What nation shall we collapse next?

especially barren ones...

Or nations with a lot of Camels.

It is evident that the entire middle-east is being collapsed and taken over so oil conglomerates can seize control over the oil assets in south-west Asia.

First it was Iraq and Afganistan, then Libya and Syria, now Egypt and so forth...

The exact same corporate interests behind the Iraq/Afghan war are at play with recent geopolitical actions in the middle-east.

Like I said, war has absolutely NOTHING to do with defense, freedom, and liberation, but rather it is a profit-making enterprise.
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Greed isn't good?

Gordon lied?

Greed is good as long as it doesn't have a negative affect on people.

Profits made from war are earned through the death, injury, and misery of countless human beings.

Wars are fought for international corporate interests.
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Barren countries without barons but with lots of camels?
Why would you want to go after Australia?
The US government is almost wholly run by private industry and corporate special interests. Our government does not represent it's citizenry, but rather a giant cabal of banks, multinational mega-corporations, wall street hedge fund managers, and their wealthy shareholders.

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