Whats your worst nightmare/phobia/fear?


Literotica Guru
Mar 10, 2002
Mine is being accused of something I didnt do, like murder or rape or child abuse or something, and being put in prison for it, and being labeled as a childabuser/murder/rapist for the rest of my days. man, it gives me the shivers just thinking about it! :eek:
GrittyRingo said:
Mine is being accused of something I didnt do, like murder or rape or child abuse or something, and being put in prison for it, and being labeled as a childabuser/murder/rapist for the rest of my days. man, it gives me the shivers just thinking about it! :eek:

Yeah Gritty...

Can't be much worse than that... another one is being buried alive... No thanks!!!!

:mad: :mad: :mad:
having a heart attack or some other tragic death causing event happen...and no one being there to call 911
I cant say its my worst fear because it is and always has been my ONLY fear.....and that is suffocation.

And yeah being burried alive would be the worst way to suffocate......
Then number one fear would probably be anything bad happening to my family. That's pretty normal, I think.

My biggest phobia however, is water. Shallow water. It's not drowning that I worry about, I'm a very capable swimmer, besides which, the water I'm afraid of isn't deep enough for an adult to drown in. It's just something about looking down into shallow water, seeing the aquatic plants there, waving back and forth. Gives me serious willies.

Ok Doctor. I'm ready for my medications now.
My biggest fear is having a seizure while out alone with my kids and leaving them somewhere. (If you want to know more about what kind of seizures this is just pm me)

my biggest phobia I have had for a long time. Its sharks. I just hate them. To even see a photo of one sends chills down my spine.
Public speaking

I have a totally irrational fear of speaking in front of groups of people. Stage fright or whatever you would call this phobia caused me to fuck up the wedding toast at my best friend's wedding. I couldn't tell you how many times I've looked and sounded like a complete idiot when for some reason I got trapped into addressing a group.:confused:

If I wasn't an idiot I sign up for a public speaking course at my local community collage, and get over this.:cool:

The one where you're being chased by something monsterous and can't run.




falsely imprisoned...I have a cute ass.
High Balconies

I'm not crazy about heights, but if it is safely enclosed I don't mind.

If it is open...my mind instantly and always without fail says 'what if you just jumped?'

I have no idea why it does that...and I hate it
Nightmare? I honestly can't recall ever having one.

Phobia: I don't have any. I'm mildly squeamish, but it's never paralyzing.

Fear: I don't have any specific irrational fears.That's not to say I'm fearless; I get scared just like everybody else if a situation warrants it.
The last "nightmare" I had was because I watched that movie Signs. I'm terrible with thrillers. I got myself so spooked about it that when I woke up in the middle of the night to see a set of green eyes peering up at me from the floor, I screamed the house down! My poor pup...she peed herself I scared her so bad!
I guess my phobia is tight places.......elevators.....i will ride one.....but i'm not fond of them......if they are crowded i won't get on.....i'll wait for the next one.....always have this fear of getting trapped....such as a bad car wreck....not being able to get out.....i can't even stand for someone to lay on me with a cover over my body.....i panic....i can't breathe......even if my head is uncovered......
I'm glad I'm not the only wuss out there!!

Rambrat said:

The one where you're being chased by something monsterous and can't run.




falsely imprisoned...I have a cute ass.


My being chased dreams always turn into me-being-McGyver type dreams and they usually end up being pretty cool.

I have arachnophobia.
Nightmare - is doberman dogs chasing me - had that bad dream over and over again as a kid. Scared me a lot. To this day I won't go near big dogs - of any kind - but especially dobermans. Had the dream come true when I was 25 and our neighbor's dog got out the weekend we were moving out - I never ran so fast in my life - and the dog decided to chase when I ran! My neighbor came over and apologized after he got the dog back in his yard, and said he never knew I was afraid of his dog. Told him I tolerated living next to the dog for 2 years, but was glad to be leaving!
I am most afraid of all my social interactions being limited to posting in the "playground" without the ability to turn siglines off.