"What the hell was he thinking?"


Literotica Guru
Mar 28, 2012
Was looking through the new list and picked a story because of the title. It sounded good, book by it's cover and all that.

I was about two paragraphs into it when I came screeching to a halt. He had something so ridiculously impossible that it stoped me dead in my tracks.

Now, the author has both voting and comments turned off so I can't leave a comment or feedback to express my "What the hell were you thinking?" type comment that I would like to leave. From what I could see he has them turned off on all his stories.

Anyway it got me to thinking how often does that happen?

As an writer you have to try and read critically, while at the same time you want give the author a bit of leeway. How often do you read a story (on here or else where) and you are stopped and just want to go "No way in hell."

It's has happened to me (on here) more than a few times. Those 13 inch plus cocks that just seem to magically appear in these stories at times. I try to over look that and the police line up descriptions that some want to use.

So anyway how often?

I know some people are maybe a lot more critical of story content that I would be, or maybe some would be more lenient.

I try to give benefit of the doubt as often as I can. After all I might not have the experience that the author has. He might know what he's talking about more than I do.

BUT not in this case. He had the impossible written into his story.
I'm tempted to ask, "what story?" But I figure you're exercising some restraint on this for the sake of the author.

At the same time, I have a story that features a character with an incredibly large penis. I wrote it for the sake of shock value and little else. But that was during my initial offerings to Lit.

I've come across a few stories on this site that severely challenged my suspension of disbelief. One concerned how a supposedly innocent question of "how could this happen" turned into a gang-bang free-for-all with six close family members who all simply walked in on, then joined in, the action.

There's titillation, and then there's absurdity. For some, the line between them doesn't seem to exist.
I call such events WTF! moments.

A few years ago I read a Vietnam memoir that was total bullshit. I know this because a chunk of the book happened here in town. Now, I've lived here all my life, went to school here, graduated college here, etc. And when your memoir is fulla shit that was never true, like: THE ARMED FORCES INDUCTION CENTER WAS LOCATED IN CLEARWATER, SO I DIDNT HAVE FAR TO DRIVE FROM TAMPA. There never was an induction center in Clearwater, they were in Jacksonville and Coral Gables. Nor did the author win a prestigious scholastic prize that didn't exist, and he never ate at a restaurant that didn't exist. He coulda eaten at Las Novidades or Valencia Gardens or The Columbia or La Terracita or The Silver Ring but not the place he cited as Tampas finest Spanish cuisine.
Now! There are some far-fetched experiences people don't usually have. Have you ever invited a woman to bed who knocked on the wrong door? And she got in your bed? Or fondle a woman in front of her husband? Or fuck a neighbor the minute the kids leave for school.
Now! There are some far-fetched experiences people don't usually have. Have you ever invited a woman to bed who knocked on the wrong door? And she got in your bed? Or fondle a woman in front of her husband? Or fuck a neighbor the minute the kids leave for school.

Yes to one of those but I'm not going to admit to which.
Guessing time! No really, IMO (which is vast, vast and comprehensive!) there is a line between fact and fantasy you need to draw when you set out to write a story, but its about the tropes you're using, not the content. I mean I need to decide if what I'm going to be writing about is going to be believable or not. What I'm trying to drive at is some stories can be unbeliveable but still tiltilating to people (sex with space aliens, family orgies whatever) but if you're trying to write a 'believeable' action piece and you throw one of those tropes in it undermines the suspended disbelief of your audience (your nieghbour suddenly decides you're irresistable, you have a huge dick, she's a porn star, and she invites you with your wife to her next orgy. And everyone is okay with this. Okay, theoretically possible but you're going to have to be phenomenally convincing to carry that off). Or if its just bad writing that is bolting together different tropes (I too have read the 17' cock thing, although in the author's defence I think he meant cm, because he's from a metric using country). With me I find my tolerance varies depending on if I'm after a story or just looking for verbal porn 8p. When I hate it the most is when there is a good story that all of a sudden cuts to porn. No no no!
Guessing time! No really, IMO (which is vast, vast and comprehensive!) there is a line between fact and fantasy you need to draw when you set out to write a story, but its about the tropes you're using, not the content. I mean I need to decide if what I'm going to be writing about is going to be believable or not. What I'm trying to drive at is some stories can be unbeliveable but still tiltilating to people (sex with space aliens, family orgies whatever) but if you're trying to write a 'believeable' action piece and you throw one of those tropes in it undermines the suspended disbelief of your audience (your nieghbour suddenly decides you're irresistable, you have a huge dick, she's a porn star, and she invites you with your wife to her next orgy. And everyone is okay with this. Okay, theoretically possible but you're going to have to be phenomenally convincing to carry that off). Or if its just bad writing that is bolting together different tropes (I too have read the 17' cock thing, although in the author's defence I think he meant cm, because he's from a metric using country). With me I find my tolerance varies depending on if I'm after a story or just looking for verbal porn 8p. When I hate it the most is when there is a good story that all of a sudden cuts to porn. No no no!

Good point, if the entire story is consistently over the top its not so bad. In the OP's case it turned him off, but the good thing was it was so early in the story he did not invest much time.

If the author is writing what I refer to as "Beavis and Butthead" porn and it is not misleading in anyway, fine. I won't read it but plenty will.

On the other hand, if an author makes a sincere effort to create something believable with everyday people and in the middle whips out the 14" dong or the previously demure 18 year old virgin invites the football team to take her cherry. then that pisses me off.

BTW not to be rude, but in the future on a post that long can you put a couple of spaces in between your sentences? The big block of text is a little hard to read. Some people might not even read the post believe it or not.
I'm tempted to ask, "what story?" But I figure you're exercising some restraint on this for the sake of the author.

At the same time, I have a story that features a character with an incredibly large penis. I wrote it for the sake of shock value and little else. But that was during my initial offerings to Lit.

I've come across a few stories on this site that severely challenged my suspension of disbelief. One concerned how a supposedly innocent question of "how could this happen" turned into a gang-bang free-for-all with six close family members who all simply walked in on, then joined in, the action.

There's titillation, and then there's absurdity. For some, the line between them doesn't seem to exist.

There are two incest authors here who specialize in the absurd. For one its the family orgy happening for no reason. The little sister suddenly becoming the family cum dumpster enormous cocks guys who can fuck for hours then within a minute do it again....

I enjoy incest stories when the author makes an effort to justify what's going on, to me the aforementioned are crap. To me.

But the guy is on 1700+ favorite pages, so must be us.

The second has literally one series here that is up to 25 chapters in three years. A brother who suddenly begins fucking his four sisters sometimes one at a time, two at a time, the sisters are now fucking each other as well.

Besides being a blatant rip off of an older series, it is ludicrous in every way, but each chapter gets 1000+ votes and 4.8+ even though the author is only coming out with a chapter every six months these days and they are worse and worse.

And this person? Over 2000+ favs.
I mean, after a certain length, the hydraulics of erection just don't work well anymore, and generally, the largest penises aren't able to get nearly as hard as their smaller kin. Something to keep in mind.
I mean, after a certain length, the hydraulics of erection just don't work well anymore, and generally, the largest penises aren't able to get nearly as hard as their smaller kin. Something to keep in mind.

Watch an old John Holmes video. The guy was never completely hard. If that much blood flowed through your cock, to get it hard you would pass out.
Watch an old John Holmes video. The guy was never completely hard. If that much blood flowed through your cock, to get it hard you would pass out.

That was more of a coke problem than dick size from what I have heard. Rumor has it that he was deep into the cocaine scene, and that made him nearly flaccid. The porn industry has tried to shift away from hiring that type of personalities the last decade or so and as a result men with even bigger dicks keep harder erections.

Either that or the fluffers are doing a better job ;)
That was more of a coke problem than dick size from what I have heard. Rumor has it that he was deep into the cocaine scene, and that made him nearly flaccid. The porn industry has tried to shift away from hiring that type of personalities the last decade or so and as a result men with even bigger dicks keep harder erections.

Either that or the fluffers are doing a better job ;)

You may be right. But he was bigger than most of the guys in porn today.

An you're right about the industry being so much cleaner. Drug tests std tests and that has led to better looking women as well as men in the videos today and the better looking men is what has the women now watching.
Oh yeah, people do leave spaces between text, don't they? Speaking personally one of the reasons I stopped using Lit. E for a long time was because the sheer number of stories was overwhelming, and so much of it was crap. I turned to the kindle instead, which has a managble low hundreds for you to search in.

Since I've started writing my own stuff and editing I've found two authors I like just from posting and handling contributions. Interaction on the boards makes it a lot easier and saves so much time. Nothing kills an erection like searching through eighty gazillion scripts looking for a decent one.
Little blue pills rule the porn industry now.

I accept that what we write is always walking the edge of fantasy. I've certainly done it myself. My most recent story had a guy get shot point blank in the back of the head with a 22. He lived.

He has a steel plate in the back of his head, from a child hood injury that nearly killed him, so the bullets hit that and just smashed. He was knocked unconscious and woke up with a severe concussion. Plausible? Not really likely. The impact should have probably killed him, but it's just right there on the edge of believability.

The story I read last night had the guy doing the physically impossible. The putting a round peg in a square hole type of thing.

Not the story I read but along the same idea.

Guy going for a hiking trip, gives a list of the supplies he's carrying in. All the supplies together weight in at about 400 pounds. He lists the fact that he is physically fit as to how come he can carry so much.

W.T.F! No!

Now why I have no doubt a power-lifter could certainly pick up that much weight... he isn't going to go on a hiking trip with it.

It was that sort of thing that stopped me.

I suppose it's a bit like Morpheus explaining the Matrix to Neo. "It's a dream world but it still has rules. Some can be bent others can be broken." But when the machines changed things it caused Deja Vu.

When we bend a rule we get a snicker maybe. When we break a rule we make our readers stop reading. That's what happen last night.
Little blue pills rule the porn industry now.

I accept that what we write is always walking the edge of fantasy. I've certainly done it myself. My most recent story had a guy get shot point blank in the back of the head with a 22. He lived.

He has a steel plate in the back of his head, from a child hood injury that nearly killed him, so the bullets hit that and just smashed. He was knocked unconscious and woke up with a severe concussion. Plausible? Not really likely. The impact should have probably killed him, but it's just right there on the edge of believability.

The story I read last night had the guy doing the physically impossible. The putting a round peg in a square hole type of thing.

Not the story I read but along the same idea.

Guy going for a hiking trip, gives a list of the supplies he's carrying in. All the supplies together weight in at about 400 pounds. He lists the fact that he is physically fit as to how come he can carry so much.

W.T.F! No!

Now why I have no doubt a power-lifter could certainly pick up that much weight... he isn't going to go on a hiking trip with it.

It was that sort of thing that stopped me.

I suppose it's a bit like Morpheus explaining the Matrix to Neo. "It's a dream world but it still has rules. Some can be bent others can be broken." But when the machines changed things it caused Deja Vu.

When we bend a rule we get a snicker maybe. When we break a rule we make our readers stop reading. That's what happen last night.

Your post reminds me of the writer who wanted me to look over his story and he got mad at me when I told him that if his female character was masturbating with a thick eight inch dildo....

Then when she had sex for the first time she could not "feel her hymen break" because baby, that cherry popped a long time ago using that toy.

He got bent and told me I was wrong and this after he came to me because he admired my attention to detail.

Whether he published it here or somewhere else(because he was really pushing the underage rule a well and I suggested SOL if he did not want to change it) I have no idea, but it was a little upsetting that we had been chatting and exchanging ideas for months and after that "argument" he has not bothered anymore.

I've come to terms that when an author makes his mind up he is not changing it.

You can see it in threads here when someone asks a question, but then takes exception to every answer he gets until he gets gets the one he wants, meaning the mind was already made up.
Your post reminds me of the writer who wanted me to look over his story and he got mad at me when I told him that if his female character was masturbating with a thick eight inch dildo....

Then when she had sex for the first time she could not "feel her hymen break" because baby, that cherry popped a long time ago using that toy.

He got bent and told me I was wrong and this after he came to me because he admired my attention to detail.

Well clearly he was writing about red headed vampire Jessica from TrueBlood.
Well clearly he was writing about red headed vampire Jessica from TrueBlood.

Take your word for it.

Although True Blood looks decent and I've heard good things. I rarely watch TV aside from sports and I don't need another distraction.

I still want to kick my sister's ass for getting me hooked on Game of Thrones.

Also, and nothing against the show or its fans, I got sick over my head on vampires a long time ago. Although at least these guys don;t seem "Sparkly"
TrueBloods not bad but I think it's really had it's time 'under the sun' so to speak. I stopped watching when the werewolves showed up.

The character Jessica was a virgin when she was bitten. In the show a vampire heals very quickly of course. So almost like a reset buttons been hit she get back her hymen after sex.

We watched that episode over at a friends house and every woman in the room went "That would suck."

The guys were mostly like "She's a hot red head and a 'virgin' forever! Cool."
TrueBloods not bad but I think it's really had it's time 'under the sun' so to speak. I stopped watching when the werewolves showed up.

The character Jessica was a virgin when she was bitten. In the show a vampire heals very quickly of course. So almost like a reset buttons been hit she get back her hymen after sex.

We watched that episode over at a friends house and every woman in the room went "That would suck."

The guys were mostly like "She's a hot red head and a 'virgin' forever! Cool."

Not your Grand dad's Dracula now are they?

You know I don't know why because I am both a horror fan and a fan of porn/erotica.

yet vampires or any other horror icon having sex just annoys me. I guess I just feel the need to keep my vices separate.
I'm tempted to ask, "what story?" But I figure you're exercising some restraint on this for the sake of the author.

At the same time, I have a story that features a character with an incredibly large penis. I wrote it for the sake of shock value and little else. But that was during my initial offerings to Lit.

I've come across a few stories on this site that severely challenged my suspension of disbelief. One concerned how a supposedly innocent question of "how could this happen" turned into a gang-bang free-for-all with six close family members who all simply walked in on, then joined in, the action.

There's titillation, and then there's absurdity. For some, the line between them doesn't seem to exist.

Screw restraint. I want to know which story.
I mean, after a certain length, the hydraulics of erection just don't work well anymore,

But . . . but . . . it does in the porn movies.

Some us can latch into fantasy arousals with less baggage dragging than others can.

We also have a thread come up occasionally noting the interesting fact that writers are sometimes called for "misbelief" on the only element in their story that was actually true. I've had it happen.
Screw restraint. I want to know which story.

Wouldn't be too difficult to follow the clues. Check authors' story lists from the last few days of the New list. Can't be many with most of their voting/comments turned off (voting turned off is discernible on the list by XXX appearing in the rating column).
Wouldn't be too difficult to follow the clues. Check authors' story lists from the last few days of the New list. Can't be many with most of their voting/comments turned off (voting turned off is discernible on the list by XXX appearing in the rating column).

I sometimes get XXX on jeanne_d_artois stories because no one has voted. :(

I still have one on one of my poems.
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