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This thread is a cheap rip-off of mine. But I am flattered none the less![]()
You have cheap rip off confused with mockery, but I'll let you think otherwise if it gives you a warm fuzzyLiberals and liberal supporters like you love warm fuzzy time.
Remember if you support socialized HC, gay rights, women's rights, gun control, massive gov spending and even more corporate welfare then vote Romney!! The conservative beacon of hope!! I mean...wait wtf??
go enjoy some more FOX koolaid, it's saturday...that's blue flavor day, Romney's favorite.
I wonder if he was drinking blue Koolaid when he wrote up, pushed and then signed into law Obama....I mean Romney care. A fantastic plan to get america progressing towards socialized medicine that Obama loved so much he implemented it on a national level. That's a huge achievement for the republicans.
Now he is crowing about how he will repeal what he openly supported not even a year ago, and did in his own state years ago and you guys cheer him on and eat it up....lmfao!! This level of retardation is nothing short of love
Wow. Looks like someone does not have a voice in the real world, and instead uses LIT to scream from the rooftops.
Relax. It's all politics as usual. Face it: 90% of the country votes based on ideology. Plain as simple.
Same for sports. A beloved player leaves team A and then returns as part of team B. Team A fans now jeer the once-beloved player. Why? No response necessary.
?? Voice in the real world *la la la * yup my voice box works just dandy. If you were talking about vote...none of us do and if you think your vote matters you're lying to yourself.
If they vote based on ideology then why did the right wing pick the biggest RINO in the entire party to nominate as POTUS instead of one of the conservative candidates?
1) the right wing bas and the GOP are full of fucking shit, and willingly piss on conservatism for their welfare checks.
2) they are so fucking retarded they bought into the idea that Romney is a conservative who will do shit differently than the OTHER Ivy League wall st. Lawyer sitting in the white house who get's his pay check from the same guys. They were sold a corrupt lie and are happy to chug the kool aid like the spineless inverts they are.
I would put the GOP slave voter base past neither of them... at this point I'm 100% convinced if Karl Marx himself had FOX's endorsement 45%+ of the US would vote for him because of it.
Bunch of fooze ball retards who think tossing a pig skin = edumacashun voting based on their team and not ideology, facts or anything other than "GO RED! OHHHHH YEA!!" which is exactly what I have been saying all along are response necessary.
Your post just reinforced my point and you did not realize it. The bases are the ideologues. The bases will not change their vote based on the recent Obama-Romney debate, nor any other Presidential debate (they may not show up to vote, but they won't change their vote).
It's all up to the non-ideologues: the Independents and the swing states. There are only about 7 major players in this race. Both candidates are largely ignoring the States that they have locked in.
I pick C.
Suffering through the stupidity of the shit you post.
That's not voting an ideology numb nuts....if they were voting the conservative ideology they would have nominated one of the conservatives not some welfare fuck wad RINO.
They vote who the idiot box tells them to vote for.
You seem to be willfully overlooking something. The Primaries are used weed out those not suitable to be the nominee. Primaries are over. Registered Republicans chose Romney for various reasons.
Some thought he was the best candidate (a moderate) to go up against Obama. We like to call that a strategic vote. Some thought he was the best qualified in spite of being a moderate. But that is the primary process, not the Us Against Them process of the general election.
So here we are, a mere month away from the election. No one I know will change their vote based on the debates. The bases won't. The independents may (they are the only open minded ones).
Just so you know, all the arguments you make about the Repubs can be applied to the Dems. Sometimes, the Dems nominate moderates. Google it.
I think that's a bull shit lie. Santorum and Paul were raping face, everyone thought it was going to be between those two. Romney was considered nothing more than a joke standing there GETTING BOOED OFF STAGE for supporting Obama for fucks sake grinning next to his goombah buddy perry.
If it's not a lie and the majority voted for Romney they need to quit spouting their bullshit and call themselves what they are, socialist liberals who love welfare and socialized HC. Because that's what they are saying by nominating/voting for Romney. Personal gubbmint.. pro business.. vote Romney..what a fucking crock of shit. Bunch of lying ass hypocrites.
Romney is not a conservative, not even close...he doesn't even qualify as a god damn neocon or a moderate. He has 20+ years of flagrant left wing liberalism IN ACTION AND ON RECORD, toss in 3 years of praising Obama....and it makes the last several months of pseudo conservative rhetoric seem kinda laughable doesn't it?
HAHAHA so they thought he was the best or best to take on Obama....because he was the closest thing they could find to Obama in the GOP.....LMFAO, the stupidity of that is fucking amazing PSW. I guess that explains why he got his ass beat retarded in the primaries yet somehow won the nomination??? yea that's what happened...the bankers and laywers holding all the money and power would NEVER lie to the public in order to protect their multi billion dollar welfare's OK PSW trust your government like a good lil liberal statist.
No they wont....they have been drinking their koolaid for months now about how "ANYTHING IS BETTER THAN OBAMA!!!....even the guy who did all the fucked up socialist shit you hate him for first. "
Once again we are back to asking.
Are they just retarded lemmings that do what their favorite news station/talking head tells them to?
Or are they deliberate hypocrites lying to themselves about their political identities?
Either way.... douche bags to the extreme. land of the free? home of the brave? What a joke...bunch of spineless cowards who love their welfare!!!
This thread isn't about the dems....plenty of other threads for them. I have harped and bashed them for their bull shit too.
This thread is about what a joke the GOP is and what a bunch of fraudulent fucking LIARS and or idiots the GOP voter base is for nominating and supporting arguably the most blatant RINO ever to sit on team red.
I could not finish your post.
You are textbook <fill in the blank>, and that ain't a compliment.
I bet you vote party line every time. There is no thought process for you except this very simple algorithm:
if (candidate = registered Democrat) then
vote for candidate;
Is this thread about Harry Reid! He's both.![]()
Politicians, but you knew that, hopefully.
Cuz the truth hurts ohhhhh sooooooo gooooood doesn't it....Romney is a socialist liberal and so are you for supporting him. It's really just that simple.....
I don't buy his 9 months of conservative rhetoric and FOX cheering over 20+ years of socialism in action. If you do you are either a moron or a spineless coward scared to vote what you really believe in.
Speaking of spineless coward you can't even speak your mind....
How could anyone believe you vote your mind? You don' vote how FOX tells you to.
OH cpt. know so much....never voted for a democrat in my entire life...not once.
So you can take your presumptuous little formula and blow it out your socialist liberal pecker hole. Oh I'm are a romney must be a die hard conservative!!! LMFAO!!! What a douche...
I am on to you. Someone with that number of posts and in such a short period of time, coupled with that level of venom, could not be for real. Kudos to you and your persona. Had me going there for a minute. You'll do well here. What is your other ALT?
Oh i'm real baby......
<------Frizzle_Fry....I have been here for years and switched to this acct, and have not posted once under my old name since the switch and I don't post under any other names either. So nope...not an alt.
Not an alt, just a guy who is pissed off and tired of liars/posers who preach one thing and then do another. The gop/conservative base that likes to go popping off at the mouth about conservatism and how evil Obama is then turn around and support Romney are either:
1) Cowards accepting of the corrupt nature of the GOP and the peasants blatant disfranchisement from the american political process.
2) 90+% of the right wing voter base is full of fucking shit when they preach about fiscal responsibility, liberty, freedom etc etc. and they want their welfare just as much as the left.
Considering there were 2 solid conservatives and 3 popular neo con Jesus Juicers to chose from and the 1 RINO liberal twat who got boo'ed or laughed off stage at every primary debate/poll a huge bullshit indicator that you have been sold a lie and a fraudulent candidate. The fact he is being paid and financed by Obama's banker home boys on wall st. couldn't be screaming "CORRUPT BUUSHIT!!!" any louder. Better yet..go watch some old FOX footage of them bashing the shit out of Romney for supporting Obama, asking him if he knew what party he was in etc that to the praise they sing day in and day out now.
So if you are a Mittens are either a moron/coward or a liar and liberal at heart, which is it?![]()
Romney is a socialist liberal . . .