When challenged on her lies, Kamala Harris slinks away


Literotica Guru
Apr 24, 2011
It was Harris more than anyone else who catalyzed the most recent national media frenzy against Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-FL), alleging that educational standards he implemented in Florida taught that “enslaved people benefited from slavery.” We have shown multiple times in these pages that the claim is a malicious lie. Harris and her mendacious chorus took a single sentence completely out of context.

In context, there is no way anyone could honestly claim that the Florida standards are in any way meant to suggest that slavery had an even mildly sunny side. Instead, the standards repeatedly emphasize the awful legacy of “slavery, racial oppression, racial segregation, and racial discrimination.” That is as to be expected, considering that the parts of the standards at issue were adopted by a panel led by black scholars about whom it makes zero sense to make the accusation that they somehow believe slavery was beneficial.

Either way, if Harris really believes the claptrap she continues to spew about the standards created by DeSantis’s committee, she should have the decency and gumption to make her case when challenged on it. DeSantis, who can show by overwhelming evidence that the standards neither say nor mean what Harris claims they do, challenged Harris to a debate on the topic. Knowing she has no honest case, Harris instead scurried into hiding while saying she would not debate the topic of slavery with DeSantis or anyone else.

Harris committed calumny against DeSantis here, with no regard for truth. Her attacks were catnip for the liberal media but entirely meretricious. With this shameful combination of prevarication and pusillanimity, she confirms her reputation as a political figure worthy only of disdain.

Did you, of all posters, really make a thread about someone else supposedly not owning up to their bullshit? 🤔
Did you, of all posters, really make a thread about someone else supposedly not owning up to their bullshit? 🤔
The only things remotely interesting about these 🤡s is their blatant hypocrisy and their total lack of self-awareness.
No one owes anyone a debate.

“Debate me!” is a troll tactic.
Are you calling Obama a troll? LMAO!

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Barack Obama

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Barack Obama
