What's the longest you've held on to a PM?

in the actual PM box or on my harddrive?
If I eat cheese and get constipated, then I can hold on to them for a good long time. However, if I eat bad Chinese or sliders, I can't hold them at all. They just whoooooooosh right through me!

OH! You said PM *oops*


It has someone's phone number in it. Still haven't called yet, but it's there when I get the nerve.
Since I joined...which makes it about 7 months. I'm a little lazy with deleting.

The only ones that I hang onto a very long time are the ones that I umm, *coughs* well...that I haven't answered yet.

There are some that I saved for awhile because they came from someone I'd never corresonded with and said something really nice, those are hard to part with. Eventually they have to go cause Trail has this habit of sending his thoughts one sentence at a time, and my box fills rapidly.:rolleyes:
01:05 AM

Most of them i delete right away, some of them deserve to be held on to.
HeavyStick said:
Your first IP addie maybe?


April 2, 2002 for me

It was so sentimental. And the numbers had such mystical meaning. A moment in time that I can relive over and over and over. Like a scratched vinyl LP album. <sigh>

I still have my very first PM from a wonderful Lit member, that has since disappeared. So, that would be over a year now. I have a few saved that are at least 10 months old. I'm sentimental that way.:D
the oldest one i am holding onto right now is from 7/16/02 :rose:
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P. B. Walker said:
Got a kinky sexy one from Ruby that's dated 12-03-2002
07:30 PM. LOL.

you mean you didn't keep those kinky sex ones that i sent you last year???? LOL :devil:
princess4u said:
you mean you didn't keep those kinky sex ones that i sent you last year???? LOL :devil:

I had save those off to the HD. They were taking up so much room :)


06:41 AM

but I keep everything set to past 5 days so I didn't realize how much old shit i had in there that i don't need anymore.

P. B. Walker said:
Got a kinky sexy one from Ruby that's dated 12-03-2002
07:30 PM. LOL.


That was supposed to self-destruct after the first 500 readings!

Ruby "not a spy kid" Fruit