What made you say Fuck today 4?

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Dropping a perfectly good cup of coffee and looking at the mess I had to clean up way to early in the morning to be thinking about
A chat with a new but wonderful friend, and in a completely different way a chat with my boss. And the temperature.

What a wonderfully varied word 'fuck' proves to be.
Finding out that a friend that fought cancer, that her cancer has returned and has metastasized:(:( Fuck You, cancer!
I'm sorry 😞
I received news today that someone I know has pancreatic cancer.

Fuck Cancer

My aunt has terminal gall bladder cancer. They gave her six months. She’s heading into month seven but she’s declining. Fuck cancer is right!

That feeling when you realize you completely forgot about your physio appointment and it’s two hours past when you were supposed to go... holy fuck. They’re probably kicking me out of the program now.
I'm sorry 😞
I received news today that someone I know has pancreatic cancer.

Fuck Cancer
Thank you, very sorry for your news as well:(
My aunt has terminal gall bladder cancer. They gave her six months. She’s heading into month seven but she’s declining. Fuck cancer is right!

So very sorry

That feeling when you realize you completely forgot about your physio appointment and it’s two hours past when you were supposed to go... holy fuck. They’re probably kicking me out of the program now.

Sorry to hear that, wishing your friend a recovery.

Thank you very much
Thank you, very sorry for your news as well:(

Thank you very much

Try to stay positive, more people survive and win the Battle with cancer, more than any time before. Wishing you the best as well, it's not easy being strong for a loved one
Try to stay positive, more people survive and win the Battle with cancer, more than any time before. Wishing you the best as well, it's not easy being strong for a loved one

I'm trying. She is a strong willed woman and has fought it once before, she's still young(early 40's) and has 3 children, the youngest only 7. Thank you very much, no it's not easy at all😔
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