When are you going to quit your job and just snuggle me all day?

Why can't I just get a job where your snuggling of me would be allowed, and, in fact, supported?

Thursday I'm putting in my 2 weeks the going on a 2 1/2 week vacation...buwhahahaha
Hmmm. Would you quit yours and just snuggle me? Didn't think so :D

I'm sure we can work out some sort of job share though :p
Well, I can get by on three days a week at my current job . . . how many days will you give up to snuggling?
I've got to get a job first before I can quit it. Of course, you could just move here and support me in the fashion to which I have become accustomed. :D
pretty_lil_stranger said:
What kind of job would that be?
Have you ever seen those "T-shirts built for 2" or "underwear built for 2"? We could be the official quality control testers for those. :p
