What WONT you do??

Kids and pets, pets and kids. I won't humiliate in public in ways that I would not want kids around, but I also know firsthand that kids survive their first outrageous public crossdresser just FINE, as an example. I won't humiliate in public in a way that humiliates ME more than them.
The four C's

1) Children
2) Corpses
3) Crap
4) Critters

I used to put vomit on that list, but, well, I've face-fucked someone til I got yacked on more than once. It was not the point of the play, and I did not enjoy it, but I won't give up face-fucking to avoid it. Thus it slides into the soft limits category.

With the exception of number three, the consistent thread through the rest is consent, and lack thereof. Children, corpses, and animals cannot provide informed consent, thus they are off the list. Corpses may be inanimate, but I am not just talking about necrophilia. I'm also including the production of a corpse.

And, much like Graceanne mentioned, I will avoid things that prevent either of my girls from functioning the next day. One of them is mommy to my kids, and the other one has a full-time job. Neither are eclipsed by my sexual wants.
No children, no animals, no killing anything or anyone. Nothing that leaves permenant marks. No non ejaculatory fluids.
always looking to push boundaries myself but some things i won't do are

corpses/dead anything

and i think that's about it, but there's a lot i've left to explore as well so, time will tell.
My list is similar to yours....except for the cutting.....LOVE for Master to run his sharp knife across my skin.

No shit or vomit.
Water sports I can handle a small amount of...but I will not drink urine. That is EWW to me.
Anal fisting.
Animals, children, incest.

I think just about everything else I will at least try once!
I won't do anything non-consensual. Which is to say, no animals, unwilling victims, etc. As for snuff/cannibalism, for me consent involves SANITY. Like the Meiwes case in Germany. If you are consenting to your own death/consumption, you are not sane and therefore cannot consent to it.

That's all hypothetical though. Right now I'm not in a D/s relationship, so right now I feel other stuff is off-limits too. But in the right relationship, it's the above.
But if you're doing something nonconsensual, then in my opinion, you've crossed a line and you need help. I kinda thought that was a given... I'm suprised that so many people here are putting kids and animals on their limits list, as if it's just a preference like anything else. :confused:

It is.

After all there are whole countries where bestiality is legal. And the age of consent ranges in the world from 12 to 21. And 150 years ago it started at 10. And even earlier you would have been insane, if you wouldn't have your own little greek boy ready to fuck in the ass when you want.
If you are consenting to your own death/consumption, you are not sane and therefore cannot consent to it.

Ah, this is going to be a fun thread.

What about soldiers? Are they by definition insane? They consent to their death at the whim of some guy and don't even have fun dieing.

What about Seppuku? The bushidos way to preserve honor by killing yourself?

Okay, you will come up with "it's wrong for entertainment" now.

Then: when is someone insane? base jumping? russian roulette? rock fishing? Where do you draw the line?
dead people
and no anal fisting. when i was in college, i worked in the dorms and got all of the calls for problems. there was a girl who shit so big, it would not flush. her ass was probably way too stretched out. i had to have a talk with her one day, to let her know, she needed to make sure she understood she lived in a group environment and no one wanted to see that shit. i just have to say no to extreme ass stretching. the ass is meant to be tight. if you want loose, fuck a postpartum pussy.
dead people
and no anal fisting. when i was in college, i worked in the dorms and got all of the calls for problems. there was a girl who shit so big, it would not flush. her ass was probably way too stretched out. i had to have a talk with her one day, to let her know, she needed to make sure she understood she lived in a group environment and no one wanted to see that shit. i just have to say no to extreme ass stretching. the ass is meant to be tight. if you want loose, fuck a postpartum pussy.

This is offensive as hell. Just because someone's shit is not flushable doesn't mean they have had anal sex. There are all kinds of reasons why this happens. Ask any mom who has had anal retentive kids--believe me their shit is unflushable.

ALso, a post partum pussy is not necessarily super loose...or at least not after a day or so. I was having sex within 2 days after giving birth both times (yes vaginal births) and I could squeeze down on my husband's dick just fine.
This is offensive as hell. Just because someone's shit is not flushable doesn't mean they have had anal sex. There are all kinds of reasons why this happens. Ask any mom who has had anal retentive kids--believe me their shit is unflushable.

ALso, a post partum pussy is not necessarily super loose...or at least not after a day or so. I was having sex within 2 days after giving birth both times (yes vaginal births) and I could squeeze down on my husband's dick just fine.

sorry if i offended you.

it was a good six weeks before i could have sex again after both kids, and i had to work on getting back control of the muscles. bad attempt at a joke.

as for the girl in the dorm, i stand by my statement. it was scary. she talked to me about her poo issues. they were not health related. and she did not make any attempt to clean up her business, expecting others to live with it. after multiple complaints from residents, i was nominated as the one to have the poo talk. i learned more then i wanted to know, and i had to make it clear to her that it is okay to have large shit, you just can't leave it for everyone else to see.
I'm confused. What does that story have to do with anal fisting?


ETA: Large, solid poop is because of not enough fiber in the diet. It has nothing to do with anal sex or fisting. It's quite possible that someone who does anal sex and/or fisting doesn't have enough fiber in their diet, too, but that does not mean that's what's causing their large stools. My 11 year old niece has huge turds, and believe me, no one's going up her ass. :rolleyes:
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Ah, this is going to be a fun thread.

What about soldiers? Are they by definition insane? They consent to their death at the whim of some guy and don't even have fun dieing.

What about Seppuku? The bushidos way to preserve honor by killing yourself?

Okay, you will come up with "it's wrong for entertainment" now.

Then: when is someone insane? base jumping? russian roulette? rock fishing? Where do you draw the line?

It's only fun if I rise to the bait, and I'm not interested in that. Sorry!
I'm kind of mystified, because the asses I've fisted have been really resilient and healthy compared to the average tightass with poor diet (of which I'm one.) Fistees on the whole tend to be pretty obsessed with the state of the butt compared to a lot of people.
sorry if i offended you.

it was a good six weeks before i could have sex again after both kids, and i had to work on getting back control of the muscles. bad attempt at a joke.

as for the girl in the dorm, i stand by my statement. it was scary. she talked to me about her poo issues. they were not health related. and she did not make any attempt to clean up her business, expecting others to live with it. after multiple complaints from residents, i was nominated as the one to have the poo talk. i learned more then i wanted to know, and i had to make it clear to her that it is okay to have large shit, you just can't leave it for everyone else to see.

But it doesn't make sense if you think about it to think a person who shits more than you must, do so because they are stretched from anal sex. If that was what had happened to them, they would have issues of incontinence, not saving it up for a huge dump. As to tightness after giving birth, some of us are just lucky...I have always been told I am tighter after 2 births than most women in their late teens who have never given birth....maybe it is a side effect of being a stress bucket and keeping thigs tightened up out of tension.:D

Giving birth is pot luck; I've been very lucky but some women get ripped to shreds, and it's never the same down there. Woohoo for only children!

Surely huge poops are going to be the result of late night drink-and-kebab binges? I shared a student house with boys...I was privy to some inside information like that (and the smells. God, the smells).
I don't see how anything as large as a fist would be healthy up your ass. I knew a nurse who would only have anal sex with a cock once a year on her birthday because she worried about getting stretched. It wouldn't lead to big turds but I think it's more likely you'll shit your pants.
Anal sphincters are muscles like any others, if they are manipulated and stretched carefully, gently, and gradually, they can become more elastic without losing any strength nor being damaged. Just like if you stretch your leg muscles properly, you don't go all floppy and fall over cos they can't support you.

Admittedly in the AF scene some people are into the stretching / distension (sp?) side, but that's an additional NOT essential aspect.

Eta: vomit, mutilation, animals, children, corpses, no relevations there really.
To all those who mentioned corpses, is it because it's legally and morally wrong or because it's just gross?

What if you've been going at it hard all night and you're about 30 seconds away from getting a load off and she has a heart attack and dies... What do you do?

I won't listen and be a good sub. Disobeying is way too fun, but that's just me
To all those who mentioned corpses, is it because it's legally and morally wrong or because it's just gross?

What if you've been going at it hard all night and you're about 30 seconds away from getting a load off and she has a heart attack and dies... What do you do?


it's morally wrong, and if you keep fucking a woman having a heart attack until she's dead, than you perhaps ought to be locked up?
To all those who mentioned corpses, is it because it's legally and morally wrong or because it's just gross?

What if you've been going at it hard all night and you're about 30 seconds away from getting a load off and she has a heart attack and dies... What do you do?


It's nasty, it's legally and morally wrong, and if I was having sex with someone who had a heart attack I'd get off them, call 911, and perform CPR until the paramedics come. Duh.

than you perhaps ought to be locked up?
