When you are in pain................


The Fire is Hot
Dec 10, 2001
What do you do? The pain of a broken heart when a dear friend and someone you love pass away. Tell me, what would you do.

My pain is artful, who passed away last Wednesday. For the people who knew him.
You knew him better than I did.

Thank you for letting us know.

I thought he was wonderful.

A man of integrity, kindness, patience and honour.

I mourn his passing.

I'm so sorry to hear of his passing Angel. I knew he was very ill and he was still posting. I have enjoyed his posts since I joined Lit I regret not ever getting to know him.

The only thing that helps grief is time. It is a long hard road but if you are kind and patient with yourself it will make the grieving easier.

That's horrible. He was good for a go 'round every once in a while.
Music.. Just being able to listen to music.. maybe even drift off to sleep for a bit while listning helps me. I just listen to stuff I like..
Thank you everyone for your help. You are good people and it means alot coming from you.:heart:
Time heals all wounds. Hold on to the memories...thats all you can do.
I am so sorry Angel.....PM me we can talk

One of the only consolations I have is that he is no longer in pain.

:rose: I will never forget you
Angelofsex said:
What do you do? The pain of a broken heart when a dear friend and someone you love pass away. Tell me, what would you do.
Get drunk & break things.
Angelofsex said:
What do you do? The pain of a broken heart when a dear friend and someone you love pass away. Tell me, what would you do.

My pain is artful, who passed away last Wednesday. For the people who knew him.

Long time no see hun, I'm sorry for your pain. You've done what you can do and that is coming to people who knew him and sharing your feelings with them. I didn't know him but I do know you. Everyone handles these moments differently. Do as what brings you the most comfort in this time. You have people who will be by your side to help ease any pain you bear. My thoughts are with you at this time hun.
This is truly a pain that only time can help lessen. I tend to do something really labor intensive during these times. Like chopping wood or shoveling snow. Anything that can help me put into physical expression the anger and pain. I avoid getting drunk as it is not emotionally cathartic for me. Writing or painting helps and crying. Invite over a friend you are really comfortable with and build a fire and just have them hold you. They don't have to talk or anything. Try not to wall off with your grief. Most of all be gentle with yourself.