What the duck?


Mar 10, 2023
My auto correct has finally figured out I don't mean duck.

What unfortunate, embarrassing or funny auto corrects have you experienced. Swype issues welcome as well.

My Swype keyboard keeps changing the word husband to Houshmandzadeh.
my auto correct has also figured out I am a perv. What is interesting is when I type duck (I have pet chickens and ducks) duck/ducks doesn't change to fuck/fucks, it becomes dick/dicks. The one that gets me at the worst times, but is minor, is message becomes massage. I get telling coworkers to massage me when ready and such hahaha.
my auto correct has also figured out I am a perv. What is interesting is when I type duck (I have pet chickens and ducks) duck/ducks doesn't change to fuck/fucks, it becomes dick/dicks. The one that gets me at the worst times, but is minor, is message becomes massage. I get telling coworkers to massage me when ready and such hahaha.
How many coworkers have taken you up on that?