When was the last time you looked at your scores?


Seraphically Disinclined
Jul 29, 2000
An interest stat, no doubt.

I just looked at mine cause I turned off my feedback stuff and noticed the submission view link thing. Prior to that, my last visit to my author profile page was 3/2/2003. So I got about a month between lookings.

It doesn't change much.

I looked at mine last week. Some had gone up, some had gone down, the rest were just the same. I only have ONE storty left listed as "Hot", the others have been voted down.

Methinks it time to submit a new stroke-story.
But if I look to see when the last time I looked was, then my results would be skewed the next time someone asks.
Last time?

I don't know how to find out the last time I looked. Sometimes I feel like I don't really know what's going around here. Actually, I feel that way most of the time. I can't even keep my AVs from changing on me.
Everytime I sign on...in fact thats all I masterbate to anymore, my fluctuating story votes.
I look every day when i am expecting a story to first show up.....but otherwise its probably about once a week or maybe less.

About two weeks ago, they were down, funny that cos favourable feedback was up, the mind boggles.

I checked today to respond to chiclets thing, but before that, it's been 1-2 months because I haven't been spending as much time on lit as I used to (damnable dial up modem)
I think it was Monday. I was checking on a story I posted a few weeks ago. It seemed about time to look and see how it had done. Didn't bother looking at the rest of them though. Wouldn't do me any good anyway, since I don't remember what they were the last time I looked.

Muy rapido

A little off the subject, but that never stops me.

I submitted a piece last week that was posted less than 24 hours later. I was shocked when reader comments appeared. That's by far the fastest anything of mine was posted.

Must be that someone is tired of looking at my stuff and said, "Oh, not her again." and just posted it just to be rid of it.

Anyone else had that happen?

Re: Muy rapido

MathGirl said:
A little off the subject, but that never stops me.

I submitted a piece last week that was posted less than 24 hours later. I was shocked when reader comments appeared. That's by far the fastest anything of mine was posted.

Must be that someone is tired of looking at my stuff and said, "Oh, not her again." and just posted it just to be rid of it.

Anyone else had that happen?


Yup. A couple of weeks ago I posted the first part of a story on one evening and it was up the next morning, then I posted the second part that morning and it was up by six o'clock that night. They must be really caught up.

Re: Re: Muy rapido

jfinn said:
Yup. A couple of weeks ago I posted the first part of a story on one evening and it was up the next morning

Darn, and I thought I was special.
About 2 minutes ago. They rarely change after the first fortnight of submission, but I like it anyway.

The Earl
Normally, once a week. When I have a story posted, probably several times a day at least.

Pookie :rose:
What does it say about me?

Every once in a while I go in and look. I was very curious when I posted my first story, then I found out no one votes. One time I went in and a story had gone from 4.1 to 4.7 (if my memory works properly), which I thought was funny. I had emotions I would be proud.
I only look when I'm really depressed, because I just know that my scores won't be as good as I think my stories are. Then I go to another board where I get much better scores. I try to pretend that the 8.0 or so on there is on Literotica's scale of 1 to 5!
Re: Muy rapido

MathGirl said:
A little off the subject, but that never stops me.

I submitted a piece last week that was posted less than 24 hours later. I was shocked when reader comments appeared. That's by far the fastest anything of mine was posted.

Must be that someone is tired of looking at my stuff and said, "Oh, not her again." and just posted it just to be rid of it.

Anyone else had that happen?


I posted a poem one night and it went up almost immediatly. I was checking my e-mail that night and I got a feedback. I read it thinking it was from one of my stories, then looked up and noticed it was the poem. I must have just timed it right:)

I check my scores nearly every time I'm in the story section. If I'm just on the boards, I don' t usually check. When I put up a new story I still check pretty frequently. I check my e-mail hoping for feedback even more. After my story falls off the new list, I'm generally disapointed, but before that, I do pretty well.

There really is no way that I can think of to get the average reader (ie, not author) to notice your stories. I do have a picture up (not of me) for the express reason that it draws more people to your profile, and I also have an excerpt from my first story on my page in an attempt to "hook" the casual browser. I use the same basic concept in my sigline.

Another thing I do when I want feedback, is I send feedback. I read the same kind of stories I have written and if I like it, I also mention that I have a similer story the author might like. That usually works very well. At least for feedback. Authors are tougher on scoring I think. Also authors tend to not like cliches that the masses adore, so you have to choose who to write for unless you know some way to strike a ballance. I think I lean more toward the non-writers, but not so far over that I'm despised by the literary crowd (at least I dont' think...)
I recently discovered that Story scores have a direct (and some would say spooky) equivalence with the quantum states theory.

I therefore never look at my scores preferring always that Schroedinger's (sp) cat lives. (However much I hate the little bastards)

Re: Re: Muy rapido

sweetnpetite said:

There really is no way that I can think of to get the average reader (ie, not author) to notice your stories. I do have a picture up (not of me) for the express reason that it draws more people to your profile, and I also have an excerpt from my first story on my page in an attempt to "hook" the casual browser. I use the same basic concept in my sigline.

Another thing I do when I want feedback, is I send feedback. I read the same kind of stories I have written and if I like it, I also mention that I have a similer story the author might like. That usually works very well. At least for feedback. Authors are tougher on scoring I think. Also authors tend to not like cliches that the masses adore, so you have to choose who to write for unless you know some way to strike a ballance. I think I lean more toward the non-writers, but not so far over that I'm despised by the literary crowd (at least I dont' think...)

Wow have you put much more thought into this than I have. Is anyone else scheming up techniques this way?
Check scores?

Originally posted by MathGirl
I don't know how to find out the last time I looked. Sometimes I feel like I don't really know what's going around here. Actually, I feel that way most of the time. I can't even keep my AVs from changing on me.

I'm not even sure I'm following this tread. All I know how to do is pull up my "View Submissions" page with tne listing of number of views, votes and average score -- is that what you're talking about? Anyway, I used to check it hourly - it was fun to watch the view totals go up and the avg. votes change. I haven't checked it in a while because it's depressing. It seems so weird that after 3-4 weeks a story is for all intents and purposes dead. The vote totals haven't changed in a week, the views are stagnant, and the feedback dried up. So fast, yesterday's newspaper. I guess the answer is to keep writing, so you can get a new fix of feedback.

I can see how your AVs (avathingies?) jumping around would be a concern, MG. But I can't complain about the new one - cute bikini.

Originally posted by Croctden
Wow have you put much more thought into this than I have. Is anyone else scheming up techniques this way?

Actually, I was pretty impressed! Makes me feel like such a novice. I thought I was clever for putting a note at the end of my second story asking for feedback (seemed to work.) As for the difference between feedback from writers and non-writers, the former is definitely more instructive and thoughtful, which my creative side craves. On the other hand, the feedback from non-writers has its moments - comments that come blasting in from deep left field, and that leave you hoping that some of them are fitted with those electronic ankle surveillance bracelets.
Re: Re: Re: Muy rapido

Croctden said:
Wow have you put much more thought into this than I have. Is anyone else scheming up techniques this way?

I was thinking maybe of writing a "How To" about self promotion. There is one up already, but it only really has a couple of good ideas. I figure I'll get to it, one of these days.
Well this being my first story and all ..I admit it! I check every day...soooo I'm a comment whore...
checking scores

Hey, lets face it. We wrote the story and we got off on the sensuality of it. We hope other people do too, and them telling us they like our story makes hitting those keys, especially the backspace key, all the more worth it. I got 26 votes out of 11,000 views. At least those who voted liked it, so I can't complain, it being my first story. I just need to change the subject matter to apeal to more readers. And if i'm not in the mood to write, then I won't.

Like another writer told me, "It's a cheap hobby."

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