What's with all of the acronyms?



Okay, here I am, the queen of thread killers, starting my own thread.

But after reading some 30+ posts, I realized how many of the acronyms people use here that I have no idea what they mean.

For example, what in the heck is an SO? I know that most likely someone is going to answer and I'm going to say, "Dar!" and smack myself in the forehead, but at least then I'd really know, instead of just pretending to. Which is basically what I've been doing since I came to the boards of Literotica.

So this is a thread, Posters willing, where people can post acronyms for the newbie posters like me, that might help other people out, too.

If you can think of an acronym that you use, please post it here and say what the meaning behind it is. If you think that you have one, and figure that I probably already know it, post it anyway! Odds are, I don't. I'd even place a bet on it.

Sati said:
For example, what in the heck is an SO?

If you can think of an acronym that you use, please post it here and say what the meaning behind it is. If you think that you have one, and figure that I probably already know it, post it anyway! Odds are, I don't. I'd even place a bet on it.


Significant Other ;) PLease don't smack yourself in the forehead. I didn't get it for a while either.

My favorites are:
LDR=Long Distance Relationship
AFK=Away From Keyboard
NITM= Not In The Mood as in I'm just not in the mood to deal with this crap.
I don't get most of them either; actually I hate them. Especially the LOL and all it's variations.

Emoticons aren't a favorite with me either, though I see the necessity.

But damnit, I have a bad addiction to ellipses... ... ... ... ... ... :)
Hey we should start a support group!
Thanks for asking. I have been wondering also. :)
I'm sure you've seen IMHO = In My Humble Opinion and its many variations. :p
Just a few more:

WTF - What the fuck?
NS/HS - No shit / Holy shit
OMG - Oh my God
BBW - Big, Beautiful Woman

SO throws me off when it begins a sentence (like this). I'm not a big fan of them myself, but they have their place.
flawed_ethics, that little thing in your avatar is creeping me the fuck out. :eek:
RL is real life, OL is on-line.

Can you tell us some of the ones you don't recognize?

NP is no problem, TY is thank you, TG is thank god.

You can figure out most of them contextually. I try to avoid most of them in my posts - in chat, I'm guilty of them far more often.

Zilla - that's a friendly little wormy guy from a movie called The Labyrinth! He's not creepy, just... wormy. :)
One that I finally figured out (with help from the GB--that's General Board to you!) is WEG (or often <weg>): Wicked Evil Grin.

Others that confused me in years past:

TIA = Thanks in advance (I don't see this much anymore--maybe 'cuz folks on-line are into etiquette as much these day--those damned kids!)

ROFL = Rolling on the floor laughing

ROFLMAO = Rolling on the floor laughing my ass off

and the classic (from Robert A. Heinlein)

TANSTAAFL = There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch


Hey guys!

Thanks for all of the explanations!

I don't know if I'm more excited that I can now be apart of the Lit lingo, or that my thread didn't die within the first hour!


RomanHans said:
One that I finally figured out (with help from the GB--that's General Board to you!) is WEG (or often <weg>): Wicked Evil Grin.

Others that confused me in years past:

TIA = Thanks in advance (I don't see this much anymore--maybe 'cuz folks on-line are into etiquette as much these day--those damned kids!)

ROFL = Rolling on the floor laughing

ROFLMAO = Rolling on the floor laughing my ass off

and the classic (from Robert A. Heinlein)

TANSTAAFL = There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch


Finally, I now know what WEG means!
ROFL always reminds me more of someone throwing up, but I knew that one :)
And TY... I once told someone in a post "kiss TY" for me. I thought he was referring to his cat but he set me straight, (without being mean) That was embarrassing but funny...

Roman, do you like Heinlein?
Image said:
Finally, I now know what WEG means!
ROFL always reminds me more of someone throwing up, but I knew that one :)
And TY... I once told someone in a post "kiss TY" for me. I thought he was referring to his cat but he set me straight, (without being mean) That was embarrassing but funny...

Roman, do you like Heinlein?

Starting in elementary school, I read almost every Heinlein book I could get my hands on...but I haven't read any of them since college.

I posted on the Heinlein thread on The Playground a bit, but lost interest--he was a good writer, but his politics didn't appeal to me.

RomanHans said:
Starting in elementary school, I read almost every Heinlein book I could get my hands on...but I haven't read any of them since college.

I posted on the Heinlein thread on The Playground a bit, but lost interest--he was a good writer, but his politics didn't appeal to me.


Great books, I have read and reread the lot.............I always wanted to marry Deety Burroughs.......:devil:

And Sati....

Couple more you may or may not know:
LMAO Laughing my arse off
LOL Laughing out Loud
*S* Smile
bf / gf boyfriend, girlfriend....

Enjoy Lit
Heinlein I grew up with in Boy Scouts
Each year he wrote a novel that was published in the Boy Scout Magizine

As an adult I got into two important themes he provided

1) marage can mean many things
2) his politics

In part that is why I am a Libertarian today

I read several of his books like a whirlwind about 25 years ago. I remember really loving them but now I can't remember much other than the quote by Lazarus Long, "You live and learn or you don't live long".

*On a personal note* Interesting that references to his works have recently been popping up all over my life these days... no coincidences. I am definitely going to reread them starting today.
Image said:
I read several of his books like a whirlwind about 25 years ago. I remember really loving them but now I can't remember much other than the quote by Lazarus Long, "You live and learn or you don't live long".

*On a personal note* Interesting that references to his works have recently been popping up all over my life these days... no coincidences. I am definitely going to reread them starting today.

You could set on my lap an we could read them together :)
Here's another I used to see often:

FWIW = For what it's worth

As in, "FWIW, I didn't like that book either.":D

BTW, if you're looking for all the abbreviations used to annotate stories on Lit or similar sites, look here:

The Official A.S.S. Story Codes Style Guide

Very helpful. There's a parallel version that helps authors to code their stories properly.
