What was your favorite thing to pretend when you were a child?

A Desert Rose

Simply Charming Elsewhere
Aug 16, 2002
Don't laugh. My little girl friends and I used to play ponies.

Other times we would play mermaids. (See that Siren?)

Nothing has really changed, I guess.

And the rest of you?
we always played "mario" somebody was mario, somebody was king koopa, and i was always princess daisy. koopa was always kidnapping me and tying me up. i guess this was a prelude to my life today! this really does support the idea that bdsm is something you're born with. i remember vividly loving it when king koopa tied me up and i had to wait to be rescued...and hey, i was only like six. but maybe i was just a wierd kid!
Family stuff.

Does anyone remember the "Sunshine Family Dolls and Play set?"

Well, mom and dad would get it on in the upstairs bedroom while the baby was sleeping :D

I loved dolls and playing house.
I also enjoyed building or creating; painting, playing in the sand, building tree houses etc.

Especially when I had a cute little girl patient to examine:p :p :p
MissTaken said:
Family stuff.

Does anyone remember the "Sunshine Family Dolls and Play set?"

Well, mom and dad would get it on in the upstairs bedroom while the baby was sleeping :D

I loved dolls and playing house.
I also enjoyed building or creating; painting, playing in the sand, building tree houses etc.

I used to make Ken dress up in Barbies clothes and Barbie would order him around and spank him and force him to have sex with her. :eek: I have no idea where I got the idea to do that. I'm talking kindergarten age was I when I was doing that.

Once I was at my mothers friends house and she was watching me while my mom was out running errands. She walked in and started asking me what I was doing. I told her I wasn't doing anything. :eek: I wonder if she ever said anything to me mom.

Barbie called Ken names allot too.

Damn I was a weird kid.

Of course I was into Star Wars toys and the smurfs too. ;)

lorddragonwolf said:
cops and robbers, soldiers.....guess it is a guy thing.

I have 2 older brothers. They used to draft me to play war with them.

They never let me have a gun though...... I have often wondered about that.
I was always out playing with the animals
training them and what not
( we trained police dogs)

Go figure that I'm the one bound and trained now...
A Desert Rose said:
I have 2 older brothers. They used to draft me to play war with them.

They never let me have a gun though...... I have often wondered about that.

well if you where playing with us i would have captured you taken you to a secret fort and...............................
lorddragonwolf said:
well if you where playing with us i would have captured you taken you to a secret fort and...............................

I have always loved to play fill in the blank. ~smile~
bunny bondage said:
we always played "mario" somebody was mario, somebody was king koopa, and i was always princess daisy. koopa was always kidnapping me and tying me up. i guess this was a prelude to my life today! this really does support the idea that bdsm is something you're born with. i remember vividly loving it when king koopa tied me up and i had to wait to be rescued...and hey, i was only like six. but maybe i was just a wierd kid!

We used to play Mario too when I was a kid, although sometimes the girls liked to play the princess and stomp the hell out of Koopa. We usually had enough people to play the entire cast also. We were all a bunch of geeks who loved video games back then. Some things never change.

Girls and horses

I was obsessed with horses as well. I had a huge collection of those plastic Breyer horse statues, all of which had names, ranks and personalities - gathering with other horse obsessed girls to create dramas in the biggest herds we could afford.

Another favorite game was dressing up my little brother as a girl; wig, dress, a little make up - the whole nine yards. Then, with bribery of candy and the attention of an older sibling, we would go out into the neighborhood and reintroduce my "cousin, connie".
Generation gap

LC Rough Caress said:
We used to play Mario too when I was a kid, although sometimes the girls liked to play the princess and stomp the hell out of Koopa. We usually had enough people to play the entire cast also. We were all a bunch of geeks who loved video games back then. Some things never change.


The only game we could have mimiced in our play was "pong", and how boring would that be?!
I used to play with Ken and GI Joe and Barbie. Barbie always ended up tied and naked. When I wasn't doing that, I was climbing trees or playing with my dogs.

bunny bondage said:
we always played "mario" somebody was mario, somebody was king koopa, and i was always princess daisy. koopa was always kidnapping me and tying me up. i guess this was a prelude to my life today! this really does support the idea that bdsm is something you're born with. i remember vividly loving it when king koopa tied me up and i had to wait to be rescued...and hey, i was only like six. but maybe i was just a wierd kid!

I think i am old now as this post has made me realize just how much my kids are grown!:D

I used to daydream about being the slave in a castle.
I played doctor and nurse i always took orders from the dr LOL

We used to play cowboys and indians...with a twist. I always had to be the damsel in distress who was tied up waiting to be saved from the heathens. For some reason...I liked to be tied up then too.

hmmm. thinking back through the ages of long ago...
I remember playing doctor, war, and then a game we called explore. When played with a girl it became very fun. Sometimes when playing war we would rescue a captured woman from the enemy. The lady would be very very grateful too.

Geez, I can still remember the two girls we 'allowed' to play games with us guys. amazing.
I think it's very interesting that people's childhood experiences seem to have carried over into their sexual experiences as adults. I wonder if there has ever been a psychological study done on these relations. Does anyone know if any such studies have been done before?
Doctor,Family <grin>

Sometimes with cowboys/cops/robbers
but only when there were no females
I hated playing house. Still do.

I was more a cops 'n' robbers kinda girl.
Also, I was a kick-ass Wonder Woman. Lynda Carter is yummy. Or was, back then.
Any super heroes .....used to run around with a towel hanging out the back of my shirt pretending to be superman or batman...
This is a fun thread. LC Rough Caress asked a very good question.

I too, wonder if a study has ever been done regarding this.

I notice that we grow up to be "like" we played as kids and that is pretty interesting. ~smile~

Hope we get more posters to this thread.
I was a typical girl child...Sunshine Family, Barbies.... then once I hit the high side of grade school, I love to play subdivision football.....tackle the "man" with the football...needless to say, being well developed for my age, I got the football MOST of the time....maybe that's why I like the weight of men upon my horizontal body....*eg*