When you get mad at someone, do you...


Literotica Guru
Nov 28, 2000
When you get mad at someone, do you ignore or argue? Or something else?
When I get mad, I tell them what they did to make me mad and talk about it. I hate the silent treatment.

Actually, the silent treatment makes me mad...
It's another depends on the person and situation thing.

If I'm particuarly close to someone and they've hurt me, hence being mad, I get very quiet. Which they quickly realize is not a good sign.
They usually get the silent treatment. But if they press the issue and are too damn stupid to see i'm pissed they get the verbal assault.
Depends on what they've done and how much their friendship matters. If it matters a lot, I talk to them. If they're not particularly important to my life, I move on.
If it is with someone I am close to I get quiet too, but I don't prolong it and when asked if something is bothering me, I spill it to get it over with.

I'm a lover not a fighter.

Naw, I don't get mad......

If they don't want to get along, go for a moto'cycle ride for a day or two!

1) If they smile when they see you coming back, all is well.

2) If they are moved out when you get back, all is well.
I have a vicious temper and learned to fight with my mouth from a young age. When I lose that temper I shut up and walk away.

I'll come back when I can be logical and act like an adult without saying things purely to hurt and because I am angry.

Usually takes me 30 minutes to an hour to settle down and become logical and rational again.
I ask for un approval to bomb them. If that doesn't work, I bomb them anyway. Unless of course they adimit that they were wrong .
Depends on who I'm mad at. I come from a family that, when there's a problem, we talk about it. Granted, that talking is usually done at the top of our voices, but we do talk and argue about whatever is bothering us until it's resolved. I love a good argument!

However, hubby is a killjoy!! Being a native New Yorker (or New Yawker as he says), you'd think he'd know how to have a good, old fashioned argument. But Noooo! Our arguments end almost before they begin! Just as I start warming up, he just tosses up his hands, says "When you want to talk, come get me" and leaves the room. I end up in the bedroom beating the living hell out of his pillow.

Odd, but it works for us!
If its because you hurt someone close to me. Well I would wish you'd drop dead, and I could watch while it happens.

If its just being annoyed at you. Hell ignore your ass is what i'll do. In short. What made you think you're important enough to matter to me??
I only listened to you out of common courtesy in the first place.
I kill them.

Okay, it depends on why I'm mad at them. If its something really serious they'll definitely know about it because I'm an evil vindictive bitch like that.

If it's over stupid ignorance I ignore.

If it's a simple annoyance I get snippy and apologise when I cool off. If I feel like it deserves an apology.

You ok Guru?
After reading some of ya'lls responses, I really don't want ya'll to get mad at me.

Well that depends.

If I'm mad at someone and they're in the same room as me, I will try to talk. Often they clam up, so I pick a fight. Why? Cus it gets them to open up and start saying what they mean. And then we talk it out, once their issue has been aired.

If I'm not in the same room, I get there, whether I have to drive there or whatever.. and we sit down over coffee, and talk.

I will argue, if I don't think I'm wrong, but it's rare that I raise my voice. Usually I just get stubborn as a mule, and wait for them to make a good point.
vixenshe said:
Well that depends.

If I'm mad at someone and they're in the same room as me, I will try to talk. Often they clam up, so I pick a fight. Why? Cus it gets them to open up and start saying what they mean. And then we talk it out, once their issue has been aired.

If I'm not in the same room, I get there, whether I have to drive there or whatever.. and we sit down over coffee, and talk.

I will argue, if I don't think I'm wrong, but it's rare that I raise my voice. Usually I just get stubborn as a mule, and wait for them to make a good point.

So we gotta fight to get you to come have coffee with me????:p
vixenshe said:
I don't want to fight with you.

Whewwwwwwww I'm a lover not a fighter.......

Why do I feel this need to grab my crotch and screech????

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Guru said:
When you get mad at someone, do you ignore or argue? Or something else?

How about talking?

I beleive that it is possible to harm a relationship seriously, if you allow something to simmer in the background without addressing it. I don't think it is necessary to argue. There DOES NOT have to be a winner...but if you ignore the problem, there most certainly will be a loser (or two).