What type of smile is sexier?


Literotica Guru
Jun 20, 2002
People always remark of the open-mouthed smile of Marilyn Monroe as being sexy.

Others like closed, mysterious smiles.

I am opting for the second, for a while

(had a tooth out today, and feel like a kid again LOL)

getting a replacement after the New Year, but sheesh!!!
I'm quite partial to the you're-taking-my-picture-so-I'm-smiling-dammit smile. So genuine.
Minkey Boodle said:
I'm quite partial to the you're-taking-my-picture-so-I'm-smiling-dammit smile. So genuine.

Me too, normally. Lower front tooth had abscessed and had to go. The bridgework done these days is very realistic, but it is hard to remember not to blaze out my cheesy grin :D
It depends on what I'm going for. Sometimes a smirk is fun, other times a full-out smile is what I want.
Definitely the latter.
Mysterious smiles make me think, "What are they hiding?"
superlittlegirl said:
I like a pretty scowl, myself.

Prefer the mysterious nearly scowl smile.. yea.. the SLG smile.. very erotic with the right profile and attire!
I like those smiles that start off slow. When you catch someone off guard with your gaze. And their face turns flush. Their chest rises. The smile isn't about the teeth then...its about the whole face. The eyes even smile.
Meg Ryan...

Does anybody remember her smile in When Harry met Sally......After she and Harry finally "do" it?
Re: Meg Ryan...

guilty pleasure said:
Does anybody remember her smile in When Harry met Sally......After she and Harry finally "do" it?

yes!!! that was a good smile! i'm personally a fan of the kinky smile. eyes off to the left and up, mouth slightly open and a tiny curve to the lips, just enough so that you can tell that they really have something nasty on their mind!

know what i mean?

Re: Re: Meg Ryan...

redathena said:
yes!!! that was a good smile! i'm personally a fan of the kinky smile. eyes off to the left and up, mouth slightly open and a tiny curve to the lips, just enough so that you can tell that they really have something nasty on their mind!

know what i mean?


Yes, a little mystery is good. Let them think you know something they need to know too. ;)