What's on your mind?

A Desert Rose

Simply Charming Elsewhere
Aug 16, 2002
If I could read your mind, what would I discover that you think about most often?

I know you can top me on this. (Lately I have been thinking about this move I am making and re-activating my nursing license.... nothing interesting at all.)
A Desert Rose said:
If I could read your mind, what would I discover that you think about most often?

I know you can top me on this. (Lately I have been thinking about this move I am making and re-activating my nursing license.... nothing interesting at all.)

Your asking males on Lit what they think about most often? :D

Errrr..................... not politics.............. not the environment.............. oh yes sex!:p
Alright gentlemen, I will rephrase this... what is the SECOND most common thing on your minds?

A Desert Rose said:
Alright gentlemen, I will rephrase this... what is the SECOND most common thing on your minds?


Two thoughts in the one day Rose, that's tough for us mere males! :D

Probably Iraq and everything surrounding that subject.
Second most often thing on my mind:

10 dimensional non-euclidian geometry.
bluespoke said:
Two thoughts in the one day Rose, that's tough for us mere males! :D

Probably Iraq and everything surrounding that subject.

I have 2 thoughts for a you... I noticed no one has mentioned them yet....
things I think about.. sex..bf...food.. and sleep. my world revolves around most of those things hehe
Pixie Mischief said:
things I think about.. sex..bf...food.. and sleep. my world revolves around most of those things hehe

food..... yes, that is on my mind quite a bit, too.

Wish someone would take me out for lunch today.
A Desert Rose said:
food..... yes, that is on my mind quite a bit, too.

Wish someone would take me out for lunch today.

2 of the things I listed go together though bf and food hes a awesome cook LOL so I guess it doesnt count if I think of food I think of him.
Lately...in no particular order...

How to get through a whole day without a confrontation.
Concentrating on staying awake.
A wolf.
Mia62 said:
Lately...in no particular order...

How to get through a whole day without a confrontation.
Concentrating on staying awake.
A wolf.

A wolf? What strange thoughts you have grandma!:D
I'm wondering what I should take on my next run to the new house. My plants or my bike.

I wish somebody would go to Home Depot for me and buy a shelf for my laundry room and then put it up for me.

I'm stressing about putting the electronic things back together properly. The satalite, the Tivo, the vcr and dvd. It's all so confusing. OMG, and the computer. Do you know how many different wires there are back there?
Rubyfruit said:
I'm wondering what I should take on my next run to the new house. My plants or my bike.

I wish somebody would go to Home Depot for me and buy a shelf for my laundry room and then put it up for me.

I'm stressing about putting the electronic things back together properly. The satalite, the Tivo, the vcr and dvd. It's all so confusing. OMG, and the computer. Do you know how many different wires there are back there?

I feel ALL your pain, Ruby, believe me...

Wires and cables scare me.
RosevilleCAguy said:
You're right. She should be thinking proper thoughts of sheep guts stuffed with porridge.....:D

I always thought you were a heathen... LOL