Where the HELL is my chocolate??????

Sex & Diamonds

Mar 25, 2002
I know you took it.

Now give it back.

Welcome to the boards woman. Ya know I love ya.

I still want my damn chocolate back tho.

You have a thread about chocolate.. you have a thread about vanilla..

Is there _any_ flavor of ice cream you don't like?


Drives up to Sex with a 40 ft refrigerated semi loaded with chocolate...then tapes Arachnid Woman to the front bumper.

Did that take care of all the problems, Sex? LMAO AA (Hugs, kisses, and a chocolatey grope)
alwaysawake said:
Drives up to Sex with a 40 ft refrigerated semi loaded with chocolate...then tapes Arachnid Woman to the front bumper.

Did that take care of all the problems, Sex? LMAO AA (Hugs, kisses, and a chocolatey grope)

AA !!!!!!!! LOL

*pinchessssssss N Kissssssssssses*
One can only hope, S&D.

Although seeing what flavor you taste like _is_ an enticing thought.

dammmit AA!!!!!

I got a shitload of bugs in my mouth now......you always did favor Red.......:p
Optimator said:
One can only hope, S&D.

Although seeing what flavor you taste like _is_ an enticing thought.


You look so cute as a virgin. I'm going to enjoy taking that from you.
Of course it's your chocolate, SD my dear...<hiding the box of 'Pot o Gold' behind my back and backing toward the door> um.. I think I hear my phone ringing..yeah. That's it..

AA.. You do know the way to my heart.
Neftoon_Zamora said:
Of course it's your chocolate, SD my dear...<hiding the box of 'Pot o Gold' behind my back and backing toward the door> um.. I think I hear my phone ringing..yeah. That's it..

AA.. You do know the way to my heart.

Damn good thing I luv ya...lots.
Bite me Sex...who said you had the whole stash of chocolate?! I have a whore...er--warehouse full!!

BTW...spiderlady...that is just added protein to your diet! ROFL
alwaysawake said:
Bite me Sex...who said you had the whole stash of chocolate?! I have a whore...er--warehouse full!!

BTW...spiderlady...that is just added protein to your diet! ROFL

Just point to the spot.

*sharpens teeth*
Sex & Diamonds said:
Just point to the spot.

*sharpens teeth*

I wondered why spiderlady called ya a tart...now I know--you need the chocolate to sweeten you up a bit. Sprints out of the room before I get smacked!
alwaysawake said:

I wondered why spiderlady called ya a tart...now I know--you need the chocolate to sweeten you up a bit. Sprints out of the room before I get smacked!


You didn't know that before????
Sex & Diamonds said:

You didn't know that before????
No, because I am a simple, naive country boy. Wide-eyed innocent look on face. Using peripheral vision to see if Sex is buying this line of BS.