Where Europe stands on Iraq


Now 40% more Lesbianism!
Nov 28, 2001
The Interactive map

I like the Italy-U.K.-Spainish axis being formed to act as a counterweight to the French and German alliance. Give me that trifecta over the French and Germans any day (especially the way they are acting now). :)
hey Frimost, serious question,

What sparked your recent interest in foreign affairs, etc? Just curious.
Dixon Carter Lee said:
People who talk about Europe like they're playing a game of "Risk" should shampoo my crotch.

You're just pissed cause I got all of Asia and get seven armies a turn.
Frimost said:
The Interactive map

I like the Italy-U.K.-Spainish axis being formed to act as a counterweight to the French and German alliance. Give me that trifecta over the French and Germans any day (especially the way they are acting now). :)

Maybe its that whole Franco Prussian higher morals thing.

Or maybe its just that they are worried about losing thier contracts with the current nut in power in Bagdad.
Or maybe the funny garlic people don't like the funny sauce people who don't like the funny sauerkraut people who don't like the ...
Yup RosevilleCAguy

You're just pissed cause I got all of Asia and get seven armies a turn.

Yup, I heard you have his remaining armies isolated and surronded in The Congo and the Ukraine. Ukraine is weak, a road-apple! lol

hey Frimost, serious question,

What sparked your recent interest in foreign affairs, etc? Just curious.

The 1989 invasion of Panama.
Dixon Carter Lee said:
Or maybe the funny garlic people don't like the funny sauce people who don't like the funny sauerkraut people who don't like the ...

Hmmm. "The Merry Minuet" by "The Kingston Trio" springs to mind.
Re: Yup RosevilleCAguy

Frimost said:
Yup, I heard you have his remaining armies isolated and surronded in The Congo and the Ukraine. Ukraine is weak, a road-apple! lol

You better stop staring at Alaska unless you want me to nuke you out
Nice map. Europe is clearly divided, with all the nations that really count either against war or wanting a strong U.N. resolution before they'll support it.

Blair is backing U.S. without popular support. France, Russia and Germany are digging their heels in.

Italy couldn't win a battle if the opposing army commited suicide. I'd rather see them stay home or maybe just man the mess tents and whip up our guys some nice spaghetti after a hard day of urban street fighting.