What single piece of technology makes your life easier?

The door because I can use it to shut out the whole world if I want to.
Fire (old technology)
Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor (new technology - I'm not sure how many here understand how ubiquitous these little critters really are)
well... my watch is SO much easier than lugging that damn sundial around with me every day. whew!

The shower (taking a quick shower is much more refreshing than having a bath) and my radio alarm clock :)
okay, so... I am going to admit to being very tech challenged... but I so :heart: my Kindle Fire. :) I now have portable smut. yay! everyone wants that, right?

(and I still have a stoopid phone as opposed to a smart one) :eek:
I could say the obvious: AC, car, smartphone. Mine would be any kind of GPS. I have zero sense of direction. None. If I think I should turn right, I know I am wrong and that I really should turn left. Then I second guess that too. GPS makes life easier to everyone who knows me too.