whats in VA?


Mar 26, 2003
Hey everyone.. its my first post and whatnot so i guess ill tell ya a bit about me. Im 6'1", 220 lbs, red hair. i love sports, outdoors, food, and well.. just about everything really. I love having fun, and i just turned 21!!! hehe. but enough about me.. anyone out there live in VA? preferably on the western side... i know its a far fetched idea since people in these parts are hard to come by. stupid rural farming towns...anyways. someone drop me a line.. i get bored alot.
pimpneclipse said:
Hey everyone.. its my first post and whatnot so i guess ill tell ya a bit about me. Im 6'1", 220 lbs, red hair. i love sports, outdoors, food, and well.. just about everything really. I love having fun, and i just turned 21!!! hehe. but enough about me.. anyone out there live in VA? preferably on the western side... i know its a far fetched idea since people in these parts are hard to come by. stupid rural farming towns...anyways. someone drop me a line.. i get bored alot.

Where in Western Va are you from, hun? Drop me line and maybe we can compare notes. lol

By the way, hope you have been enjoying Lit so far. There are some really great people here if you get the chance to know them.

Cya round:rose:

hey welcome to lit., great to see another person from the west side of Virgin, I live close to Roanoke ,what about you, am male 53 years old, us old fellows don't say much , haha
hey guys thanks for writin back...ive been away on business for a couple days but im back now. i live in craig co. its between roanoke and the WV line. way too close to WV if ya ask me.

I know where craig co is, yes is close to wv, but i use to go with a lady in wva, mmmmmmmmmm lost a good one there
come on

I think we need to find some ladies to adress ths thread,all ladies from westen va, let us hear you
Re: yeah

pimpneclipse said:
good idea hilltopper. feistyred is from around here.. wonder where shes at?

Ahhhh how I long for those mountains! Hello guys...I'm around, but afraid I'm much older then all of you...
I always found something to do when in town...try downtown Roanoke Pimpn...great places to hang out at night...and if not closed..a nice private after hours club up Campbell Ave. that boasts all state of undress if that is your thing...I know I ALWAYS had a good time when going in there...:)
pimpneclipse said:
ok.. theres gotta be some people from va here...

oh and guys if ya get bored..come play with me on my thread over on the playground...Hi fiestyred
hmm.. tempting. yah downtown is good. i might go to blacksburg and hit up all the VT women... gotta love those hokies!!!
pimpn, can't beleive we havent heard from more sexy lucious lady who want to be licked, lol
I beleive spo pimpn, all the other treads have women come in don't get this, must not be any women in virginia, or aleast our side of virginia
hilltopper said:
hi bud welcome , maybe you can spice up a bit, lol

Now darlin'...you know to spice it up a little..you have to attract the women:p :kiss: :devil:

Hi Bud...nice av
I know Fyeistyred16, mmmmm u sound good at least, but old man has hard time getting the ladies in, lol, all i can say is 6'0 tall weigh 190 salt and pepper hair , and i love to lick
SW Virginian here

Hello guys! I'm in your area (Roanoke Valley). Pleased to meet you! I was just looking at past posts and noticing some not too distant past ones where Virginia folks trying to chat, socialize, whatever...thought I'd just say hey and see what transpires! Lots of creative, sexy, horny, intelligent people here in VA. Nice combination of traits huh?
All I have to say is this:

ladies, get ready...because the prince will be in East VA soon
