When the wheels come off...(Closed: EKlectikChik)


Literotica Guru
Sep 18, 2013
OOC: Closed for EklectickChik


Quinn was mildly irritated with himself, “Why didn't I just fly? It would've been cheaper, and I'd already be home... on my couch drinking a beer.. mmm.” He then remembered why he decided to make the drive in the first place, not exactly a good reason, but it had been a good one at the time. Quinn had decided to drive to LasVegas for a work convention and stop to see an old friend along the way, it was supposed to be at least an over night stay, but as was Craig's track record in college the guy was a flake, He'd forgotten Quinn was coming. So instead of shacking out on a couch he rented a motel room at the only place he could find. One restless night in a motel room that smelled like moth balls and what was supposed to be a great trip, started out with a thud.

So, after spending 5 days in Vegas, schmoozing with all the who’s who in the Industry, he'd finally headed back home, The traffic heading back on I-70 wasn't that bad, and the Jeep Unlimited was getting decent gas mileage but sitting in it for 10 hrs was going to break his back. So, pulling over in Green River Utah he'd decided to fill up on gas, grab a bite and head east. Not much to look at, Well Utah wasn't much to look at to begin with but he'd been unable to not notice the beautiful woman walking out of the restroom who nearly ran him over.
At 5'11” 210 Quinn wasn't small, he'd do more damage to her by accident than she'd ever do to him. But still, he'd prefer to not get run over by a beautiful woman if he could avoid it. There was something that intrigued him about her. She was probably 5'10 or so, maybe 125-135 lbs curvy in all the right places, wearing a faded long sleeve t-shirt, cute khaki short shorts, that showed off an ass she definitely must have earned from hours in the gym. She was also wearing an old aged Notre Dame ball cap pulled low hiding her face but not her long brown hair pulled back behind her ears. No this woman was on a mission of some sort, in a rush not to be seen or interact with anyone. She didn't acknowledge him when he said “oops.. sorry” as she flew by which he could have taken as being quite rude. What looked weird was, she was wearing a long sleeve t-shirt in nearly 95 degree weather in the middle of Utah, Either she's got tattoos she's trying to hide, which makes no sense, or she's hiding something on those arms. On top of that she was getting into a little convertible Pontiac Solstice, cute car, but she had the top down. Weird again for this kind of weather.

She did make a lasting impression though. He could still smell her perfume, body lotion or what ever it was, it gave you that hint of the girl next door, probably from some neighborhood that still left the front doors unlocked. “Quinn, he thought to himself, you've been single far too long, stop making shit up about someone you'll never meet.” Quinn got back to doodling on his phone, reading the latest on sports news when he looked out the restaurant window, what looked like storm clouds were rolling in from the west. Normally he wouldn't be worried, hell his Jeep could handle a little rain,and probably the next apocalypse, but he didn't want to get caught in the rain driving on I-70 at night... nope. Maybe he'd make it to Grand Junction and stop for the night.. no rush to get home, nobody there waiting on him.. So, heading back out to his Jeep he fueled up and headed east on I-70 just as the rain started in, not too bad, but I wouldn't want to be driving a little convertible in this weather...
70 miles out and the rain was pouring down now, the storm clouds had been moving faster than he'd expected, he'd crossed over the UT/CO state line about 5 miles back and crossed over a ridge.. That's when he spotted it.. or more importantly spotted her, the girl next door from Green River. As he slowed down he'd noticed she'd pulled the car over previously to put the top up, but that wasn't what looked to be the issue. He could see it, about 10 feet away from the car, shinny metal of a wheel that must have come off the car. He pulled over in front of the car and looked back in his side mirror she was there trying to get the jack stand up and under the car in this rain, getting soaked to the bone. Quinn quickly took to action, grabbed his compact rain jacket from under his seat, unzipped it and put it on, he also grabbed his flashlight from the glove box. Leaving the Jeep running, heater on just in case, he zipped up the jacket, and stepped out into the rain. The Jeep wasn't going anywhere with the keys in his pocket.. gotta love modern tech, just in case some jackass was to swing through and try to take it they couldn't get far.

Stepping closer to the passenger side of the car flashlight turned oon so he could see her, he announced himself to make sure she knew he was there before getting too close. “Hi there!..Can I be of any help??”
Down on her luck didn't begin to describe how Lucy Stinson felt and she blamed herself for it. At 25, she'd been raised well by a mother and a father that loved her. Her life has been comfortable and she'd never gone without. Safe in her upper class society and a good girl to boot. That was, until she'd met her fiance of the last year. She'd fallen for his charm, hook, line and sinker. His bad boy edge, his sweet promises, his smooth looks and the way he'd pursued her. It had made her slightly uncomfortable, but had been a thrill and she'd ignored all the warning bells and whistles that had gone off in her head. One hand smoothed over the long sleeve of her shirt, wincing slightly. The bruises there were still fresh, over a layer of old ones.

Now, she felt as though she was living in her head, filled with fog and fear and the need to get as far away from him as possible, which was proving to be a challenge. He was smart, she had to give him that. He'd managed to either max out or cancel her credit cards and what little cash she'd squirreled away was going to gas and food. The luxuries of a hotel were out of the question. Instead she'd slept in her car when she got too tired and then kept on going. She'd ditched her cell and anything she could think of that could be tracked...other than her car. She needed that, at least for now.

Always in a rush, Lucy made it a habit to keep her head down when she was in public, while still keeping an eye out for Mark. Accidentally slamming into Quinn had been like hitting a brick wall, but she hadn't stopped long enough to find out who that brick wall was. Pain had shot through her body, motivating her to keep on going. Self preservation was the only thing on her agenda in that moment.

Still...a small part of her had still felt bad for being rude. She'd been raised better, hadn't she? Her thoughts were quickly interrupted when she felt her car hit something in the road and then shimmy and shake. She groaned and carefully steered to the side of the road, her heart sinking as she regarded the rain coming down fast and steady.

Unprepared for the weather AND for this situation, Lucy pulled herself out of the car, trying to find the tools she needed and then set about fumbling in the rain to figure it out. Why had she never been taught to change a tire?! She cursed to herself. "You can figure this out." She muttered, as the cold rain trickled down the back of her cap and into her shirt, making her shiver as her shirt began to cling to her body.

Engrossed in her task, she didn't notice the other person pulling up a ways until a distinctly masculine voice made her start. With a gasp, she jerked, holding the tire iron in front of her protectively. Tilting her head up to, she wiped at her wet cheek and swallowed hard. "I-I'm okay....really. I have it figured out!!"

She called back to him, taking in his solid, strong frame and feeling her stomach quiver with fear. Stay calm, he's probably just trying to be nice. She told herself.
Quinn couldn't help but notice the shaking form of the young woman in front of him, her hands were trembling from the rain, and hunkered down trying to get a car jack under the front end of the car was not going so well..

"Miss, I don't want to scare you, but it does look like you could use an extra set of hands, it's raining pretty hard out here. Please at the least, can I give you my jacket? ..

Not thinking that he'd be alarming her, or really invading her personal space, he quickly unzipped his jacket and draped it over her shoulders, as he knelt down to help her, not really giving her a chance to put up a fight, or say no. Getting closer to her he noticed right away, she was drenched to the bone, driving out here from California, either she just didn't have a jacket or hadn't thought to bring one. Either way she was going to shiver something fierce till she got warm. Turning back to the task at hand he put himself in full on "help" mode, Quinn looked closer, shinning his light on the stud threads where the front tire mounted, he noticed right away a huge problem.. one that no jack stand or spare tire could help with..

Two of the five stud threads were stripped, it looked like when she took the front tire off, it hid something more sinister, either the lug nuts hadn't been tightened down all the way, or they'd worked themselves loose. But the damage had been done, the spare won't help. The whole assembly would have to be replaced. The choice was going to be easy for Quinn, no way on this earth was he going to leave her stranded out here on the edge Colorado at least 30 miles from the nearest major city where the car could be repaired. It would have to be towed in, he or she would need to call in a tow truck. He'd help her anyway he could, that natural instinct of trying to help someone who looked like they didn't want it but could use just a touch of it. Mom would always ruffle his hair and kiss his head when he did something for a complete stranger, asking for nothing in return, now out here in this was an opportunity to do just that. So now he had a choice… how was he going to tell her that her car was going to be stranded here, that he was willing and able to help her and NOT scare the crap out of her.

Brushing off his hands, he looked over, she'd stood up and moved a few feet away from him, she had zipped up the jacket, it looked huge on her, but still very cute.. Quinn thought to himself "Ok so she's hot, wet and the short shorts were damn cute on her, but obviously without thinking I've scared the woman. Good job Quinn."

Looking up he said, "Miss, I'm sorry if I scared you, my name is Quinn, Quin Bailey.. " he spoke calmly and true, as the next words rolled out of his mouth, "I don't think the spare is going to help, I think your car is going to need to be towed, do you want to take a look at this?"
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Lucy's world seem to fall apart all over again. First the delay, then the stranger who seemed vaguely familiar and yet she couldn't put her finger on why! She was still ready to use force if need be, even if he WAS being nice. God she was cold!
The shivering had already begun, her teeth chattering as she watched him like a hawk, worried that at any moment he was gonna pounce on her and inflict some sort of bodily injury.

When he approached her, she tried not to shrink away. Mustering up the courage to give him a slight nod, Lucy moved a little closer. His words were like a nightmare coming to true. Jesus! How was she going to afford all of that?! How would she be able to keep going?! She didn't have the money or resources for it. Her mind started to race. She supposed she could hawk what jewelry she had on her or something, but still, for that moment, it all seemed impossible. Tears gathered in her eyes and blurred her vision. She was living on little sleep and adrenaline, not to mention copious amounts of coffee so she could keep going.

"This can't be..." She whispered, more to herself than Quinn who awkwardly stood by, hands stuffed in his pockets as she pressed a trembling hand to her lips. "Um...thank you."

Clearing her throat, Lucy stood a little straighter, wiping a stray tear with a sniff. "Do you have a cell phone? I don't have one on me...if you can call someone to tow me, I'll handle it from here. Thank you...I'm erm...I'm Lucy."
Quinn, reached into the thigh pocket of his cargo pants and found his phone, yup still here, and there she was, wet, and stressed out. After showing Lucy the damage he then realized she was still holding the lug wrench to the jack stand, probably because she was starting to panic a little, but maybe because he was obviously still a stranger, they were way out here with no one else, in the dark in the pouring rain. He figured he'd try and take this down a notch or two.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Lucy, I'd be more than happy to let you use my cell, however can I make one slight suggestion that we both get out of the rain before we both catch cold?

"I give you my word, I will keep my distance. but let's head over to my Jeep where I know we can both get warm."

Quinn noticed she was still not calming down and the fact that she was starting to cry, wasn't going to make it easier on him. So he tried one more time, talking calmly, despite the start of a shiver in his back, he tried to reassure her that it would be on her terms.

"Lucy, if you'd like, hop in the driver's seat, keep the lug wrench with you and I'll get in on the passenger side." after doing so he backed up a bit, giving her enough personal space to get past him to the drivers side.. if she took his offer...
Lucy wanted to protest, but it was already dark and she was freezing, stuck on the side of the road with a total stranger. His voice was warm and soothing and maybe if this has been a normal sort of situation, she would have relaxed. Forcing herself to breathe, she regarded him with weary eyes. Her grip on the lug wrench so tight that her knuckles were white.

"Okay..." She managed to get out and watched him step aside. Shaking her head, she motioned for him to go ahead. He hesitated for only a moment before turning and trotting over to the drivers side to open her door. She reluctantly went along, sliding into the drivers seat with a soft sigh as the heat blasted her and he shut the door. She watched as he jogged around the front and then eased into the jeep. The slamming door made her jerk.

"Your phone?" She asked, trying to keep her teeth from chattering loudly. He obliged quickly, being true to his word. She murmured a soft thank you as took it from his larger hand and palmed it. For a moment, she could only stare at it stupidly. She had no idea who to call.

With a ragged breath, she pushed the brim of her hat up a little bit and wiped at her face, "I'm sorry, are you familiar with this area? I have no idea who to call." Admitting that alone made her cringe inside. Now he knew for sure, she was traveling through, a weak female, alone. Jesus, could she be anymore stupid?!
Quinn watched Lucy with genuine concern. From the first time they met, when he nearly got run over, he knew there was something wrong. At this point he wasn’t about ready to go poking his nose where it didn’t need to be, too many times as a kid he’d poked too much and gotten bitten himself, better to let her open up on her own time. If she wanted to talk, he’d be more than willing to listen.

Quinn gave her a reassuring smile “I’m not as familiar with Grand Junction as I could be, but I have a friend there I can call” He calmly reached out his left hand, placing it over Lucy’s as she gave him his phone back, he rubbing her cold hand. “Don’t worry, we’ll get your car taken care of.” He smiled at her, switched the phone to his right hand while still holding Lucy’s and quickly thumbed through his contacts, found the one he was looking for and dialed. Hopefully Josh, his old high school friend could help him out.

Luckily, Josh picked up “Hey Josh, it’s Quinn, how are ya?.”

“Hey QB, how’s the shoulder?.. what’s with waiting till I’m about to get my beauty sleep to call me?”

Looking at Lucy, and chuckling as Josh made him laugh, Quinn replied, “Ha! no amount of sleep is gonna pretty you up. I kept you up because I need a favor.”

“Name it, let me see what I can do.”

“Your uncle Jack still drives a tow truck out in Grand Junction right?”

“Yea, Why? Don’t tell me your fancy new Jeep broke down already?”

“No, No, just trying to help out a friend in need out here, was hoping I could reach him if he was available.”

“Friend?.. She cute?” Quinn shook his head, realizing how much of a pain the ass Josh could actually be, “Ha ha smart ass.. I’ll tell you about it later, much later.. can I get his number?”

“Yea, it’s 970-973-5565, he should be available, or one of his guys will be.” “Great, thanks Josh, I’ll call you when I get back to Denver, bye.” Quinn hung up, looked over, smiled at Lucy and reassuringly squeezed her hand. Things were looking up despite the shity weather. All he had to do now was get a hold of uncle Jack and get Lucy’s car towed in.

Luckily enough uncle Jack did answer the phone, and after a quick conversation, Quinn gave him the general location of where they were. Once he was off the phone, Quinn smiled again at Lucy, giving her hand one more reassuring squeeze, and let go. “Well, that’s settled, tow truck should be here in about 30 minutes. So, all we need to do is stay dry and keep warm.” “Sorry about your car Lucy, Josh’s uncle should have a good contact with a garage in Grand Junction who can get you back on the road as quick as possible.”

It was strange, he had absolutely no reason to feel protective of her, but he was starting to get that overwhelming feeling of butterflies in his stomach. This beautiful woman next to him, stressed out, probably still in fear of him was making him a touch nervous.. and he had to ask himself why?? Maybe because he was trying extremely hard not to scare the shit out of her. What ever she'd been through, what ever was making her run from California must have been hellish...and he wasn't going to add to that, if he could help it. Quinn took one long breath in. and asked her a silly question "Are you getting warm enough? I've got a sweatshirt in the back if you are not warm enough..."
Lucy was completely baffled as Quinn took charge. He seemed so at ease with himself. So genuine that it was hard to keep her guard completely up, and she hated herself for that. Be smart! She told herself firmly. Don't get all soft because some guy is sweet to you!

And yet there she sat, with her hand in his as he chatted on the phone. His voice warm, his laughter easy. All she could do was stare down at her hand in his. Her slender fingers now warm as he gently rubbed the back of her hand with his thumb. She wanted to cry, swallowing hard and reflexively as she listened with half an ear.

“Sorry about your car Lucy, Josh’s uncle should have a good contact with a garage in Grand Junction who can get you back on the road as quick as possible.”

Her heart dropped at the words. Though she knew he meant to comfort her. As soon as he let go of her hand, she strangely wanted it back. No no no! She chided herself. What in the hell was wrong with her?!

"I-I'm fine." She managed to respond. "I just...I don't know how I'm going to pay." Her voice cracked slightly and she drew in a trembling breath. The lug wrench now lay on her lap as she crossed her arms, almost hugging herself and dropped her head back. God she was tired. So damn tired and the heat was making it hard to think straight.

Frustration welled up, threatening to choke her as she struggled to formulate a plan. Like icy prickles, panic danced across her skin, making her shiver as she struggled to draw in a decent breath. With trembling fingers, she squeezed the bridge of her nose and closed her eyes. "I can't breathe." She mumbled, reaching out blindly with her other hand and hitting him in the chest, her fingers curling into the fabric there and clinging.
Quinn's worry about asking a silly question was instantly washed away as he heard Lucy's voice creak as she said.

“I just... I don't know how I am going to pay.”

Internally he knew now she was running from something, she had no cell ok maybe the battery was dead but highly unlikely as car chargers are inexpensive now a days.. and every gas station in the world has at least one universal charger.. even the dive truck stop he'd first seen her at was sure to have one. She was panicing andout of money two more signs of someone on the run, but he wasn't sure of what until he noticed Lucy reached up with her hand and squeeze her nose.. the jacket sleeve had ridden up on her wrist, pulling her long sleeve with it... normally he'd probably see a watch, maybe a cute bracelet or something of the such.. instead he saw black and blue.. and shades of green. Tell tale signs of abuse, physical abuse.. He'd seen the marks before, on his mom from the beatings she'd get from his drunk piece of shit father... there as no mistaking it.

When Lucy suddenly reached for his shirt, clinging to him chocking out “I can't breathe” He grasped her hand quickly held her hand firmly with his left curling it in his own he turned, reaching out with his right hand to the side of her face, turning her face to meet his. Her cheek was ICE COLD, damn it she was still freezing, probably made no better from the shivering and early hypothermia she'd experienced outside...Quinn focused his eyes on her, leaning toward her a little, calmly calling her name...

“Lucy........focus on me.. ok, Lucy?? I know you are worried about your car, you've been through a bit of a storm today but try to relax with me it's going to be fine, don't worry about your car for the time being, we'll get it taken care of.”

He was leaning toward her closer still, trying to keep her concentration on him. Quinn slowly removed her soaked ball cap off her head, placing it on the dash board, then leaned in and touched his forehead to hers smelling the intoxicating body lotion he'd smelled the first time she nearly ran him over. He smiled, whispering to her... “It's alright Lucy.... you're safe.. I'll help you anyway I can.”

Quinn realized he had just invaded her personal space, and heard that sound of a record suddenly being thrown off track, he may have made a big mistake, and was probably going to get hit with that lug wrench.. or slapped across the face, but for right now, he'd take the pain... it'd be worth it.
Lucy felt dizzy and more than a little panicky as she clung to Quinn. She wasn't sure why she'd reached out, but he was solid, like an anchor. Something about his voice, the way he touched her so gently and with care drew her to him even though she wanted to resist.

Trying to focus on her breathing, she blinked rapidly as he called her name and then tugged at her hat. A soft whine of distress escaped her lips as her hair tumbled free, wet and now clinging to her shirt. Soft wisps already sticking to her damp, pale face. His hand was almost hot against her icy skin and she shuddered as he touched her. Every cell in her body said RUN, but she was trapped and captivated by his warm gaze and soothing voice. His voice pulled her and she slowly pulled oxygen back into her lungs, wheezing a little as she grasped for a little sanity.

She heard his words, but didn't quite comprehend them, only the tone. The reassuring, warm tone of his smooth voice until his forehead nudged hers. She jerked back so fast that her head smacked against the driver's side window and she cried out as pain blasted through her skull. She heard him mutter a curse, but not out of violence or anger, but worry for her.

Shaking, she drew in trembling breaths and clasped the back of her head with one hand, feeling dizzy. “Worst day ever.” She muttered with a broken, half hysterical laugh.
As Lacy jerked away, banging her head against the driver's side window, all Quinn could do was curse himself...

“Oh shit” he signed “Sorry Lucy..” he reached out his hands to her hoping to console her, but thought better of it.. Ok dumbass, you've successfully given her a concussion now, let's try to keep any additional damage to a minimum...

When he heard Lucy mutter to herself “worst day ever” he decided to try and cheer her up, trying a different tactic other then physical contact.

With a pained expression on his face, he then looked behind her, checking the window, she'd hit it hard, but definitely not hard enough to break it.. Quinn then focused back on Lacy. and with a wry smile on his face, Quinn made a comment hoping to lighten the mood, “You know, people normally throw rocks to break windows..trying to break one with the back of your head.. that's a new one..” “Tell ya what, I'll try hard not to scare you again, so long as you promise me not to do that again.” He smiled at her, hoping the might get a chuckle or a smile from her..
She gave him a half hearted smile and sniffled, drawing in quivering breaths as she slowly calmed down and was able to breathe in and out without a struggle. "Sorry..." She said softly, her voice pained as she regarded him. Her pretty face was smudged with red under her eyes, her nose was rosy and she looked completely worn down.

Shuddering, she hugged herself, huddling in the seat as the heat continued to blast at her. "If you don't mind, I'll take that sweater..."

Quinn seemed pleased and reached back, his larger body leaning closer to hers. She shrank back a little, but he soon moved, handing over a large navy blue hoodie. She took it with trembling hands and said thank you. For a moment, she struggled into the soft material, her wet clothes feeling nasty against her wet skin. She wanted badly to strip them off, but didn't dare do so.

"I hate that I'm putting you out like this..."
Quinn gave her a genuine look of concern as he watched her, mumble "sorry" as he took a sigh of relief, as she put the his hoodie on he took his rain jacket out of the way, putting it as his feet where he could get to it if need be.

When Lucy said "I hate that I'm putting you out like this..." Quinn responded reassuringly,
"Lucy, it's really not a problem at all, you're not putting me out, I'm glad I can help." he kept his hands to himself out in the open as he's been known to talk a lot with his hands.. and he had an over whelming urge to hug the her, reassure her that everything would turn out fine. but with the way she reacted last time, with just touching her forehead... yea that's not gonna happen.

"So, let me ask, while you are warming up in here I'm sure you are soaked to the bone, can get you any extra clothes from your car? Besides the keys and maybe your purse, is there anything you need from it? I was going to step out in the rain and get your car jack and everything else put a way, so when Uncle Jack gets here he can put your car up on his truck. He'll tow it in to Grand Junction and we can find a place to bunk down for the night."
Quinn lightly touched her shoulder and said "Don't worry about paying for anything.. I was planning on stopping in Grand Junctino for the night anyway... " "if you can put up with my company for one night.." as he finished his sentence he gave her a crooked smile.. hoping she'd brighten up a bit..
Lucy shivered again and felt her head start to pound all the more. He was being so sweet and so kind, but the idea of bunking with a total stranger had her mind racing again. What choice did she have? She couldn't sleep in her car tonight. She had no place to go and very little cash left. She'd hoped to find an odd job here and there...even if it meant busing table at a greasy diner just to get her further along. Anything was better than staying in one spot.

“I um...I have a bag in the backseat and my purse, nothing else. I am traveling...light.” She said and tried to force on a smile, but it looked pained. “Thank you. I'll take what I can get right now until I can pay you back. I'll figure something out.”

She saw the look that crossed his face, as if he wanted to assure her some more or argue, but instead he gave her a little nod and left the jeep. She was grateful for that as she sat in the silence for a moment. While he was gone, she looked behind them, making sure he still out of site. Struggling under the large sweater, she pulled her wet blouse off, secure that she was still fully covered. With a soft sigh of relief, she balled up the wet mess and felt a little better. Now for a plan.
Quinn slipped on his rain jacket and slipped back out into the rain, it was still coming down quite a bit, and as dark as it was outside there was no way to tell if the storm clouds over head broke up to the west..

Quinn moved with a purpose, he first walked over and grabbed the front tire which was laying near the front of the car, he looked it over closely and could see the wear on the wheel where the lugs allowed the tire to shake. The tire looked fairly new, so she kept up with her car, which was probably a positive sign, but it would be hard to tell until a garage looked at it. He checked it quickly for damage.. sure enough.. right in the center of the tread, a screw had punctured in.. it was old and a bit rusty.. so it must have been out here on the highway for quite some time... Just crappy luck. could have happened to anyone.

He rolled it back to the rear of the vehicle and left it there while he walked to the back driver side door, opening it he popped the trunk, walked back and put the tire in the empty trunk. Lucy wasn't kidding, she was traveling light, so where was she headed? Back east maybe? She didn't sound like she had a east coast accent but he could be wrong.

Depositing the car jack in the trunk and closed it checking to make sure it was locked.. Quinn then walked back to the driver side grabbed her keys, purse and a small bag from the back jump seat.. these little convertibles looked nice, but were really only meant for two.. what's the point of having a back seat anyway. He didn't notice any map, no phone, or charger etc.. he'd ask her about that much later.. if it came up, and really only if she brought it up.

With everything collected he shut the driver's side door and locked it. Quinn then walked back to the passenger side of the jeep, knocked on the window so as not to scare her, waved with a smile and opened the passenger side door. Reaching back to unlock the back passenger side door he put her purse and back on the back seat. Closing the door he hopped back in to the warmth of his Jeep. As he got in he did notice she hadn't zipped up the hoodie all the way, and while it was purely by accident, he got a quick view of top of her left breast. His face felt a little flush as he got in, and he felt guilty as if he was perving on her even by accident. Come on Quinn! he thought to himself, don't creep her out any more than you already have.... But he had to admit, if the rest of her breasts were as as perfect as the peek that he just had...

Distracting himself, and trying to make small talk, he finally spoke up, "Okay, your car is all locked up, now all we need do is wait for Uncle Jack.." And as if by chance, the head lights of an on coming vehicle coming from the east looked very much like a tow truck...

Quinn smiled... "well speaking of, look who's here.."
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Lucy was grateful for Quinn's help and was slowly warming up, though her legs were still freezing. When he entered the jeep and changed at the sweater, she self consciously glance down and zipped up the hoodie all the way to her chin. It seemed to swallow her up, but she didn't care, happy to be warm and not soaked to the bone anymore.

When headlights flooded the inside, she squinted and sighed with relief. Sort of. Her mind was still wondering how on earth she was going to afford the repairs. She still had a few pieces of jewelry she could hawk if push came to shove. And right now she was standing on the edge of a cliff and waiting for that shove.

The rig pulled up close to the jeep and a window slid down. Lucy fumbled to find the button that let down Quinn's driver's side window. It slid down with a soft whine and Quinn leaned in a little to peer outside. “Hey there!! You must be the young lady needing a tow!”

Lucy felt her face flush a little, but nodded with a wry laugh. The older man had sparkling eyes and a jolly sort of face instantly put someone at ease. “Yes sir, I am. Thank you for coming to help.”

“We'll have you set up in a jiffy! I'm sure Quinn here is going to be a perfect gentleman and drive you into town. Set you up someplace nice and warm. I'll be in touch. It's getting late, you two better get out of here now!”

“Um, I was telling Quinn that I don't have a lot of money...if you could call before you start fixing things, I really would appreciate it. So I could figure out my erm...finances.” She rushed to say and the older man chuckled.

“Now any friend of Quinn's is a friend of mine, so don't you worry. We'll get you fixed up one way or another.”

Lucy nodded and shifted back a little, unsure of what else to say and let Quinn poke forward further just in case he had a word or two to add.
Hearing Uncle Jack talk was a breath of fresh air, He'd be able to talk Lucy down a bit, one of the many reasons why he'd wanted to reach him first. Luckily he'd have an in w/ Uncle Jack and if any bills came in, it would probably be for parts, no labor.

Quinn leaned over a bit closer to Lucy, resting his left hand on the head rest and his right hand on the dashboard. there was the intoxicating smell of her body lotion, mixed with a little sweat and water.. and she smelled incredible. Quinn nodded along with Lucy and said "Uncle Jack, Thanks again, I think that's two I owe you now."

Uncle Jack just chuckled.. "Na... Don't worry about it,now get outta here.."

Quinn nodded and agreed, "Talk to you in the morning!" Uncle Jack nodded rolled up his window and drove on a bit starting turn his tow truck around to get his truck into position.. as Quinn watched in the rear view mirror he remembered Uncle Jack would probably need the keys to Lucy's car.

"Crap, I forgot, he'll need the keys to your car.. pull up just a bit, so he can get in position to load your car up.."

Lucy put the Jeep in gear and pulled forward as Quinn hopped out one more time, he walked back, met up w/ Uncle Jack and passed him the keys to Lucy's car. He reiterated the damage he saw on the front end. Clasped Uncle Jack on the shoulder as he shook his hand one more time then headed back to the Jeep.

Hoping in the passenger side, he buckled in, looked over at Lucy and with a warm smile on his face with her car now in very safe hands, he looked over at Lucy and said,

"Alright Miss Stinson, shall we go? While you're driving I'll see if I can't find a decent hotel on my phone we can spend the night at. I know you said you were short on funds.. so if you're ok with splitting a room, I'll make sure we get a double. Ok?"
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Lucy wanted to protest, but really didn't know how she could. After all, he was taking care of everything and even let her drive his car, which she found baffling. He seemed to be very trusting...perhaps it was because she was a woman, she wasn't sure. But something told her that Quinn was a good guy, even if she wanted to still remain cautious.

"That's fine." She told him softly and began to drive. He certainly wasn't a quiet passenger as he scrolled through his phone and talked to her and to himself. She found herself calming as he continued to droll on about their options and finally selected one. It wasn't going to be the Ritz, but it was no flea bag motel either.

She didn't say too much, concentrating on the road ahead and his directions. Her stomach grumbled a little and she cleared her throat, feeling a little embarrassed. Jeez, what else could possibly not go her way today?! "Sorry, I haven't eaten in a while. I've been too busy..." She paused and then continued, "traveling."

She hadn't wanted to eat and was also counting her pennies. But nerves had been on high and her stomach had been giving her fits. But now with Quinn she was more relaxed for some ungodly reason and hunger was starting to hit fast and hard.
As they drove in to Grand Junction Quinn figured he'd try and make the trip a little easier on her, so he tried to make conversation with her just about the task at hand, finding a place to stay for the night.

Quinn found one, a decent place by the looks of it online. Ah.. the wonder of modern tech. five years ago they'd be taking their chances driving into Grand Junction trying to find a vacancy and probably taking the first thing they could find. Now, at least he could search and find something decent.

With the reservation made he put his phone away and heard Lucy's stomach grumble. He was going to say something but she beat him to it. "Sorry, I haven't eaten in a while. I've been too busy..." It was cute that she was trying to justify her stomach talking out loud, with all that had been going on since he ate last, he could go for a bite himself..

Quinn looked over at Lucy, she was finally relaxing, he knew if she drove it would take her mind off things, it had been a crappy day for her, but hopefully the rest of the evening would be better, he could sure use the company. "No worries Lucy, I could go for a bite myself, the reservation will hold till we get there. Would you like to sit down and eat somewhere? Or maybe order in once we get to the hotel?"
Lucy moistened her bottom lip with the tip of her tongue, keeping her eyes on the road. Food sounded good. Sleep sounded even better. Her body ached and it had been too long since her last shower. She'd kept relatively clean however, making pit stops to wipe herself down with wet wipes. But still, she could use a hot shower, and everything else!

"Sounds good...I think I'd rather we order and eat at the hotel if you're okay with that. I'm really tired." She confessed and tightened her grip on the steering wheel.

"Quinn, thanks again for helping me out back there. I don't know how I'll repay you for your kindness, but I'll figure it out." She blew out a long breath and graced him with a soft shy smile for just a moment before she returned her gaze to the road.

"So...what brings you this way?"
Ah... there's the smile he'd been hoping for all night, it was cute, shy and held promise of a spectacular bright smile hidden inside. He was getting her to warm up to him, which was good, and also left butterflies in his stomach.

WHY? He'd faced major challenges in his life, he'd been able to beat the odds and now here he was helping this young woman out in a time of great need and he's getting butterflies?? Come on Quinn, you're not in grade school, you've been around beautiful women, ok so it's been a while but still.. Maybe it was what she'd been though, maybe it was the fact that he knew what she was going through first hand. He wanted to blurt out, tell her she'd be ok, but in her place she would do the first thing he didn't want her to do, RUN. Take it slow Quinn, she'll open up to you.

"I like your idea Lucy, once we are settled in the hotel room we'll order some pizza in or something. Don't worry about paying me back, saying thanks is enough for me.

When she asked "So...what brings you this way?" he got a slight lump in his throat, ok you knew she was going to ask, obviously.. so what do you tell her? Only one way to go about it, tell her the whole truth.

"Well, I was actually in Las Vegas for a security convention, I spent about 10 days down there, hobnobbing with people in the industry trying to see what the future holds."

"What about you? I couldn't help but notice your plates from Cali, what brings you east?"
Lucy listened, tension creeping back into her shoulders and making her back ache as she became more rigid Her mind began to race. Security? What kind of security? It also meant he was probably armed and had skills. Skills that could potentially be a threat to her. Swallowing, she tried to calm her racing heart. List to your gut, she told herself. Don't give into the fear. He's been nothing but kind. He calmed you when you couldn't breathe earlier. Don't panic, don't panic!

But as soon as he asked about her own situation, she squeezed the steering wheel that much harder, but kept her foot relaxed on the accelerator. Could she tell him the truth? She was ashamed to admit she was running for a situation that was shameful to her in itself.

“I...” She began and stopped, mulling over her options. She didn't want to lie when he'd been so kind. “You know, I don't want to lie to you. I should have thought before I asked my question that you'd want to know more about me, but...I can't. I prefer not to get you involved.”

She glanced at him with sadness and hurt dulling her pretty eyes. “You've been kind to me and I really appreciate it...but I just can't take a chance. I hope...you can understand...”
Quinn shook his head, in agreement, he understood completely. He was a stranger, and she was running from something pretty serious. Serious enough to make her clam up at the slightest question into what she just left in Cali. Quinn couldn't help but notice Lucy was holding on to the steering wheel hard enough to turn her knuckles white, she was on edge... probably low on sleep, low on food, and just lost. He'd confirmed it was bad enough for her to ditch her cell, and go on the run with whatever cash she had on hand, the bruises on her arm confirmed who ever hurt her, had done so many times. Don't pry regarding where she's been, ask about the last good book she read or any question that won't directly lead her back to that line of thought.

“Lucy, I understand, probably more than most. I'm a stranger we've known each other for maybe 3 hours so I won't pry. If you want to talk to me about it I'll listen..”

Quinn turned his attention back to the road, they were close to the hotel, He directed her down a couple more streets until they hit a Residence Inn, not too shabby really.. Quinn turned to Lucy and nodded, “Stay here with the Jeep, keep it running and stay warm, I'll check us in and be right back.” He warmly smiled at her, and got out, heading in to the check in desk.

Quinn talked to the attendant, made sure to leave the necessary credentials, made sure the reservation would be open, if she needed a place to hold up for a few days, she'd be able to stay here, call a taxi or whatever. Quinn knew he wasn't needed immediately back in Denver, his next job wasn't for another month, so he had time. If she needed him to stay and help, he would... and if she needed a place to stay in Denver, he had a spare room. Not that it would ever get that far.. but Lucy needed help, and he'd offer if necessary.

After wrapping up he walked back to the Jeep, smiled to her and he pointed her towards a good place to park. Once parked, Quinn mentioned “just hit the button there, the Jeep will shut off. I've got the key in my pocket.” Quinn got out, grabbed her bag and purse bringing it to the back of the Jeep where he opened the lift gate. Giving Lucy her bag and purse he grabbed his backpack, and pulled his rolling suitcase out of the Jeep, pulling it behind him. He smiled to her, sighed and said “I gotta be honest, I'm really happy to be stopping for the night.10 to 12 hrs in that Jeep non stop was about to kill my back. I can hear a cozy bed calling my name right now..”

As they walked into the hotel lobby he mentioned to her “They gave us room 310, not on the 1st floor as I would prefer, but it means we get a view. I made sure we got a double, and I think you'll be happy with the room.. “ They made their way to the elevator, Quinn reached for the up arrow, pushed it three times out of habit when he knew once would be enough. They watched the elevator reach the main floor, heard the chime and stepped in. At this point he really didn't feel the need for much conversation, they were both beat and could use the opportunity to relax, and some food.

He had to say to himself, seeing Lucy actually in the light she looked exhausted, just beat, far more than he originally realized. But she still some how seemed to look very attractive. Quinn was trying to keep his mind clean, but Lucy was stunning, in that girl next door kind of way. He talked to himself as they went up to the 3rd floor, “STOP scoping out the poor girl, you are going to freak her out.. geeze Quinn, it has been a while..but you can at least be respectful..”

The elevator chimed, and he let her get out first, following after Lucy. Quinn kept talking to himself, “Yup... your first assumption was right, she did have a nice ass.. as cute as it was in the shorts she was wearing it was hard to not notice..” Ok... eyes back up.. where they belong..and that doesn't mean you look at her chest when she turns around.” Pointing his head down, he shook his head to himself. He hoped she hadn't noticed he'd been checking her out it would be beyond awkward.. and she'd be well within her rights to slap him.

Quinn caught up with Lucy after a few more steps, and they reached the door, 310, he took out the key card, slipped it in the card reader, pulled it out and watched it blink green, hearing the door unlock he pushed the door open and let her walk in first. “Be a gentlemen Quinn.. remember your manners.”
Lucy relaxed a little at Quinn's words. He sounded genuine, which is all he had seemed to be from the beginning. She was more than happy to finally be able to get some rest. Her own back ached and her butt and legs were sore from hours of sitting and driving. She'd stretched at gas stops, but other than that, had kept on going until she was too tired. Parking in busy parking lots, she'd cat napped as best she could until she was okay to drive again and downed coffee and cokes to keep herself going. Now she was ready to crash and even dinner might have to wait.

A little nervous, she hesitated just a moment before entering the room. True to his word, Quinn had gotten them a double. It was nice and cozy inside, clean, though not brand new. It was still a lot better than either one of their vehicles and she was itching for a good shower.

Dropping her pack onto the chair situated in the far corner of the room, Lucy began to kick off her sneakers, peeling off soggy socks with a groan. Oh how her body hated her. Unzipping her pack, she rummages through rumpled clothes that she'd jammed in there in a rush and grabbed a hold of a long old t-shirt and a pair of baggy flannel pants. Holding them to her chest, she tried to stifle a yawn as she watched Quinn set his things down.

“I hate to push my luck, but is there any way I could shower first? I think if I even look at the bed for too long I might be asleep before I could stop myself. But my stomach is rebelling and the sound of food sounds too good to pass up.” For a moment, she paused and pressed her lips together, “I can pay for my half as well...erm, however you wanna work it out, just let me know.”
Quinn set his stuff down while Lucy was making herself comfortable. His shoulder was tweaked a bit, but nothing he couldn't handle, or take care of with some advil and a beer. Now that he could go for.. but he won't mention it unless she does.

Quinn busied himself with opening his suitcase, he pulled out his bathroom kit and set it down on the bed, grabbed a pair of boxers, workout shorts and an undershirt, something he'd be comfortable in for the evening here. and not inappropriate for mixed company.

He heard Lucy ask to take a shower first, and nodded in agreement "Of course, go ahead. Besides, ladies first." he finished saying with a smile.

He sat down, on the end of the bed, reached over and grabbed the hotel directory and looked for a pizza place to order from, he dug his phone out of his pocket as he rested his chin against his chest and took a deep breath, as Lucy mentioned paying for some of dinner. "I know you're probably short on cash, so pay me what ever you'd like, I was thinking one pepperoni would work, but if you have a preference just say so. Regarding paying for half, how bout just covering the tip? Will that work?"
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