they would come to schol and whine "OMG, I was doing homework until like 5 in the morning" then another one picks up "I was doing until 6!"