What type of Calendar will be hanging on your wall come January?


Literotica Guru
Apr 6, 2002
Do you have a certain theme you would like to see hanging on your wall, or will any old thing that shows you what date it is do?

My calendar for 2003 will be a white tiger one.

What's yours?
The Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States 2003 "Fly the Flag" Calendar.
I always get a Boris/Julie Bell calendar for Christmas. Nothing else will do.
Big ol' white industrial desk blotter sized calender. yeah, baby. Now that's hot!

Although hubby usually puts up a Far Side one somewhere in the house.
2002 was Elvis.

2003 will be a tree frog calendar one of the kids gave me for my bday, in honor of my last tattoo.

And, of course, I must have a new calendar towel to hang as well.
Rubyfruit said:
I got an Olivia calendar. The pictures are so beautiful...frame-worthy even.

I love her art... but this year I was thinking a little of Jim Warren's art would do.