What makes a story good?


Oct 11, 2002
I'm not sure if this post is in the right place, I'm pretty new here on the boards, so bear with me if I've gotten myself lost. lol

My question is what makes an erotic story good? Not in terms of subject content, but in terms of how it reads...what do people expect from an erotic story? Do they want a detailed plot, with background on the characters and situations...such as a Stephen King novel would give...or do they simply want masturbation material where the whole story seems like a porno movie on paper? Nothing but sex with only the necessary details included?

I know everyone has their own preferences...I guess I'm looking for percentages here.

Thanks in advance for your imput...I haven't submitted anything yet, but hope to soon.
Smrtaless said:
My question is what makes an erotic story good? Not in terms of subject content, but in terms of how it reads...

I'd have to say that the number one factor that "good stories" have in common is readability. It's hard to get into a story if you spend all of your time trying to figure out what it says.

Readability includes all of the standard advice -- good grammar, good spelling, good story-telling, etc. All of those combine to make the words disappear and the story appear when you've got the readability factor just right.
OK, WH, readability, but then what.? Let me rephrase. You've probably read a thousand erotic stories here and elsewhere.
All the ones by the better writers (and there are a few dozen at Literotica) are 'readable.'

But, how many stick in your mind, let's say six months after the reading?

Now. What was it that made those 'stickers' so?


My question is what makes an erotic story good? Not in terms of subject content, but in terms of how it reads...

[Wierd Harold replied]

I'd have to say that the number one factor that "good stories" have in common is readability. It's hard to get into a story if you spend all of your time trying to figure out what it says.
I'm still somewhat new as an author. But as a reader I can tell you what "makes a story good" for me.

A story with a well developed plot and characters is the biggest key to an entertaining story.

The plot and characters need to be "realistic". What I mean by "realistic" is that I can see them in my mind as I read through the story. The story and characters may be completely fictional to the point of being impossible. But if I can see the characters in my mind, you have done a successful job.

It's not just what they look like either. I need to be able to feel their feelings as well. I want to be able to react with the characters as the plot unfolds.

Make sure the plot is credible as well. Don't add some really bizare plot twist that insults my intelligence just to have an exciting ending. Write it so I can "live" it with the characters. Leave me with a conclusion of some sorts as well.

As a reader and writer, proper grammer and spelling are important to keep the story flowing the way you intend. The reader should never have to stop and read back to figure out what you meant. As a reader though, I will forgive minor things if the story has me wrapped up in the plot.

As a writer, I try to avoid the things I know I hate as a reader.

Hope this helps.
You can't please everyone all of the time, but you should really try to please someone most of the time. Some people come here just to jerk-off and they'll bomb you if your story isn't solely for that purpose. Some people actually prefer some semblence of a plot before the characters rip each others clothes off. Some authors write for an audience and gain a following (I remember Naughty Mike talking about his "hard-core fans"). I personally write whatever takes my fancy: fast, slow, immediately hot, slow buildup, wordy or quick fuck. However i do try and tell people what they should expect in my author's note at the start of my stories. That way you don't get too many people expecting something else.

Good is relative. Genuine class will not be appreciated by everyone (look at the amount of people who hate shakespeare), while hacks will sometimes sell novels by the shedload (mentioning no Geoffrey Archers). This is a strictly amateur site, and as a strictly amateur author my advice is to write whatever the hell you want. Fuck it if people can't appreciate your talent, at least you know it's good.

The Earl
What makes a story good - realism. The ability to read the material and visulize it with the mind. Writing. The written style. No one likes to read repeative words as it bores and turns a good story flat. So vocubulary is a must. Don't forget paragraphs and narration. Many people like narration as opposed to descriptive writing. :rolleyes:
Smrtaless, I think you've asked a question that doesn't have any single right answer.

What makes a story good for me, will make it suck for someone else.

So, I'll tell you what makes it good for me. :p

Loose slutty women doin' the nasty 'cause they enjoy it.

Take just about any plot you want, wrap it around that theme, toss in some good writing and enough description that I "see" it in my mind, and be droolin' all over my keyboard.

what i think makes a good story

what i consider to be a good story is a good background and alot of detail. set the scene up before you go into the story.But the important thing is DETAIL.
I agree with realism. Unfortunately, I don't agree with white lace about detail. In a novel, detail is good- it connects and sustains character and plot. In a story, you must be economical. read " craft" books on story writing generally ( all book stores or decent libraries have them). A story generally makes one point, is selfcontained and narrow.

In erotic stories, good sex is essential. On the story index, there is a " How to" section, which has good posts, including how to write sex scenes.

I suggest that you cannnot truly develop both plot and character in a short story. If your story is about the characters- their feelings, emotions, etc, then the less plot the better- stick to a scene. On the other hand, if you are doing an action story, dcomplex characters are unnnecessary. Its the difference between Terminator ( action) and Rear Window ( little action, complex psychology). Both are excellent.

The more dialogue , the better. Some express this as " show, not tell".

I'm sure I left out lots, but that's a start.
Yes this question will get a million different answers i think!

For me, a good erotic story has to be just that.

Erotic. so it must have some kinsd of sexual content, be it extreme or gentle, be it long and slow or hard and fast, be it crazy and kinky or romantic and soulful...basically somewhere along the line somebody has got to get it on!!

Story. by this i mean it needs a beginning, a middle and an end. A thread of plot and a little bit of characterisation.

as long as all that is in the mix, I'm probably a happy bunny :D