Which Nudity Virus Would You Release?


Really Experienced
Jul 10, 2019
Basically it's a virus that would make all those who are infected with it allergic to clothing and forcing them into the humiliating situation of being public nudists whether they like to or not. Now you have a choice of releasing one of the four. The first is one that would render hundred percent of men naked, the second is one that would render 100% of women naked. The other options are 1% of men naked or 1% of women naked.

I feel that I couldn't do 100% either because that would be too disruptive and it would lead to massive sexism. The problem with doing the 1% however is that those 1% are going to be in an extremely awkward position. I feel like the 1% of women would affect and change society the lease but I feel like a sexist Dick if I picked that one. However if I were to pick the 1% of men naked I would be kind of cowardly and fear that I would end up being one of them, so it's a difficult decision.

What would everybody else say?
Grow up or at least grow some balls. There is nothing "humiliating" about being naked. Nudist are naked most of the time. Bringing the word "sexist" into this conversation speaks volumes about your lack of maturity and has nothing else to do with this conversation. It appears that you are living your life in a fantasy world.
I prefer Version 5, where those who want to go naked, do so without anybody forcing their judgment upon them, and those who don't want to go naked, don't, and they ALL just...treat each other like decent human beings. We could even name Version 5 something ominous, like, "Get Over It."

Meanwhile, I'd be quickly launching my new line of stick-on pockets, which could be stuck to your skin. You gotta put that phone SOMEWHERE...
Geez it was just a speculative idea, don't be so judgy. I didn't mean to imply everyone finds it humiliating to be naked but certainly I think most non-nudists would.

To me the interesting thing would be to see how an ordinary everyday person would react to suddenly being naked everywhere they went. There would probably be the bad sides and good sides but I know that as a very shy and socially awkward person that it would be an intense experience.

But for what it's worth I think that it would probably be a good thing because if say 1% of people were rendered naked that would lead to widespread acceptance of nudity in general, but for those 1% who could never wear clothing I think it would still probably be a very awkward and intense experience, and that is where the interest lies.

And for what it's worth perhaps I am a little bit immature about nudity, so that I feel would probably be precisely why it would be incredibly fitting for me to be somebody afflicted with it and have to deal with the everyday practical concerns of suddenly having to become a nudist in spite of my crippling shyness. Would I be able to "get over it" maybe not, but I'd certainly have to learn to live with it one way or another.
Im just boring, the nudity virus must be totally male and female ,thats what being a nudist is all about,theres nothing sexual about nudity,its just in the mind.
If you want to add sexual,for me the virus could include a gay/ lesbian twist to it
To me the interesting thing to explore is all of the dynamics and social aspects of public nudity. Yes for a nudist nudity is nonsexual or doesn't necessarily have to be sexual, but I think to an average member of the population they would probably find it otherwise. Being naked in front of the opposite sex is still a big deal, or a same-sex I suppose if you are gay.

To me the gender dynamics of it are interesting because in this society female nudity is kind of the norm and sexual objectification is the norm, recreational nudism is only practiced by a small segment of the population, but I feel like something like this would change the entire societies attitudes towards nudity in general.

Like when I think particularly of how I would respond if I was 1% of the men who was naked, what it would be like being a person defined by the fact that you are naked by society. Because you know societies going to look at those people and think of them mostly in terms of their nudity. And for a shy awkward person like me the idea of constantly being seen naked in public everywhere would be an intense experience. It would be weird to go from shy, withdrawn and very private to suddenly being on public display and being seen everywhere I go as "hey look at the naked guy" and being unable to hide from that. And I think it would be noncontroversial to say that if a person was walking around naked, particularly if they were the only person around naked, all eyes are going to be on them, everyone is going to be looking at them and probably a lot of people would be finding it really amusing and everything.

I feel that in a positive level if 1% of say the men in society were rendered completely naked that would start to make people's attitudes in society shift into normalizing nudity, particularly male nudity, and I feel like that might be empowering to both people who are into body positivity and to women who probably would enjoy seeing the naked men around.

See you brought up the gay twist angle I was recently talking about this with a gay man who said that he would find the whole thing fascinating from his perspective because he would enjoy the fact that nudism would be sort of like a new norm (he was a nudist), he would enjoy seeing all of the naked men on display, but he said that there would probably be an intensity to being viewed as naked by women who he is not normally attracted to.

The thing about this scenario is that you really wouldn't be choosing who sees you, literally everybody would see you, it would affect your social relationships with probably everyone, gay or straight, male or female, and I think that for most people being naked around everyone that they meet, particularly when they get to keep their clothing on, would be an intense experience and probably for most people rather embarrassing, and to me that's why it would be fascinating to see it play out on people who just suddenly find themselves having to deal with being naked in public everywhere they go for the first time ever.

And yes I definitely think it would affect all of your relationships both intimate and platonic with both sexes, that would be unavoidable. I mean I would personally be shy about approaching a dressed person for a date, but approaching them while I am naked, I mean wow, just wow!

And again I do agree with the person who said that everybody should be free to be naked if they so choose, but I think that the irony of the situation is that in a situation where say 1% of men were allergic to clothing the newfound freedom for everybody to be naked would be sort of at their expense of getting to wear clothes, they wouldn't be able to do something that the majority of people could, wouldn't have the basic privacy to cover their bodies up in public. There is a great amount of security and being able to be dressed and a huge vulnerability of being exposed and naked everywhere you go, to be the focus of everybody's attention. Even nudists like to wear clothing some of the time.

And the important point I think also to bring up is the fact that most people are not nudists. Most people if given the choice or freedom to go naked would still choose to wear clothing, so if you were one of the 1% who is naked all the time you would really stand out and everyone would take notice of you, and most people would probably feel more secure over the fact that they got to wear clothing where as the naked people would probably feel insecure, awkward and embarrassed about the fact that they are naked and there would certainly be sort of a frustration in that.

And going back to the other points being made I think that the average person if they are honest the average person on seeing another person of the sex that they are attracted to naked would probably find it sexual or a turn on, or in any case I think that the average person if they saw a naked person going around in public would probably be sort of smirking and thinking hey hey look at the naked person, and I fully admit that I am no different in that regard!

I know certainly if I saw an attractive woman going around naked in public I mean I wouldn't harass her and I would respect her and everything like that, but it would be kind of hard not to be looking and sort of smiling at the fact that you are getting to see an attractive person naked, and I think that the situation would be reversed for women if they saw a man that they found attractive naked. And even if a person didn't find that particular individual overly attractive I think they would probably find something amusing or comedic about the fact that they are naked.

So yeah from my perspective as a person who would probably find it entertaining to see naked people around in public, who would perhaps be silently snickering at them, to be on the other side of that equation, where I am the one naked in public with everybody laughing at me and saying hey look at the naked guy, I don't know how that couldn't be extremely intense, because I know from their perspective how I would feel in the opposite situation.

So to me that is the interesting part of this whole scenario, if you are one of the dressed people you would probably be thinking look at all of the nude flesh on display, so to wake up one day and find that you are the nude flesh on display and that everyone you know we'll be seeing you all the time but in most cases you will never be seeing them back, that inevitably does create sort of a dynamic and I think that that is very interesting to explore and for the naked person quite crazy to deal with!

And for those who would doubt that dynamic here is a thought experiment. Let's say you are in a mixed sex group, men and women of different levels of attractiveness, backgrounds and sexual orientations, a diverse group to say the least. And then there is this one person in the group, one guy who is completely and utterly naked. A person looking at that group is probably not going to be able to know anything about the people in that group if they hadn't previously known them, but watching the people in that group interact who are you going to focus on, who is going to stand out most, and I think that most can agree that if you saw a group like that the naked guy would certainly be the one standing out, the odd man out so to speak.
Geez it was just a speculative idea, don't be so judgy. I didn't mean to imply everyone finds it humiliating to be naked but certainly I think most non-nudists would.

To me the interesting thing would be to see how an ordinary everyday person would react to suddenly being naked everywhere they went. There would probably be the bad sides and good sides but I know that as a very shy and socially awkward person that it would be an intense experience.

But for what it's worth I think that it would probably be a good thing because if say 1% of people were rendered naked that would lead to widespread acceptance of nudity in general, but for those 1% who could never wear clothing I think it would still probably be a very awkward and intense experience, and that is where the interest lies.

And for what it's worth perhaps I am a little bit immature about nudity, so that I feel would probably be precisely why it would be incredibly fitting for me to be somebody afflicted with it and have to deal with the everyday practical concerns of suddenly having to become a nudist in spite of my crippling shyness. Would I be able to "get over it" maybe not, but I'd certainly have to learn to live with it one way or another.

If you really are curious about this, then you should go visit a nudist resort or a nudist beach and see what it is really all about.

If you are simply looking for titillation, then satiate your desires with something like this fifty-plus year old film...


You know I actually remember I watched that movie several years ago somewhere but I can't really remember anything about it.

You see to me the the interest lies in the fact of being naked in a society among clothed people. In a nudist resort nudity isn't seen as anything spectacular or out of the ordinary, because the people there are comfortable being naked, are comfortable with seeing other people naked, so for them it wouldn't really be all that awkward or intense.

See I come at this from the perspective of somebody who is incredibly shy and awkward, and to me the whole idea of it is sort of like it would be forcing you out of your shell, and I am interested in the psychology behind all of this. For me I think I would be bashful around somebody else who was naked but it wouldn't be as anywhere near as intense if I were the one who was naked.

So see my interest is really how would the ordinary person who is not a nudist or who is shy about nudity react to suddenly being thrust into this situation of being the only one naked in a public situation where the majority of people are dressed, comfortable being dressed and find nudity to be amusing or exciting.

It would be one thing to be naked in a nudist colony where you wouldn't stand out, but being naked among people in general society where the majority of people are dressed is a totally different thing altogether.

I would say try to picture the difference between say being in a nudist colony where you are mutually naked and where nudity is the norm. Now to be in a nudist colony for a shy person like me would still be rather awkward and embarrassing, but if I were to say have a conversation with a woman who was likewise naked it feels like we would be on equal ground so to speak, so the awkwardness or any potential awkwardness is minimized.

Now picture the opposite situation where you are the only one naked in a public situation where all of the women are wearing clothing and trying to hold a conversation with them and try not to feel awkward about that, to me that's a totally different situation.

In the case of two naked people having a conversation together it's a neutral situation so to speak, particularly if everyone else around them is naked, it's casual, there is no real dynamic at play, and the naked woman is probably not viewing it in a sexual way or finding it hilarious or thinking anything strange about it. It's a situation of I'm naked, you're naked, no big deal, all things being equal.

In the other situation being the only one naked while everyone else is dressed among people who do see nudity as sexual or humorous it has sort of a different tone altogether. In a case of that the dressed people are pretty much saying we get to see you, we are finding this titillating, we are finding this absolutely hilarious, we are the ones in control of the situation, you are there and we are amused by it and there's nothing you can do about it and you just have to stand there and take it.

That's the angle I am coming at it from, of a person who would never in 1 million years be a nudist suddenly being the only one naked in a crowd of dressed people all smirking and smiling and comfortable in their own skin because it is covered up.

The difference between being in a nudist colony and being naked among dressed people in public to me is the difference between walking into a place where you aren't really noticed at all, to walking in a place and having all of the people whistling and hollering and shouting oh my God look at the naked guy! Huge difference.
I am also interested in the gender dynamics of this once again because of the different ways that men and women are regarded in society and particularly male and female nudity.

The general assumption is that a naked woman is just going to titillate men no matter what, and I think that there is some truth to that, like I said if I saw a naked woman in public I would be polite to her and everything but it would still be an exciting thing to see and everything like that.

But to me I come at this from an entirely different angle as I wonder what the reverse situation would be. While I definitely think that women don't objectify men nearly as much as the other way around even remotely, I feel that the average heterosexual woman if she was standing there dressed in front of a naked guy would probably not regard that as a neutral situation, she would probably find that titillating in some sense as well and probably empowering. It reminds me of this conversation I had with a woman who has body dysmorphic disorder and I told her about this scenario and she loved the idea, you mean all of the focus would be on seeing men naked, with all of the attention on them and away from me and my body, sign me up! Finally let the guys know what it feels like.

I guess for me it would be more interesting to put myself in the shoes of the person who is in the vulnerable situation. If I were in public and I saw a gorgeous naked woman I would feel kind of awkward approaching her because I wouldn't want to embarrass her or be creepy or anything like that.

So when I think of this situation I tried to put myself in the opposite situation. I am thinking imagine how amazing it would be to see a beautiful naked woman walking around naked in public like that but then I think how she might feel in a situation like that and what that would be like?

To me the scenario is like the ultimate mind fuck I guess. It's like imagine seeing something like that in public and I had like a magic Genie wish and I said oh I wish that something like this would be the new norm, but then I wake up the next day and find out that this is the new norm, except that it's men who are the ones who are naked in public instead, sort of like a Hahah ha from the universe we are putting you into her shoes and let's see how you like it!

So yeah as awkward and shy as I would be about approaching a gorgeous naked woman in public while I was fully dressed, you can only imagine how awkward and shy it would feel to be approached by her while she is the one getting to keep her clothing on, now to me that would be far more intense and I think far more interesting.

And that to me is also where the humor comes into the situation, it would be great to make a wish to the universe for something like that and then for the Genie to grant your wish and be like, we're giving you what you want, except instead of you getting to see her naked she's going to be the one getting to see you buddy, let's see how you like it, enjoy! I would find myself in a world full of attractive women wondering what they look like naked, except in their case they don't have to wonder what I look like as all they do is need to take one glance and they know. Now that is a very interesting dynamic to explore!

And the irony again of the situation is I feel that flipping this dynamic around the fact that I am the shy and awkward one probably wouldn't matter, it would probably force me to be more social, because I think that there would be the assumption you see a person walking around naked in public you think, you know it's probably a lot of fun to be around the naked guy!