What was the last Ebay item you bought?


in search of...
Apr 18, 2001
just picked up a 166 laptop for about $75 (specific purpose) and a network card for $1

What was the last thing you got?

i love that place...must have bought 50 things and never ripped or dissapointed once
I use a New Zealand auction site.
Love it. :)
Best buy was Never Winters Night
a new game bigrednz and I are playing.

In the shops it was $99 we scored it for
$69 delivered. :)
A Disney movie, "Sleeping Beauty"

It is one of the movies that is only on the market for a short time and then, retired for ten years.

I was thrilled to find it for about $20!
MissTaken said:
A Disney movie, "Sleeping Beauty"

It is one of the movies that is only on the market for a short time and then, retired for ten years.
we've picked up a number of vids...and the $2 media mail is very cool
My last eBay purchase was the shoes that I have on in my current AV. I got them for 8.50 (brand new) and NO SHIPPING! I am thrilled with my latest bargain. I love eBay. :D
i buy and sell and e-bay quite a lot. mostly musical instruments. but the last thing i bought was a two volume complete works of mark twain. gave 12 bucks for the set.
This computer

It's a dell p-100 and it's slower than molasses in the winter time but i only paid 60.00 dollars with s&h.

But i have learned a lot this is my first computer it is better then the webtv now if i can find someone who wants to buy it i would be happy.
i just told a lie and don't want to start my week out like that. the last thing i bought was the spalted maple that went on the front of bluesboy's custom guitar.

there, i feel better.:D
oh yeah...

lots of old N64 games, PS1+games, and beanies (got to buy a lot from the same person to offest the shipping cost)...all real cheap!
My only E-bay Item ...

7 DVD set of a Japanese Anime called Gebsomaden Saiyuki ... complete 2 sets & movie ... about $50 plus $20 S&H ... It was a pretty good deal, considering that the Anime is not available in the US yet till the end of April. I haven't bought anything since then.

I have gotten pressie from a friend that got them off of E-bay. More Anime Items ... Figures & a game from my Fave creator.
A replacement CD-ROM drive for my laptop. Dell wanted $99 for a replacement. Found exact same model on Ebay, my winning bid was $17. Life is good.
debbiexxx said:
I use a New Zealand auction site.
Love it. :)

Debs...? A fellow TradeMe member.....?

Last thing I bought thru EBay was two sticks of Ram for a Toshiba T2130CS laptop. Only recieved one, but paid for two, then the trader just disappeared, he wont respond to emails.

OK, it was only $15 US dollars he ripped me off, but still....

My business partner Bry has purchased a lot of things thru it, but we found, while a bargain might be had, a lot of traders really stack the price for shipping and handling.

Most of what we buy gets mailed to our "clearing house" in MN (actually, SweetCherry's place,) then she ships it to us. A lot of traders aren't keen on sending internationally, which I can respect. It is expensive at times.

On the whole, buying thru Ebay has been a positive experience, apart from the one rip off.
A Limited Dawn Comic book that goes for about $20 and the bid closed this morning at $2. Yeah, I'm a happy camper.
2 sim games for me and a movie about Napoleon for my sweetie. I love Ebay but it's frustrating being in Canada with the shitty exchange rate and the ignorant sellers who don't ship outside the US. There are also the duty and taxes to worry about :( I have learned to look for Canadian or Australian sellers to get more bang for my devalued Canadian buck.
I have yet to buy anything on ebay I have tried to sell a few Disney movie theather things but that is the most I have done on ebay. just thought I would share lol
E-bay "Shopaholic"

My wife is an absolute e-bay afficiando and spends literally hours on end searching for (and finding) bargains on e-bay. She purchased almost our entire Christmas gift list and had everything purchased, wrapped and ready to give months before the holidays - and nothing cost more than 50% or retail (that's her "cutoff" bid...). We've bought books, (many of them rare and out of print), obscure videos, collectibles and on and on. She recently bought me a brand new $700 (retail) GPS system with all the optional "extras" for less than $200 including shipping and insurance.

Her latest "steal"? A $200 photo printer for $37.

And you know what? We have never yet been "ripped off! (Knock on wood) in spite of purchasing internationally and the currency conversions and shipping problems...

SlyFox (and LadyHawke)
I used to buy and sell on ebay a lot. It's been nearly a year since I've done any business there. The last thing I bought was a china cup & saucer: "Sunnyvale" by Castleton [American company that was known for doing White House & government branch china -- went out of business in the mid 1970s] A cup & saucer usually fetch about $30. I scored this one for about $12.
PepperminTrish said:
My last eBay purchase was the shoes that I have on in my current AV. I got them for 8.50 (brand new) and NO SHIPPING! I am thrilled with my latest bargain. I love eBay. :D

You love ebay? You should be spokesmodel for it! :D
The first, last and only thing I ever bought on ebay was a concrete sculpture of a gargoyle sticking out his tongue. I named him Sam...he's so cute! :) He only cost me $25.00.
Check this.....the last thing I bought on ebay was a paddle to spank the girls with....it was before I was married.

Be careful of ebay lately and in the future....I listened to a radio show at 4 in the morning coming home from GA...Sat Radio must rule cuz AM blows anymore by the way....
But they were talking about that a lot of people get ripped on ebay......feedback stuff is usually a lot of BS, posted by the sellers with bogus account names, and their freinds or partners....a lot not always.

Or there is a new deal where they sell a lot of little stuff and get good feedback then run a bunch of high dollar stuff and scoot with the cash all at once from many buyers never to be seen again

They also suggested using the escrow service for a few dollars on any purchase over 100 dollars........

Even when I got the paddle I had to bitch at the seller just to send it to me...I got it a month after she cashed my money order.

Caviat Emptor folks
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I was just on Ebay and I put in a search for "super bowl tickets" just for kicks!

OMG!!!! A pair of tickets goes for around $2000 and up!!!
I buy and sell quite a bit on ebay, The last item I purchased was a total piece of crap old radio. It was totally misrepresented, however out of 100s of transactions this was the only time I have had a bad experience.
lol.....I bid on Madonnas house here in Rochester Michigan...her childhood home...I bid 750,000.....it went for 1.2 mil I think and like mine they were all bogus bids....the seller wanted to meet me to set up a deal....I never emailed him back and got banned from ebay by ebay....havent been back.

Just like those dolts that baught Curt Cobains house for 30 000 and thought theyd get 2 million on ebay.....they still own the dump....lol
agezinder said:
I was just on Ebay and I put in a search for "super bowl tickets" just for kicks!

OMG!!!! A pair of tickets goes for around $2000 and up!!!

If things were different we'd be sittin 50 yard line....15 rows back.:rose:
Killswitch said:
If things were different we'd be sittin 50 yard line....15 rows back.:rose:

Now isn't it too bad that things aren't different? Oh poo!!!! lol

I love watching football. Guys getting hit and girls shaking their pom-poms!!!!