The Left's Worst Nightmare


Prof Triggernometry
Feb 7, 2017

The ‘Left’s’ Worst Nightmare: A Return to the 'Crusader Mindset'​


Remember when the Atlantic complained about “Christian nationalists,” whose “social-media pages are saturated with images of rosaries draped over firearms, warriors in prayer, Deus Vult (‘God wills it’) crusader memes, and exhortations for men to rise up and become Church Militants”?

The contagiously inspiring image invoked by these men who boldly and unapologetically sacrificed everything to defend their faith is precisely what the Left does not want today’s Christians, of whatever denomination, to recollect as part of their heritage, a thing available to them to emulate in times of crisis.

This is precisely why, for decades, all departments in service of the Left — from the public school system to Hollywood — have done everything in their power to 1) emasculate men and 2) present “good” and “true” Christianity as being nothing more than a welcome doormat.

Thus, the powers-that-be have idolized the effeminate and extolled the homosexual; they have portrayed sword-waving women as the true and only embodiment of courage, heroism and self-sacrifice; they have demonized true masculinity — without which civilization perishes — as “toxic”; and, most insidiously, they have depicted any Christian who wishes to do anything other than “turn his other cheek” as being hypocritical and oppressive.

One can go on and on as to how the Left has done everything, subtle and increasingly not so subtle, to neuter men, but the point should be clear: The first and foremost enemy of any one or thing — in this case, the Left — is men. As such, teaching men not to be men has been one of the most strategic ways to defeat men. Little wonder the lgb-whatever agenda has been to infiltrate and indoctrinate the minds of children — whether through schools and libraries, or television programming and books for children. While that agenda is dark on several fronts, one of its chief goals is to strip boys of their latent manhood while they’re still young and pliable — nipping them in the “bud,” as it were, so they become compliant in adulthood.

The rest here:

America is already awake to the evils of the left. With much of our warrior class on the wane are there enough Americans left to turn the tide away from the mob action and totalitarianism of the left?
Evil is a religious construct.

Another stupid opinion piece that relies on the false premise that the left is ruining everything

You can't start there and be sincere in your argument
There is no God and believing in a ghost story is a prime example of a person being incapable of critical thinking and logic.
"We all know the left is evil, here is the proof that the left is evil!"

What an idiotic article

PJ Media hires the shittiest writers.....almost as bad as "Natural News"
Evil is a religious construct.

Another stupid opinion piece that relies on the false premise that the left is ruining everything

You can't start there and be sincere in your argument
You haven't been sincere in a single issue.

Did you watch the GOP debates last night? It was a disorderly cacophony of childlike losers, all of whom have allowed Trump to live rent-free in their minds and bring them to their present insanity. Trump is kicking their collective asses in the polls and he's kicking Joe Biden's tired ass well. We see why he didn't show up to dignify that friggin' shit show that polluted the Reagan Library last night. So tell us how the left is succeeding and haven't ruined California, New York, and Illinois.
America is already awake to the evils of the left. With much of our warrior class on the wane are there enough Americans left to turn the tide away from the mob action and totalitarianism of the left?
Rather than advancing the cause of Christianity in the east, the crusaders set it back. Their principle sin was sacking Constantinople, which besides being the seat of the Church in the east, had served as a bulwark against Islam for centuries.

The minor kingdoms the crusaders established afterwards in the Holy Land were short-lived and weak.
You haven't been sincere in a single issue.

Did you watch the GOP debates last night? It was a disorderly cacophony of childlike losers, all of whom have allowed Trump to live rent-free in their minds and bring them to their present insanity. Trump is kicking their collective asses in the polls and he's kicking Joe Biden's tired ass well. We see why he didn't show up to dignify that friggin' shit show that polluted the Reagan Library last night. So tell us how the left is succeeding and haven't ruined California, New York, and Illinois.
This is an odd deflection - the GOP in a debate talking about the leading candidate who refused to debate them directly?

But yah, this is a shit thread about a shit article whose entire premise is "the left sucks"...which is literally your only political view.
Rather than advancing the cause of Christianity in the east, the crusaders set it back. Their principle sin was sacking Constantinople, which besides being the seat of the Church in the east, had served as a bulwark against Islam for centuries.

The minor kingdoms the crusaders established afterwards in the Holy Land were short-lived and weak.
As you know it all started with the murder of some 60,000 Roman Catholics by Eastern Orthodox people in Constantinople. The reason the city was sacked didn't have anything to do with the primary purpose of the Fourth Crusade which was aimed at the Islamic invasion of Jerusalem. So, in that time there was plenty of religious hate to go around by all sides.

The ‘Left’s’ Worst Nightmare: A Return to the 'Crusader Mindset'​


Remember when the Atlantic complained about “Christian nationalists,” whose “social-media pages are saturated with images of rosaries draped over firearms, warriors in prayer, Deus Vult (‘God wills it’) crusader memes, and exhortations for men to rise up and become Church Militants”?

The contagiously inspiring image invoked by these men who boldly and unapologetically sacrificed everything to defend their faith is precisely what the Left does not want today’s Christians, of whatever denomination, to recollect as part of their heritage, a thing available to them to emulate in times of crisis.

This is precisely why, for decades, all departments in service of the Left — from the public school system to Hollywood — have done everything in their power to 1) emasculate men and 2) present “good” and “true” Christianity as being nothing more than a welcome doormat.

Thus, the powers-that-be have idolized the effeminate and extolled the homosexual; they have portrayed sword-waving women as the true and only embodiment of courage, heroism and self-sacrifice; they have demonized true masculinity — without which civilization perishes — as “toxic”; and, most insidiously, they have depicted any Christian who wishes to do anything other than “turn his other cheek” as being hypocritical and oppressive.

One can go on and on as to how the Left has done everything, subtle and increasingly not so subtle, to neuter men, but the point should be clear: The first and foremost enemy of any one or thing — in this case, the Left — is men. As such, teaching men not to be men has been one of the most strategic ways to defeat men. Little wonder the lgb-whatever agenda has been to infiltrate and indoctrinate the minds of children — whether through schools and libraries, or television programming and books for children. While that agenda is dark on several fronts, one of its chief goals is to strip boys of their latent manhood while they’re still young and pliable — nipping them in the “bud,” as it were, so they become compliant in adulthood.

The rest here:

America is already awake to the evils of the left. With much of our warrior class on the wane are there enough Americans left to turn the tide away from the mob action and totalitarianism of the left?

FAO Reichguide
You haven't been sincere in a single issue.

Did you watch the GOP debates last night? It was a disorderly cacophony of childlike losers, all of whom have allowed Trump to live rent-free in their minds and bring them to their present insanity. Trump is kicking their collective asses in the polls and he's kicking Joe Biden's tired ass well. We see why he didn't show up to dignify that friggin' shit show that polluted the Reagan Library last night. So tell us how the left is succeeding and haven't ruined California, New York, and Illinois.
At not a single one had the balls to mention all those lies, 5th's, rapes, frauds, impeachments, indictments and ongoing investigations.

Two faced and spineless, the lot of them.
You haven't been sincere in a single issue.

So tell us how the left is succeeding and haven't ruined California, New York, and Illinois.
They've ruined entire states? Wow. That is a powerful group of people. No wonder we terrify the shit out of you.
As you know it all started with the murder of some 60,000 Roman Catholics by Eastern Orthodox people in Constantinople. The reason the city was sacked didn't have anything to do with the primary purpose of the Fourth Crusade which was aimed at the Islamic invasion of Jerusalem. So, in that time there was plenty of religious hate to go around by all sides.
You do know that the Eastern Orthodox is a Christian church, the branch that covered the eastern side of the Roman Empire whilst the Roman Catholic ruled the west? That Constantinople was named after Pope Constantine?

The object of the 1st Crusade was to liberate Jerusalem from those nasty Islamists whose country it was in. It was started by the Byzantine emperor Alexios I Komnenos (Christian), then Pope Urban II (Christian) appealed to all the peaceful and patriotic Christians to support Alexios with an armed pilgrimage. Sort of like someone ranting against a fake grievance to rile up the masses into trashing the joint and impose their own unwanted government. That was taken up by Peter the Hermit (an Alex Jones figure of the day) who encouraged a mass of poorly educated suckers to march across to Turkey and screw them over (like those 'Freedumb Convoys') whilst slaughtering any Jews they could find on their way, because well, racists. They had their asses kicked so set up camp and waited for terminal boredom to set in, luckily for them they were rescued by a bunch of Normans like Stephen of Bois & Robert II of Flanders.
You do know that the Eastern Orthodox is a Christian church, the branch that covered the eastern side of the Roman Empire whilst the Roman Catholic ruled the west? That Constantinople was named after Pope Constantine?

The object of the 1st Crusade was to liberate Jerusalem from those nasty Islamists whose country it was in. It was started by the Byzantine emperor Alexios I Komnenos (Christian), then Pope Urban II (Christian) appealed to all the peaceful and patriotic Christians to support Alexios with an armed pilgrimage. Sort of like someone ranting against a fake grievance to rile up the masses into trashing the joint and impose their own unwanted government. That was taken up by Peter the Hermit (an Alex Jones figure of the day) who encouraged a mass of poorly educated suckers to march across to Turkey and screw them over (like those 'Freedumb Convoys') whilst slaughtering any Jews they could find on their way, because well, racists. They had their asses kicked so set up camp and waited for terminal boredom to set in, luckily for them they were rescued by a bunch of Normans like Stephen of Bois & Robert II of Flanders.
To be fair to Emperor Alexios, the Anatolian heartland of the Eastern Empire had been under Ottoman control since the Battle of Manzikert in 1071, and Constantinople was under constant pressure from the Turks. What he really wanted from the west was defensive help, but he could only get it by couching it in the language of crusade.

The ‘Left’s’ Worst Nightmare: A Return to the 'Crusader Mindset'​


Remember when the Atlantic complained about “Christian nationalists,” whose “social-media pages are saturated with images of rosaries draped over firearms, warriors in prayer, Deus Vult (‘God wills it’) crusader memes, and exhortations for men to rise up and become Church Militants”?

The contagiously inspiring image invoked by these men who boldly and unapologetically sacrificed everything to defend their faith is precisely what the Left does not want today’s Christians, of whatever denomination, to recollect as part of their heritage, a thing available to them to emulate in times of crisis.

This is precisely why, for decades, all departments in service of the Left — from the public school system to Hollywood — have done everything in their power to 1) emasculate men and 2) present “good” and “true” Christianity as being nothing more than a welcome doormat.

Thus, the powers-that-be have idolized the effeminate and extolled the homosexual; they have portrayed sword-waving women as the true and only embodiment of courage, heroism and self-sacrifice; they have demonized true masculinity — without which civilization perishes — as “toxic”; and, most insidiously, they have depicted any Christian who wishes to do anything other than “turn his other cheek” as being hypocritical and oppressive.

One can go on and on as to how the Left has done everything, subtle and increasingly not so subtle, to neuter men, but the point should be clear: The first and foremost enemy of any one or thing — in this case, the Left — is men. As such, teaching men not to be men has been one of the most strategic ways to defeat men. Little wonder the lgb-whatever agenda has been to infiltrate and indoctrinate the minds of children — whether through schools and libraries, or television programming and books for children. While that agenda is dark on several fronts, one of its chief goals is to strip boys of their latent manhood while they’re still young and pliable — nipping them in the “bud,” as it were, so they become compliant in adulthood.

The rest here:

America is already awake to the evils of the left. With much of our warrior class on the wane are there enough Americans left to turn the tide away from the mob action and totalitarianism of the left?
Easy! Just move to Iran then, fuckhead! All of the "Liberty" (According to your definition thereof) you can want, and believe me, men are treated like men and women are basically slaves.

If you want that so bad, move there and fuck off. Yes, if you want men to stand up and fight for their freedoms, just keep pushing for your dystopian fucking white nationalist handmaid's tale of a society, and we'll see what happens when freedom-loving men push back.

This is America. People want FREEDOM, and that means freedom from oppressive government and individual liberty (According to the dictionary definition, not yours.)

The ‘Left’s’ Worst Nightmare: A Return to the 'Crusader Mindset'​


Remember when the Atlantic complained about “Christian nationalists,” whose “social-media pages are saturated with images of rosaries draped over firearms, warriors in prayer, Deus Vult (‘God wills it’) crusader memes, and exhortations for men to rise up and become Church Militants”?

The contagiously inspiring image invoked by these men who boldly and unapologetically sacrificed everything to defend their faith is precisely what the Left does not want today’s Christians, of whatever denomination, to recollect as part of their heritage, a thing available to them to emulate in times of crisis.

This is precisely why, for decades, all departments in service of the Left — from the public school system to Hollywood — have done everything in their power to 1) emasculate men and 2) present “good” and “true” Christianity as being nothing more than a welcome doormat.

Thus, the powers-that-be have idolized the effeminate and extolled the homosexual; they have portrayed sword-waving women as the true and only embodiment of courage, heroism and self-sacrifice; they have demonized true masculinity — without which civilization perishes — as “toxic”; and, most insidiously, they have depicted any Christian who wishes to do anything other than “turn his other cheek” as being hypocritical and oppressive.

One can go on and on as to how the Left has done everything, subtle and increasingly not so subtle, to neuter men, but the point should be clear: The first and foremost enemy of any one or thing — in this case, the Left — is men. As such, teaching men not to be men has been one of the most strategic ways to defeat men. Little wonder the lgb-whatever agenda has been to infiltrate and indoctrinate the minds of children — whether through schools and libraries, or television programming and books for children. While that agenda is dark on several fronts, one of its chief goals is to strip boys of their latent manhood while they’re still young and pliable — nipping them in the “bud,” as it were, so they become compliant in adulthood.

The rest here:

America is already awake to the evils of the left. With much of our warrior class on the wane are there enough Americans left to turn the tide away from the mob action and totalitarianism of the left?

You just take everything they dish out don’t you?

The ‘Left’s’ Worst Nightmare: A Return to the 'Crusader Mindset'​


Remember when the Atlantic complained about “Christian nationalists,” whose “social-media pages are saturated with images of rosaries draped over firearms, warriors in prayer, Deus Vult (‘God wills it’) crusader memes, and exhortations for men to rise up and become Church Militants”?

The contagiously inspiring image invoked by these men who boldly and unapologetically sacrificed everything to defend their faith is precisely what the Left does not want today’s Christians, of whatever denomination, to recollect as part of their heritage, a thing available to them to emulate in times of crisis.

This is precisely why, for decades, all departments in service of the Left — from the public school system to Hollywood — have done everything in their power to 1) emasculate men and 2) present “good” and “true” Christianity as being nothing more than a welcome doormat.

Thus, the powers-that-be have idolized the effeminate and extolled the homosexual; they have portrayed sword-waving women as the true and only embodiment of courage, heroism and self-sacrifice; they have demonized true masculinity — without which civilization perishes — as “toxic”; and, most insidiously, they have depicted any Christian who wishes to do anything other than “turn his other cheek” as being hypocritical and oppressive.

One can go on and on as to how the Left has done everything, subtle and increasingly not so subtle, to neuter men, but the point should be clear: The first and foremost enemy of any one or thing — in this case, the Left — is men. As such, teaching men not to be men has been one of the most strategic ways to defeat men. Little wonder the lgb-whatever agenda has been to infiltrate and indoctrinate the minds of children — whether through schools and libraries, or television programming and books for children. While that agenda is dark on several fronts, one of its chief goals is to strip boys of their latent manhood while they’re still young and pliable — nipping them in the “bud,” as it were, so they become compliant in adulthood.

The rest here:

America is already awake to the evils of the left. With much of our warrior class on the wane are there enough Americans left to turn the tide away from the mob action and totalitarianism of the left?
You always whine a lot after getting pegged.
Are there enough Americans left to turn the tide away from the Taliban action and totalitarianism of the Right?

If not, then this country will end up in a very dark place.

Most Americans agreed that when the Islamic Republic went into place in Iran in 1980, or when Daesh/ISIS took over Syria and parts of Iraq in 2013-14, that those societies became intolerably horrible. Brutal authoritarian oppression, enslavement of women, gross violations of human rights, no personal freedom, and only militant religious authority permeating every aspect of life.

Most Americans agreed that if America was ever subjected to that kind of regime, that it would be especially horrible as they would experience first hand what citizens of Iran, Iraq, and Syria have experienced under those regimes. And few Americans would ever tolerate that.

Except, Rightguide obviously does. (Whether he is, in fact, an American is something I have openly questioned more than once.)

He may blather on about "Liberty" but to him, "Liberty" means "A government that has carte blanche to do anything it wishes to it's citizens, with no consequences or checks and balances." Basically "Liberty" applies only to the governing authority, not to the citizens.

He also fails to understand that, 1) Replace "Islam" with "Christianity" and there is utterly no difference between his vision for America and Daesh/ISIs's vision for the Middle East, (Or the Ahyatollahs version of Iran) and 2) BECAUSE Most Americans would never consent to being subjected to such a regime, they would fight back with everything they have. Both men, and especially women and GLBT as they have the most to lose. And I would not only hope so but would logically expect so.
The left and the right want the same thing: control. Both sides have fear of uncontrollable people. The left particularly needs men to fight wars now, so mass emasculation has limits. The fantasy that we can just buy a victory with other nations doing the fighting is now being blown to bits in Ukraine. The more immediately happening nightmare for the left is the government's money becomes worthless, so it must drastically cut spending. That could be when the left wakes up to reality and becomes literally woke.
The left and the right want the same thing: control. Both sides have fear of uncontrollable people. The left particularly needs men to fight wars now, so mass emasculation has limits. The fantasy that we can just buy a victory with other nations doing the fighting is now being blown to bits in Ukraine. The more immediately happening nightmare for the left is the government's money becomes worthless, so it must drastically cut spending. That could be when the left wakes up to reality and becomes literally woke.
Both sidseism is the best solution...obviously.