Where did Lybia Embassy story com from? Why used as an explanation?

Who leaked it? And who actually claims credit for the initial attack?

You are missing a larger point.

Who blamed America?

The Video?


Then, who gets all incensed over the phrase "apology tour."

Who got left on the 60 Minutes cutting room floor saying it was not the movie?

Who went to the UN and told the world, we get it, we are the problem, but I am shackled (Biden joke) by law?

Who, fueled by the fear of looking weak, jumped up and panicked, I said it was terrorism from DAY1, Candy? Candy? Candy? but has been unable to bring himself to use the phrase again since?

Now, it is an ongoing investigation, all the facts aren't in (Cambridge cops, Trayvon, beer summit) and after the election we are confident that we will have been exonerated from doing anything wrong what-so-ever, anywhere at anytime, folks, that is just what the fog of war does to foggy bottom and even though we monitor RELIGIOUSLY all the radical websites, you cannot believe a word they say...

Verstehen Sie?

There's all sorts of aiming going on, all of it targeted to who he happens to be talking to at the moment, confident that the US press will back him. Do you know what they are saying now? They are not making a big issue out of it because ROMNEY did not make a big issue out of it. That is their cover story...
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It wasn't leaked as much as it was burped up.

The whole Libya debacle reminds me of Stalins ploys back in the 30s, Trotsky was always the villain. If the train was late, Trotsky made it late.

The liberal mind naturally takes the path where the fault is always out there somewhere, as is the credit: YOU DIDNT DO THAT! SOMEONE ELSE DID THAT!

Conservatives (real conservatives) on the otherhand assume the blame? credit? for everything.

Determining who owns the problem sorts liberals and conservatives quickly.
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You are missing a larger point.

Who blamed America?

The Video?


Then, who gets all incensed over the phrase "apology tour."

Who got left on the 60 Minutes cutting room floor saying it was not the movie?

Who went to the UN and told the world, we get it, we are the problem, but I am shackled (Biden joke) by law?

Who, fueled by the fear of looking weak, jumped up and panicked, I said it was terrorism from DAY1, Candy? Candy? Candy? but has been unable to bring himself to use the phrase again since?

Now, it is an ongoing investigation, all the facts aren't in (Cambridge cops, Trayvon, beer summit) and after the election we are confident that we will have been exonerated from doing anything wrong what-so-ever, anywhere at anytime, folks, that is just what the fog of war does to foggy bottom and even though we monitor RELIGIOUSLY all the radical websites, you cannot believe a word they say...

Verstehen Sie?

There's all sorts of aiming going on, all of it targeted to who he happens to be talking to at the moment, confident that the US press will back him. Do you know what they are saying now? They are not making a big issue out of it because ROMNEY did not make a big issue out of it. That is their cover story...

Danke! But the cover up is almost as troubling as the crime.

....The Obama administration seized upon the temporary prevalence of this clip to explain the assault on the consulate. ..... http://reason.com/archives/2012/10/18/who-is-responsible-for-the-mess-in-libya
Let's assume for a moment that the reason for this debacle in Benghazi was not incompetence.

For the "intelligence community" (to use Vice President Biden's words from his debate) to be specifically monitoring Facebook and Twitter for Ansar Al-Sharia means the Obama Administration well knew Ansar Al-Sharia was out and about in Benghazi. Yet somehow it didn't see a threat coming on, of all dates, September 11?

What other reason could possibly have caused the U.S. government to act the way it did? To be blind as a bat about the intentions of a radical Islamic group openly dedicated to doing "battle with the liberals, the secularists …" (i.e., Americans and Westerners), all in the cause to "impose Sharia."

This is, after all, a president who has repeatedly gone out of his way to send a signal to Islamic radicals that he would, as he said in his Cairo University address, "consider it part of my responsibility as President of the United States to fight against negative stereotypes of Islam wherever they appear."

This is a president who blithely said just the other week at the United Nations that Arab youths were "rejecting the lie that… some religions… do not desire democracy." The lie, of course, is that Sharia -- the very Sharia promoted by his own family with his silent acquiescence as well as by Ansar Al-Sharia in Libya (not to mention the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt) does in fact strenuously reject democracy other than as a means of getting power. Once that power is obtained, free elections vanish and, to borrow from Churchill, the Iron Veil descends.

This is the very same president who brushed off the idea that the Detroit Underwear Bomber was part of some Al Qaeda plot but rather was just an "isolated extremist."

Not to mention that the Obama administration persists to this moment in saying the Fort Hood shootings were nothing more than "work place violence."

With all of that -- and more -- characterizing Obama's approach to Islamic terror, it's no surprise the mainstream media would not report these e-mails.

With multiples of good reasons. Whether incompetence, simple lying, or ideology, none of this is helpful to a far-left hero struggling mightily to get re-elected. Not to mention that the ideology issue is beyond thorny.
Jeffrey Lord, The American Spectator
Danke! But the cover up is almost as troubling as the crime.

....The Obama administration seized upon the temporary prevalence of this clip to explain the assault on the consulate. ..... http://reason.com/archives/2012/10/18/who-is-responsible-for-the-mess-in-libya

I think so, but then he is a Democrat...

A_J's corollary #9, “When a Republican does it, it is a high crime and misdemeanor, when a Democrat does it, then it is, *shrug*, they ALL do it...”

A_J's corollary #9a, “When a Republican does it, an explanation is making an excuse, when a Democrat does it, then an excuse is the rightful explanation.”

Reason is a good site, today they are lambasting both candidates equally on not turning to isolationism.

;) ;)
Which is to say that in the world of leftist ideology that Barack Obama is using to run the White House, the State Department, and all the rest of the U.S. government, to consider Ansar Al-Sharia a threat of any kind would be an insult. Divisive. Deliberately egging on what the Obama administration likes to call a "man caused disaster" -- formerly known as Islamic terrorism.

What these leaked State Department e-mails are doing is raising the obvious point about Obama and Benghazi.

If Benghazi is not about incompetence or lying -- it's worse.

It's about a U.S. government that is at its highest levels in some fashion simpatico with a totalitarian ideology.

That ideology is Sharia.

And whether they wish to admit it or not -- these e-mails show exactly what Obama is loath to admit.

Who killed Ambassador Chris Stevens?

Sharia killed Ambassador Chris Stevens.

;) ;) We need leadership willing to face reality...
Why the Yemeni group nomenclature was assumed by a Libyan organization can be explained in various ways. The predominant view is that one or several Libyans from the Benghazi area had once served in Yemen and carried the ethos of the group originating from AQAP back to Libya. The question is now whether this Libyan Ansar al Shariah will now join with the broader jihadist instrument that refers to itself as al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM). It is worthwhile to note that a merger of AQIM with Algeria's ) was announced on Sept.11, 2006 by al Qaeda's then No. 2, Ayman al-Zawahiri. The GSPC had become well known for high profile targeting and suicide bombings. This reputation instantly raised the perception of AQIM's lethality. More importantly, the joining together under the al Qaeda banner of militant Islamic groups set the tone for what would develop in the future as the so-called al Qaeda franchises.

European analysts quickly came to a consensus that al Qaeda-linked Islamic militants who formerly fought in Iraq would now aim at vulnerable civilian targets in Western Europe. AQIM was in the perfect position to organize this, it was said. For al Qaeda- central it all fit well into the concept of expanding the global reach of its Islamic jihadist militancy. Essentially the ideology tended to sell itself. The Internet was used to spread the word and recruitment followed, mostly self-initiated.

Financial support for Islamic militancy appears to have followed in a form of logical progression. For those of Middle East descent – either currently resident there or not – it's just not smart notto be at least a financial contributor to jihadist causes. Such aid is judged very carefully against the ability to assist. Poorer merchants are generally not pressed beyond their means, while rich targets understand well the need for being generous and discreet. It's an old Mafia methodology of extortion. Protection is offered, and thankfully received by "the chosen."

In the past six years mergers have been initiated between al Qaeda and various groups primarily among the exiles such as the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group and similar local national instruments of Lebanon, Syria, East Africa, and elsewhere in Central Africa and on that continent. In most instances the relationships simply have been a rebranding in order to emphasize links with the broader movement for international political purposes. Osama bin Laden wanted to create a revolution and with it an Islamic revival. He appears to have succeeded in spite of some politicians' self-serving claims to the contrary.

Don't be surprised to learn soon that a new al Qaeda franchise has evolved in the Eastern Mediterranean including Syria, Lebanon,, and Gaza. Al Qaeda as a rallying point for a global Islamic caliphate still has a long life ahead of it.
George H. Wittman

But I shot Osama, they are weak, on the run, there are like 12 of them in Afghanistan where the Taliban is turning the tide and expelling the Colonial Occupiers, no, wait, that's me, but I'm leaving by 2014, they love me!
