What's your special talent?

I can barbecue like nobody's business. And I make a mean hamburger.

Other than that, i'm pretty useless.
superlittlegirl said:
I like to juggle. I'm not so great at it, but it's silly and fun.

What do you do?

I'm a very fast learner and can do just about anything really well.
Photography, cooking, cock sucking, scrapbooking, entertaining and gardening.


Sorry, I couldn't list just one.
I can ride a hella wheelie on a motorcycle, and I can twirl drumsticks endlessly.

EDIT to add.....I just realized another talent......cutting off all my user uploads so I can download the entire Rush 2112 cd in 6 minutes instead of 6 hours.....lol
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I can touch my tongue to my nose, I can tie a cherry stem into a knot with my tongue, I can sing ok, and if I stretch out enough beforehand I can do a split.

I guess I shouldn't quit my day job just yet.
Re: Re: What's your special talent?

Romial said:
I'm a very fast learner and can do just about anything really well.

You should become a trapeezist.
I'm champeen pillow fighter east and west of the Mississippi. I have nephews who will testify.
HeavyStick said:
I'm a master cunnilinguist, I can breath through my ears.

Any testimonials to back that up? I volunteer to be a demo model. :D

I am talentless...
Probably reading and teaching.

Public speaking as an after effect.
I can fix 30 years of fuck ups in 4 months...ok I am Hoping I can...

Other then that, I can tie a cherry stem with my tongue...and umm I make a wicked grilled cheese sandwich...really I know it sounds dumb, but I am really good at it:)
HeavyStick said:
Does my initial post in this thread do anything for you?

It would do more for me if you could prove it. ;-)

A personal demo I think would be required, don't you?

lol KS
Assisting is my best talent.

Flirting is my special talent.

Poetry is my hidden talent.