When the floodgates burst


Consumate BS Artist
Aug 15, 2021
Ever have that dry spell where you're trying to decide what to write next?

You stew on it for days, maybe weeks, and nothing comes.

Then, out of nowhere, BAM.

The dam bursts and the floodgates open.

I had this story idea in my head for several days but no solid direction for it.

Started an intro tonight that went well, then put it aside to go to bed.

But sleep wouldn't come.

Instead my head was racing with ideas, plotting it all out.

Wave after wave it came. Finally I had to open up the folder and write it all down.

Not the whole story, no. But I have a full outline now, beginning middle and most importantly an ending.

The notes are all there, along with little quips of dialog I wanna remember.

The true writing will begin in earnest tomorrow I suppose. But I've been at it two hours just making notes lol.

Had to though. It was too good to risk going to sleep and forgetting.

It's been awhile since I've had this kind of inspiration.

Feels good. But exhausting.

Oh, and I need to thank @Emilymcplugger

Her Hot And Fuzzy series helped kick off a spark of inspiration I desperately needed for my own story.

It's a fun series, you should check it out if you haven't.
Yeah, same here, just sketching the outline for hours or tweaking for days, until it's ready to go. Some stories are like that, like they have a momentum and a mind of their own. Best to just do what the muse says. No sleep for you until!
What I hate is when you're writing a series and story A just explodes on the screen, story C is lined up and ready to go but the bridge between them, story B refuses to gel, and you need that bridge. The story refuses to come, or it spawns unrelated plot bunnies and it's just not fun to write.

THESE are the stories that try men’s souls. The summer anecdote and the sunshine narrative will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of your imagination; but he that stands it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman... Being stalled, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the final story and one bombs galore await our words.

or something like that...
I just finished a surge like this. It finished my second Nude Day story and added a Summer loving story to the stockpile.
Geek Pride does it to me every time, the floodgates burst open and my inner nerd shines forth, Enchantress, 51K words still sitting at the top of the Sci Fi/Fantasy list and over all list, followed by Enchantress 2, 60K words and Enchantress 3 is currently coming. Winter holidays does it to me too. We're a Wonderful Wife - 20 chapters & side stories, 445,000 words all sprouted from one idea for the Winter Holiday contest.
The frustrating part is when a scene comes to you, perhaps further down the lane from where the story currently is.

The characters were arguing, literally the conversation playing in my head.

I wanted to write the whole damn scene but of course couldn't.

So instead just jotted down integral snippets of dialog that will (hopefully) jog the memory circuits later when it's time to actually write the scene.
Wondered on to this site about a week ago. I had taken a writing class a number of years ago and found from listening to the stories that many people write about their life. So very sad stories. My therapist has wanted me to journal for ages, but just not my thing. My lovely wife wants me to write my story for cathartic reasons. I explained my story would read more like a smut story. Her response, so write a smut story.
Which is how I wondered on to this site. First off, I am no writer. I am a numbers girl. Give me spread sheets and I am in heaven. While reading through the different areas I found not only did they excit me but also there was so much more to a lot of the people writing. Wow I am so impressed about the people. Now I am kind of embarrassed to write anything. Not because of the material but because there are some really good writers. This has now caused me to have a writers block. I find myself stopping at times writing notes so I don't loose my thoughts. My biggest problem is I am not sure I am worthy enough to write amount such good writers. So what started as being cathartic is now causing anxiety. Lmbo.Wondered on to this site about a week ago. I had taken a writing class a number of years ago and found from listening to the stories that many people write about their life. So very sad stories. My therapist has wanted me to journal for ages, but just not my thing. My lovely wife wants me to write my story for cathartic reasons. I explained my story would read more like a smut story. Her response, so write a smut story.

Which is how I wondered on to this site. First off, I am no writer. I am a numbers girl. Give me spread sheets and I am in heaven. While reading through the different areas I found not only did they excit me but also there was so much more to a lot of the people writing. Wow I am so impressed about the people. Now I am kind of embarrassed to write anything. Not because of the material but because there are some really good writers. This has now caused me to have a writers block. I find myself stopping at times writing notes so I don't loose my thoughts. My biggest problem is I am not sure I am worthy enough to write amount such good writers. So what started as being cathartic is now causing anxiety. Lmbo.
Wondered on to this site about a week ago. I had taken a writing class a number of years ago and found from listening to the stories that many people write about their life. So very sad stories. My therapist has wanted me to journal for ages, but just not my thing. My lovely wife wants me to write my story for cathartic reasons. I explained my story would read more like a smut story. Her response, so write a smut story.
Which is how I wondered on to this site. First off, I am no writer. I am a numbers girl. Give me spread sheets and I am in heaven. While reading through the different areas I found not only did they excit me but also there was so much more to a lot of the people writing. Wow I am so impressed about the people. Now I am kind of embarrassed to write anything. Not because of the material but because there are some really good writers. This has now caused me to have a writers block. I find myself stopping at times writing notes so I don't loose my thoughts. My biggest problem is I am not sure I am worthy enough to write amount such good writers. So what started as being cathartic is now causing anxiety. Lmbo.Wondered on to this site about a week ago. I had taken a writing class a number of years ago and found from listening to the stories that many people write about their life. So very sad stories. My therapist has wanted me to journal for ages, but just not my thing. My lovely wife wants me to write my story for cathartic reasons. I explained my story would read more like a smut story. Her response, so write a smut story.

Which is how I wondered on to this site. First off, I am no writer. I am a numbers girl. Give me spread sheets and I am in heaven. While reading through the different areas I found not only did they excit me but also there was so much more to a lot of the people writing. Wow I am so impressed about the people. Now I am kind of embarrassed to write anything. Not because of the material but because there are some really good writers. This has now caused me to have a writers block. I find myself stopping at times writing notes so I don't loose my thoughts. My biggest problem is I am not sure I am worthy enough to write amount such good writers. So what started as being cathartic is now causing anxiety. Lmbo.

Write. Don't worry about "better" writers.

Just write.

And welcome.
Ever have that dry spell where you're trying to decide what to write next?
I'm a paragraph or two into about a dozen, can't seem to land on one to focus on. Recently my 'writing' has been reading through all the starts to decide what to work on, going "no, no, no..."
I'm a paragraph or two into about a dozen, can't seem to land on one to focus on. Recently my 'writing' has been reading through all the starts to decide what to work on, going "no, no, no..."
I don’t really go through that.

I’m more like, rewriting the same thing for the same story over and over till it lands on the right rhythm and then…I’m OFF!
I'm a paragraph or two into about a dozen, can't seem to land on one to focus on. Recently my 'writing' has been reading through all the starts to decide what to work on, going "no, no, no..."

Been there. Have several partly started/ unfinished in my folder as well.

Open one, try and write. Not feeling it.

So you open another. Not feeling that one either.

I know I'm on to a story when I can't stop thinking about it. I literally have scenes playing in my head like a movie while I'm driving to work.

I'm adding random notes. Random bits of dialog as I get a free minute. Out of order, incomplete, but enough to help jog the memory when it's actually time to write.

Best part is, I'm feeling excited about it. Always a good sign.

May take at least several days if not longer to finish, of course.

Hoping for some free time this weekend to just focus.
Been there. Have several partly started/ unfinished in my folder as well.

Open one, try and write. Not feeling it.

So you open another. Not feeling that one either.

I know I'm on to a story when I can't stop thinking about it. I literally have scenes playing in my head like a movie while I'm driving to work.

I'm adding random notes. Random bits of dialog as I get a free minute. Out of order, incomplete, but enough to help jog the memory when it's actually time to write.

Best part is, I'm feeling excited about it. Always a good sign.

May take at least several days if not longer to finish, of course.

Hoping for some free time this weekend to just focus.
Out of curiosity what is your drive or desire to write stories? If you don't mind me asking?
The frustrating part is when a scene comes to you, perhaps further down the lane from where the story currently is.

The characters were arguing, literally the conversation playing in my head.

I wanted to write the whole damn scene but of course couldn't.

So instead just jotted down integral snippets of dialog that will (hopefully) jog the memory circuits later when it's time to actually write the scene.
I think we talked about this once, about writing in a "non-linear" way. (Maybe I misunderstood the concept.) But if you've got the scene, you can just write it anyway. Eventually, the "on-coming" story will link up with it, and I'd bet that the scene will fit in with maybe only a few modifications.

This may be frowned upon in creative writing courses (I've never taken one), but you are under no obligation to start at the beginning and write through to the end. If necessary, you can leave out a paragraph or even an entire scene, and get back to it later. You can even leave out the opening if you are unsure of how that should go. It may sound counter-intuitive, but it's been my experience that after filling in the gaps, the final results will usually appear seamless. No one will notice what order you actually wrote it in.
I think we talked about this once, about writing in a "non-linear" way. (Maybe I misunderstood the concept.) But if you've got the scene, you can just write it anyway. Eventually, the "on-coming" story will link up with it, and I'd bet that the scene will fit in with maybe only a few modifications.
Yeah, 100% this.

I found, especially when writing ATDAH feeling like I literally HAD to have different chapters and bits on the go just so I could get it down.

When writing that one I felt like I had a horny muse sitting on my shoulder whispering in my ear constantly and I was just taking dictation.
Thank you, that maybe the best advice I ever get.💋
This may seem strange, but I'd suggest reading a lot, but not necessarily other Lit writers, at least at the start. (Like I'm about to start a Charles Bukowski novel.) There is no point in directly comparing yourself to how others do it here. You have to develop your own style and methods for handling it.
Oh, and I need to thank @Emilymcplugger

Her Hot And Fuzzy series helped kick off a spark of inspiration I desperately needed for my own story.

It's a fun series, you should check it out if you haven't.

As for the OP - yes. I had @electricblue66 unbung my stoppage ;) ... with his big plunger of course.
I've also had sex like that.
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Oh mercy.

I’ve come over as faint as a Victorian maiden.


Not for the faint hearted....
Wondered on to this site about a week ago. I had taken a writing class a number of years ago and found from listening to the stories that many people write about their life. So very sad stories. My therapist has wanted me to journal for ages, but just not my thing. My lovely wife wants me to write my story for cathartic reasons. I explained my story would read more like a smut story. Her response, so write a smut story.
Which is how I wondered on to this site. First off, I am no writer. I am a numbers girl. Give me spread sheets and I am in heaven. While reading through the different areas I found not only did they excit me but also there was so much more to a lot of the people writing. Wow I am so impressed about the people. Now I am kind of embarrassed to write anything. Not because of the material but because there are some really good writers. This has now caused me to have a writers block. I find myself stopping at times writing notes so I don't loose my thoughts. My biggest problem is I am not sure I am worthy enough to write amount such good writers. So what started as being cathartic is now causing anxiety. Lmbo.Wondered on to this site about a week ago. I had taken a writing class a number of years ago and found from listening to the stories that many people write about their life. So very sad stories. My therapist has wanted me to journal for ages, but just not my thing. My lovely wife wants me to write my story for cathartic reasons. I explained my story would read more like a smut story. Her response, so write a smut story.

Which is how I wondered on to this site. First off, I am no writer. I am a numbers girl. Give me spread sheets and I am in heaven. While reading through the different areas I found not only did they excit me but also there was so much more to a lot of the people writing. Wow I am so impressed about the people. Now I am kind of embarrassed to write anything. Not because of the material but because there are some really good writers. This has now caused me to have a writers block. I find myself stopping at times writing notes so I don't loose my thoughts. My biggest problem is I am not sure I am worthy enough to write amount such good writers. So what started as being cathartic is now causing anxiety. Lmbo.
You can write "memoirs" and publish them here, if you wish. (Or on another site.) I've done a few of those here, but they are sort of "mid-level" revelations - about jobs or schools and so forth. For the deeper levels of my personal experiences I choose, for the moment, to keep those to myself.

You did say here that you are directly comparing yourself to other Lit writers and that is perhaps intimidating you. Somebody like Bukowski is not your direct competition, but you can still learn a lot from his books (that is just an example) anyway. I don't feel a need to emulate him because his experiences (like with alcohol!) are not the same as mine