When do you become a woman or man?


Push and Pull
Dec 1, 2001
I was wondering.

When do you think a person is at the point that they are an adult and can call themselves woman or man?

Is it an age or a maturity level or a changing event?
When you are forced to be one.

In my case I was 17, so I dont think it matters much what actual age you are.
always been told its when you loose your virginity. *Shrugs* that would be 19 for me. Personally I always thought its when you have your period because then you can have a baby.
In my case I was 17, so I don't think it matters much what actual age you are.

That was me too. It's when you have to take on the responsibilites of an adult. Seventeen is a young age to have to do it, but at least I did the right thing.
ksmybuttons said:
I was wondering.

When do you think a person is at the point that they are an adult and can call themselves woman or man?

Is it an age or a maturity level or a changing event?

Two things are required based on your question:

a) adult AND

b) call yourself a woman or man.

That eliminates the start of menses as qualification for being a woman.

I don't think you're an adult until you are 18. After that point, you are a woman or man, no matter what your experience or maturity. You may ACT like a child, but you are still an adult.
Well I have pretty much been taking care of myself since I was 15. Hell, I had to take care of everyone else for years before that. I sometimes wonder if I am gonna be one of those women who have a midlife crisis and tries to act like a teenager since I never had the chance. If I start acting like that, please, someone slap some sense into me.
ksmybuttons said:
I was wondering.

When do you think a person is at the point that they are an adult and can call themselves woman or man?

Is it an age or a maturity level or a changing event?

I believe its a maturity thing. Some of us (lucky ones) never grow up.
ksmybuttons said:
I was wondering.

When do you think a person is at the point that they are an adult and can call themselves woman or man?

Is it an age or a maturity level or a changing event?

After your first divorce. Everything before that is child's play.
Re: Re: When do you become a woman or man?

Hamletmaschine said:
After your first divorce. Everything before that is child's play.

So I'm now finally a woman, eh? LoL

Well I consider that I was a woman before the age of 19.

Once I married and had my child, even though I was fairly mature before then it wasn't until those things that I felt truly *grown up*
Re: Re: When do you become a woman or man?

Hamletmaschine said:
After your first divorce. Everything before that is child's play.

I am still working on it then.:)

I think life experience makes a big difference in when you become an adult.

People can put an arbitrary age on it, like 18 or 21 or menses.

I can say someone isn't a man or woman yet from my perspective but they may feel they are.

When I started paying my own way and accepted and took responsibility for my actions is when I became a woman. I was 22.
All changes of status--like the passage from childhood to adulthood--are conferred on you by your society. One's personal impressions about the matter are irrelevant. Essentially, you become a man or a woman when people start treating you as such.
Hamletmaschine said:
....Essentially, you become a man or a woman when people start treating you as such.

Or when your parents start treating you as such...:)
ksmybuttons said:
I was wondering.

When do you think a person is at the point that they are an adult and can call themselves woman or man?

Is it an age or a maturity level or a changing event?

Couldn't have said it better. I was 9 when I was forced to take on the role of mother........as my own couldn't be one. Age has nothing to do with it. ;)
Hamletmaschine said:
All changes of status--like the passage from childhood to adulthood--are conferred on you by your society. One's personal impressions about the matter are irrelevant. Essentially, you become a man or a woman when people start treating you as such.

I'd have to disagree with that statement, because how someone else treats you is more a reflection, I think, of their maturity etc, then it is of yours. I'm sure we've all run into people who we've done our best to treat with respect and consideration, but who've in turn treated us like complete shit. I think that a lot of people have low self esteem because they base their own self worth on the opinion of others.

I think that Ksmybuttons came closer in saying "When I started paying my own way and accepted and took responsibility for my actions is when I became a woman. I was 22." I think that if YOU act as an adult, that is accepting responsibility for your actions and taking care of your responsibilities, that most other people will see this and respond in kind, but I wouldnt base adulthood completely on the opinion of others, which is bound to be a little twisted because of the kind of people that are out there lurking in dark corners :p

You have to find respect for yourself before you can expect respect from others; you have to love yourself before anyone else will truly love you.
Tell that to the 16-year-old who thinks herself mature enough to vote or go to a bar. Love yourself all you want, but until society confers adulthood on you, you ain't an adult.

Children "act like adults" all the time. It's called rehearsing. And it's pretty funny to watch.
I become a woman, the day hell freezes over. Not that a little snow would be bad for the look of the place, or that I'd mind having a clit to call my own, but it just ain't gonna happen.

Well consider this...

"How many roads must a man walk down, before they call him a man?"
-lisa simpson


"Dad it was a rhetorical question."

"Rhetorical huh? ........EIGHT!"

So the correct answer would be when you've walked down eight roads. Any more brain busters.

bad kitty said:
Well I have pretty much been taking care of myself since I was 15. Hell, I had to take care of everyone else for years before that. I sometimes wonder if I am gonna be one of those women who have a midlife crisis and tries to act like a teenager since I never had the chance. If I start acting like that, please, someone slap some sense into me.

Not so much a mid-life crisis...(at least I don't think of it as that...LOLO), just finally started having some fun the way I should have back then. I still keep in mind I have a daughter that sometimes needs Mom...