Where are all the black women?

I knew I wasn't the only one who loves black women. It seems by this thread that they're out there lurking. If any of you would like to lurk on over to my pm, you would be met with open arms.
We have always been here...some of us are taken and some of us are free spirits, but we are definitely here. Some of us may need to be prodded out with good conversation...
50 shades of colour...

Mixed race near the highlands checking in!

What is black to you? I have been called it but do not consider myself anything but golden brown!

Whatever you fancy I hope you find it!
Yes, I'm like a kid in the candy store. So many out there. Shades, cultures, countries. Our hue is God's handiwork. My job is to appreciate what was done with what is presented.

I love your answer and smile pretty lady! You are a true beauty