Where, Oh Where has WSO Gone?


A ghost from your dreams
Apr 17, 2002
Lost: WSO (Wildsweetone)
Thoughtful and sweet, yet sometimes prone to wild spurts of unique conversation.

Can sometimes be slightly "twisted" in her thought processes, probably due to kiwi living.

Has a tendency to say "Gidday" a lot, for some reason (see above).

Speaks her mind in most every post, but tries not to be too much trouble.

Has a bit of a "MOM" thing going on in most of her threads, which is kind of cute. She honestly wants everyone to be happy.

Can be nasty in her posts, but always for a reason. Keep on her good side, and you can't go wrong.

Last "seen" saying she would be gone for a bit, but would return.

If found, redden her behind and send her on home.

Last edited:
she is back.

Check the post by Killer Muffin on Earl's new av.

I saw her done there.

Ms. M
It's not a jolly holiday without WSO...

Yes, The Authors' Hang Out is in desperate need of her civilizing influence....

Have been so desperate, I've been re-reading her threads....

May even have to bump them to at least get the feeling she is here.

*lighting a candle and buying milk cartons*

:rose: b
G I D D A Y!!! i missed you too ;)

lol hiya kiddiewinks ;) i see you sent the spies out for me DVS ;)

okay i sure hope you enjoyed the peace and quiet while i was not around annoying everyone.

i promise i will try hard to temper my postings and hold my tongue and i don't know what else. well i do, but i'm not telling here :p

but i don't promise not to waffle ;)

i have been hmm what is the expression non-somethingorother... oh! incommunicado! with famdamily around me it's not been easy to get online when the pc was functioning properly and downright impossible when it decided to have another hissy fit on me. i got it back yesterday and it's still corrupt. now i wonder how that happened.... so if i disappear again you're forewarned.

btw Oh Handsome One, there's nothing wrong with living as a kiwi does, darling little nocturnal creatures of the night have the best life of all i reckon ;) a little night time hanky panky under the moonlight and stars... ohhhhh romance is in the air! at least, i wish it was. lol

i went to Wellington last week. a 9 hour drive including meal stops, what a crazy and condensed place it is. i have to admit i much prefer Christchurch and the Southern Alps to Wellington. one must be stark raving mad to live in Wellington, houses are squished like contortionist acts into all manner of nooks and crannies. strange.

anyhooo i is back for a little while it seems. though how much time i'll get to play in Litland is yet to be seen.

i do promise though not to be overly sweet or particularly nasty in my postings. feel free to pm me if i go overboard again and i'll boost up the endorphins to compensate ;)

bridget, i am beginning to worry about you dear. ;) you really go out and buy milk cartons? don't you have a cow you can milk? ;)

*sigh* gee it's good to be home :)
milk cartons


Here in the US if a child goes missing their picture is put on a milk carton to help locate them...

Big hug dear!

:rose: b
wow! now that's a neat idea. i never knew that. :) thanks for telling me. :)

*big hugs right back :)* and Happy New Year to you and yours too :)