What's so wrong with the USA breaking up anyway?


Lit's Most Beloved Poster
May 14, 2002
If the people of U$A’s ethnic groups want their own sovereign state isn't it a democracies prerogative to support their right to self-determination?

The Texans deserve their own nation and if the Southwestern Hispanics want to join Mexico I would be disappointed...but so be it.

Those borders were just drawn up by British Colonial Governor-Generals anyway and in no way reflect the realities on the ground in the region anyway.


Well since no one here wants to break away from the US your question is stupid and idiotic. If the majority of a state voted to break away from the US in a popular vote then we would come to the bridge and consider it. But since that situation dose not exist it’s a moot point.

Those borders were just drawn up by British Colonial Governor-Generals anyway and in no way reflect the realities on the ground in the region anyway.

Wrong, and you copied and pasted a statement from me word for word without quoting me on it thief.
Frimost said:
Well since no one here wants to break away from the US your question is stupid and idiotic. If the majority of a state voted to break away from the US in a popular vote then we would come to the bridge and consider it. But since that situation dose not exist it’s a moot point.

The last time a large chunk of the country wanted to break away nobody considered anything. There was a big-ass war, remember?
The US breaking up

Oh thank GAWD I saved all of that confederate money!! The south shall rise again and so will I!!!!!
You're as sharp as a tack tonite, Frimost.

If you think breaking up Iraq is okay...why not the USA?

The Free State of Cascadia would be far better off away from the USA, for example...the 5th largest economy in the world, all by itself.
The last time a large chunk of the country wanted to break away nobody considered anything. There was a big-ass war, remember?

“Remember?" Ummm…No, Sorry Pyper. I am not as old as you are and was born some time after it ended.
If you think breaking up Iraq is okay...why not the USA?

Duuuuhhhh… :rolleyes: And you’re as dull as a spoon Lancecastor. Because the citizens of our country are not asking to break away from the USA.
Frimost said:
Duuuuhhhh… :rolleyes: And you’re as dull as a spoon Lancecastor. Because the citizens of our country are not asking to break away from the USA.

Now is the time for the citizens of Cascadia to demand their freedom from the oppressive governments of Canada and the United States. For too long have our people put up with indifference and condescendence from distant seats of power. We have been subject to francophonic imperialism and wasteful spending of our tax money. Our entrepreneurs have been attacked by the so-called justice system for merely doing their jobs and growing our economy. When will we say enough is enough?

The former American states of Oregon and Washington and the former Canadian province of British Columbia must join together as a sovereign nation. Only then can we have self-determination and take our rightful place in the Global Community.

Frimost said:
“Remember?" Ummm…No, Sorry Pyper. I am not as old as you are and was born some time after it ended.

Well I was referring to you remembering your U.S. History book, but obviously it had so little impact on you that you can't even remember it existed.
Lancecastor said:
Now is the time for the citizens of Cascadia to demand their freedom from the oppressive governments of Canada and the United States. For too long have our people put up with indifference and condescendence from distant seats of power. We have been subject to francophonic imperialism and wasteful spending of our tax money. Our entrepreneurs have been attacked by the so-called justice system for merely doing their jobs and growing our economy. When will we say enough is enough?

The former American states of Oregon and Washington and the former Canadian province of British Columbia must join together as a sovereign nation. Only then can we have self-determination and take our rightful place in the Global Community.


Do we get to keep all the military bases in Washington....if so I bet we could take Alberta in a week...and grab there oil!!
Well I was referring to you remembering your U.S. History book, but obviously it had so little impact on you that you can't even remember it existed.

So you supported the Tyranny of the Southern white gentile establishment? I should have known you were a pro-slavery racist…

So do you play the flute at the KKK-rallies or something Pyper?
Beside that I like the idea....but I want to kick out Eastern Washington first.....but then we would lose Fairchild airforce base..and my plans to take Alberta would probably lose steam...

Oh well we could keep it and after Alberta we can turn north and head for Alaska.....more oil....
I haven't had a chance to say this in awhile...

You're a fucking idiot, Frimost.
Ms.M said:
Do we get to keep all the military bases in Washington....if so I bet we could take Alberta in a week...and grab there oil!!

Yes, and Microsoft, too...and the Liberation of Northern California would follow.....
Frimost said:
So you supported the Tyranny of the Southern white gentile establishment? I should have known you were a pro-slavery racist…

So do you play the flute at the KKK-rallies or something Pyper?

That was the lamest and most off-topic reply I have ever heard.

I'm having flashbacks to the thread where Frimost said that babies could be grown in incubators and then spent 10 pages backpedaling.

Civil War, Frimost. Ever heard of it? Try to stay on topic.
My point, the case of Kurds breaking away from Iraq is one of an oppressed minority finally getting its right to determination and enable them to form their very own stable democracy from the hegemony of a half-assed cobbled-together dictatorship.

The South was a case of a brutal dictatorship of the bourgeois white minority who wished to continue their unilateral and morally repugnant lifestyle away from the new freedoms and liberties of a burgeoning democracy.
Frimost said:
My point, the case of Kurds breaking away from Iraq is one of an oppressed minority finally getting its right to determination and enable them to form their very own stable democracy from the hegemony of a half-assed cobbled-together dictatorship.

The South was a case of a brutal dictatorship of the bourgeois white minority who wished to continue their unilateral and morally repugnant lifestyle away from the new freedoms and liberties of a burgeoning democracy.

Actually, the South was under the same form of government as the North, which was a democratic republic. The democracy wasn't burgeoning at the time, it'd been in place for nearly a hundred years. The Confederacy was no more a brutal dictatorship than the North, in fact, they felt that they were being opressed and being given an unfair share in the government of the United States.

Someone failed U.S. History.
P.S. And it wasn't me. :D

Gotta go make dinner, be back to put the smackdown on ya later, Frimost.
Lancecastor said:
Now is the time for the citizens of Cascadia to demand their freedom from the oppressive governments of Canada and the United States. For too long have our people put up with indifference and condescendence from distant seats of power. We have been subject to francophonic imperialism and wasteful spending of our tax money. Our entrepreneurs have been attacked by the so-called justice system for merely doing their jobs and growing our economy. When will we say enough is enough?

The former American states of Oregon and Washington and the former Canadian province of British Columbia must join together as a sovereign nation. Only then can we have self-determination and take our rightful place in the Global Community.


Hey, Lance . . . great speech!! Can I adapt it to our local situation here in Oz?

Now is the time for the citizens of New England to demand their freedom from the oppressive and neglectful policies of governments in far off Sydney and even further off Canberra. For too long we have been condescended by National Party politicians lining their own nests at our expense. We have been the innocent vidtims of rampant centralism and concentration of government jobs in the State capital (Sydney) to the detriment of all regional businesses. Our GST has been used to build freeways in urban centres rather than upgrading regional highways where the fuel taxes are generated.

We must have our Sovereign State of New England, north of the Hunter Valley and East of the Darling River, so that we can overcome the many years of neglect from political parties of all persuasions.

<Doesn't sound as good . . . but it does have an Oz flavour> :D

Do you reckon that the Californicators might break away . . . they seem a pretty reasonable bunch . . . :D
Don...It's a quote lifted from the Cascadia web site (linked) so you have my total approval!
Someone failed U.S. History.

Yeah, you.

Back then "justice" was bought with a wad of cash by Robber-Barons or through the barrel of the rifles of called-up National Guardsmen mobilized by corrupt Governors to break-up the fledging Union strikes of the time with a hail or real bullets and the cold steel of bayonets. Back then Indians were hunted down and exterminated. Yes we were a young democracy, but all democracies are constantly evolving animals and what we were then was only democratic compared to other countries of that time period and era, today it would be considered a corrupt kleptocracy and a brutal anachronism in the 21st Century. Also back then women were not allowed to vote, perhaps in your case that rule would not be such a bad thing had it been allowed to stay in the books. :p
Its interesting when you get a bunch of illiterates on United States history together to try to talk .....

read your constituion .. its actually illegal for the states to break away .... thats why the North didn't recognize the Confederacy ... the stars representing the southern states were never removed from the flag .. and the government in Washington considered the southern states to still exist .....
Hazguy said:
Its interesting when you get a bunch of illiterates on United States history together to try to talk .....

read your constituion .. its actually illegal for the states to break away .... thats why the North didn't recognize the Confederacy ... the stars representing the southern states were never removed from the flag .. and the government in Washington considered the southern states to still exist .....

It was illegal for the 13 Colonies to break away from England as well, genius.

That's why they're called "revolutions".
Gotta go make dinner, be back to put the smackdown on ya later, Frimost.

No she's not, she's going so she can go finger herself while lustily thinking about me.

Hey dork (Hazguy), we are talking about it on a basis of democratic values and mores, not from a legalistic standpoint. Besides Texas for example was it's own separate and sovereign country and very well could break away from the US again if it voted to do so, both sides would have legal precedents to cite their side for being able to lawfully do so (whether pro or con).