What will happen if the US invades Iraq?

What will happen if the US invades Iraq?

  • Quick victory, mass surrender of Iraq's military

    Votes: 20 47.6%
  • A long, protracted war with heavy American casualties

    Votes: 16 38.1%
  • Iraq deploys WMD's and forces a stalemate

    Votes: 1 2.4%
  • Iraq deploys WMD's, US turns them into glass

    Votes: 4 9.5%
  • Iraq beats back the invasion and wins

    Votes: 1 2.4%

  • Total voters
Instinct says choice #1...mass surrender.

In the case of Saddam using WMD's, I am sure we wouldn't back down, but would instead turn Iraq into the largest piece of glass in the world.
If we invade Iraq, then, Saddam will use his WMD, &, the Yankee haters wont need to worry about seeing them in the Series, again. I'll have to choose another team to root for.

Saddam loses his viagra prescription and moves to Las Vegas with REDWAVE. REDWAVE switches teams and politics after having written the entire Q'uran in his own blood. pp moves to Baghdad, takes over the country and names donkeydick ambassador to the US.

An ocean of oil is piplined from Eastern Siberia to the US, making the middle east a moot point as far as the US is concerned.

Lebanon votes to join Isreal, and the last Palestinian dies of starvation as Arafat has sent all of the money for food to his wife at their chateau outside of Paris.

Other than that, not much changes.

Globally...the economy will be down and more people will be out of job.

Of course, there will be casualties on both sides, Iraq having the greater.

There will be more peace movements throughout the world, and I be a hippie again.
We should be able to vote for mor than one. They are not all mutually exclusive.

I think that quick victory and use of WMD's could happen. Are all of these wepons with in the borders of Iraq? But then I remember the nay sayers claiming that all the sand would gum up the tanks. didn't happen. Quick victory even if they don't surrender in mass.
Hanns_Schmidt said:
USA strike Iraq

Israel strikes Lebanon/Syria

Israel strikes the West Bank and drives the Palistinians in to Jordan. This is accomplished by using arty to drive them out of their villages and towns. few casuilties to Israel.

Cratering bombs effectively quarantine the Iraqi armor units, the BLU-82's do the rest. A wide band ECM program reduces all communication except laser feeds and encripted bands, all the Iraqi radio/TV stations begin to broadcast the PSYOPS messages of liberation and non interference by the population. A US state of marshal law will be imposed in the major cities with curfews, amended by air drops of really good food! Prestaged SF units will kill most of the field leadership, with laser-guided bombs for the bunkered. Main objective is to identify and seal off air to all known bunkers, quarantine the sensitive sites for proof of US allegations, and to stop any chance of deployment of suspect weapons.
After the four main cities are quarantined, anyone caught between will be intercepted, and if need be, killed.
Once the operation is stable (80-100hours) UN observers will inspect the sites, confirm allegations, and the main leadership will be placed into UN custody. An interim leadership will be established with the pro-democracy Iraqis in government, Sodamn Insane will be found, imprisioned, or his body recovered.
We will leave Iraq to the liberated Iraqis under UN control in 90-180days.

*The only drawback is watching all the program interruptions by CNN/NBC/CBS/BBC/CBC/and FOX!

They have been given another order too...

Use them and you'll be killed or hunted down for warcrimes and violation of the 1929 accords which they signed concerning chem/gas deployment. I think they're smarter than they look, after all, most of them saw first hand how fierce and horrible we can make war after '91! :D

interesting reading Lost Cause. You always seem to have good stuff to read at your finger tips. Thanks
i think that we (Americans) are seriously underestimating Hussain and putting more faith in our leaders than they deserve.
miles said:
What will happen if the US invades Iraq?

The end of the Sadam Hussein regime will be counted and measured in weeks/months at the most. Stability returns to the region and a ruthless dictator will be neutralized.
Hussein has had his bio/chem weapons for two decades now. He hasn't used them except within his own borders and on Iranians (much to Ronnie Reagan's delight). Why hasn't he used them against Israel or Kuwait or against the US forces in '91? Did anyone bother to do a little deep thinking on this question. Perhaps it is because he knows exactly what would happen if he did use them. George the 41st made it explicitly clear to him what would happen. Some may think that his willingness to use them on his own people is proof that he would use them on anyone. Not true. He is a coward, a bully, a tyrant of the worst kind, but one thing he is not is suicidal. Using them would be just that suicidal. His arab neighbors would have no choice but to allow a complete dismembering of his regime and his death or incarceration and humiliation (which is worse than death to an egomaniacal despot). He didn't use his WsMD simply because he knew the outcome. Now we are going in with the explicit objective of killing him or removing him from power. It would seem that he has nothing to lose by using his bio/chem stockpiles. It is even possible that he has squirreled some away from Iraq with sleeper agents with orders to use them if the attack proceeds. A scorched earth policy. We will win. But the cost will be very high. And we will be paying for it for a long time. He poses no significant, credible threat to the US or our way of life, yet the present administration has whipped up quite a frenzy of fear in the last few months. How is it that Iraq has become such a powerful enemy in just six months? Iraq has been under a virtual house arrest for the past ten years. Why the sudden interest? Deflection maybe? A little wagging of the dog? Deniro's character in the movie "Wag The Dog" would be hard pressed to top this orchestration.

War is good for businessmen.
Businessmen have taken a real beating lately.
Bush is a businessman.
War takes the people's focus off the issues affecting them directly.

"Wag the Dog" was modeled after Bubbas, not Dubya's administration. Who else fires cruise "greeting cards" the night before a deposition, all to blow up a pill factory? If you don't like the man, just say it. :D