I'm not sure if this post is in the right place, I'm pretty new here on the boards, so bear with me if I've gotten myself lost. lol
My question is what makes an erotic story good? Not in terms of subject content, but in terms of how it reads...what do people expect from an erotic story? Do they want a detailed plot, with background on the characters and situations...such as a Stephen King novel would give...or do they simply want masturbation material where the whole story seems like a porno movie on paper? Nothing but sex with only the necessary details included?
I know everyone has their own preferences...I guess I'm looking for percentages here.
Thanks in advance for your imput...I haven't submitted anything yet, but hope to soon.
My question is what makes an erotic story good? Not in terms of subject content, but in terms of how it reads...what do people expect from an erotic story? Do they want a detailed plot, with background on the characters and situations...such as a Stephen King novel would give...or do they simply want masturbation material where the whole story seems like a porno movie on paper? Nothing but sex with only the necessary details included?
I know everyone has their own preferences...I guess I'm looking for percentages here.
Thanks in advance for your imput...I haven't submitted anything yet, but hope to soon.