What Qualities Attract You To Someone Online?


Jan 27, 2003
What about a person makes you look at them twice?

Is it their sense of humor?

How they flirt?

Their intelligence?

How sexually blatant they may be with their posting?

Or does it start off superficially? With their AV?
Humor, confidence, willingness to go against the crowd, sharp mind and even keener wit, will always grab my attention.
In order:

Shap wit
sense of humor
common interests
The ability to take a joke for what it is
showing they have more than one dimension

That's pretty much what makes me want to see more of a poster. While the last one is the last one it's still very important. If a person is totally one dimensional, as in they only flirt or they only discuss politics, then I know what they're going to say and after a very short while, I have no desire to read their posts.

Edit to add that I'm thinking attracted to the poster not the person. These are the things I look for in online friends.
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Weirdly enough, sexually there's little online that I would be attracted to. Too much good stuff in real life.

However, I find myself greatly attracted to the "voices" of LITsters, the way I might be attracted to an author. I want to turn their next page and see what they have to say.
For myself it's someones sense of humor, I think that in order for someone to be witty, amusing and have that keen sense of humor.. intelligence is a given. :)

Not someone who simply follows the crowd agreeing with everything, but yet has a respect for others who they disagree with.

I'm usually turned off if someone is very blatantly sexual in their posting. Instead I enjoy the quiet innuendo.. and save the more obvious for private - if at all.
Sense of humour
Their mannerisms (online)
A good heart
A good soul
Being able to feel them through their posts
In a friend I look for

character strength
sense of homour/abiltiy to take and tell a joke
consideration for others

I dunno really. There are several things that I would look for in any person I would be instrested in becoming friends with. It just depends.

Thoughtfulness. - in other words not just spewing for spew's sake.

Cleanliness - a lack of stench is a plus.

Dress sense - I hate being seen with a slob.
It's a package deal for me. They have to intrigue me with their intelligence, willingness to admit when they are wrong, humor and great sense of humor, and personality. There are 3 posters here that I have come across that have the whole package for me. I catch myself wiggling in my chair when I see they are online and have posted. I never know what they are gonna say but 99% of the time it is something I agree with. They just seem to show their personalities and are genuine. We have lots in common and I want to know more about them. They aren't afraid to stand up for what they believe in and they apologize when they have crossed the boundaries.

It is funny too. From the first post I read from each of them I immediately was attracted to them. They haven't let me down yet. I have to say their off the wall humor and intelligence is what attracted me first. It is a huge bonus that all three are extremely attractive physically as well as mentally.
k¡tty said:
What about a person makes you look at them twice?

Is it their sense of humor?

How they flirt?

Their intelligence?

How sexually blatant they may be with their posting?

Or does it start off superficially? With their AV?

Sense of humor first...intelligence second...honesty and communication abilities tops!
yayati said:
thanx badkitty...yea i know i just have great confidence and overall looks of a model and one of those "shock and awe" sixpack...!

You neglected to mention your envy worthy long sig line.
Just echoing what a lot of others have said. i think the best phrase would be mental sexiness.

People's personalities are what radiates thru when they post. Mental sexiness would be a combination of a lot of what has been mentioned. Intelligence, wisdom, humor, spontanity, sexuality, all sorts of stuff.

My most serious relationships i've ever had have been with people i've met online. A person's true beauty and self can be spotted quicker without physical hang ups, inhebitions and stereotypes.

Proper spelling tho is NOT a required thing. =P
