What's the big deal about Orgasms?


Biker Chick
Jun 30, 2001

When I think back to any time I have had sex, I don't remember the orgasm.

There is no, "Wow! That guy could really make me cum!"

The orgasm isn't a determining factor when I evaluate an intimate encounter.

Is it for you?

Or am I a bit odd?

No, don't answer that!
the old saying, you just haven't been with the right guy.
cum again?

I enjoy the process it self to ...
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Hmmmmm I must be weird too lol.....

It's about the whole experience....:)
MissT, I think we're like twins or something. I can count on one hand the number of times a man has been able o bring me to orgasm without me doing most of it. So in my book, that doesn't make you odd. That's not saying you're totally normal either. Not that it's a bad thing, mind you.

lobito said:
the old saying, you just haven't been with the right guy.

Umm it isn't that I haven't had earth shattering orgasms, but my thinking was that it just didnt' matter.

Besides that, what made them earth shattering was probably the process leading up to the big bang!

april-wine said:
Hmmmmm I must be weird too lol.....

It's about the whole experience....:)

Well, at least I am in good company with my weirdness!

SweetCherry said:
MissT, I think we're like twins or something. I can count on one hand the number of times a man has been able o bring me to orgasm without me doing most of it. So in my book, that doesn't make you odd. That's not saying you're totally normal either. Not that it's a bad thing, mind you.


Well, I do orgasm rather easily.

It is just that maybe it is too easily?

When I think of a lover, I think of his hands, his voice, how tight the ropes were *gasp*

but not the orgasm itself.

Wiggles said:
It's not the reason I have sex, but it's something that ends up happening a few times anyways and that's alright by me. lol

I hardly ever get those mind shattering ones, but that's ok too.

(I think the guys dig the Ooh's and Aaah's as well. Just a hunch.)

Yes, getting us turned on seems to be what the men enjoy as well.

I wonder, if a woman doesn't cum is it really a blow to the male ego?
Lancecastor said:
Sadly, I can only help so many women enjoy a full sex life.

Well, as my mother used to say at report card time, "With a little more effort......"

3/4 the fun is getting there....

I've always enjoyed the sensation more than the orgasm...

It's just nature's way of saying when men are done.....

Can't speak for the women as I am only a lesbian trapped in a man's body...:D
Tungwagger said:
3/4 the fun is getting there....

I've always enjoyed the sensation more than the orgasm...

It's just nature's way of saying when men are done.....

Can't speak for the women as I am only a lesbian trapped in a man's body...:D

So, if cumming is all about the end, it doesn't mean anything when a guy says, "Wow! I have never cum so hard!"

MissTaken said:
So, if cumming is all about the end, it doesn't mean anything when a guy says, "Wow! I have never cum so hard!"


You are trying to make me sound hollow and uncaring.
MissTaken said:

When I think back to any time I have had sex, I don't remember the orgasm.

There is no, "Wow! That guy could really make me cum!"

The orgasm isn't a determining factor when I evaluate an intimate encounter.

Is it for you?

Or am I a bit odd?

No, don't answer that!

No, I don't think that's odd at all, honey. The level of intimacy is the determining factor.

Cumming is ... errr ... ummm ... icing on the cake! :D
Re: Re: What's the big deal about Orgasms?

ProofreadManx said:

No, I don't think that's odd at all, honey. The level of intimacy is the determining factor.

Cumming is ... errr ... ummm ... icing on the cake! :D

Well, I haven't baked in a while, so...........

Re: Re: Re: What's the big deal about Orgasms?

MissTaken said:
Well, I haven't baked in a while, so...........


Needing a little kneading? ;)