What Lies Ahead For The Coalition In Baghdad..

Lost Cause

It's a wrap!
Oct 7, 2001
Sorry, It's not a hate America/Coalition thread, predicting the death of thousands.
This is what the real world experiences when they come in contact with the US military, unlike the "Lenin In Wonderland" crowd's view.

SAWFAN, Iraq — U.S. Marines hauled down giant street portraits of Saddam Hussein in a screeching pop of metal and bolts Friday, telling nervous residents of this southern Iraqi town that "Saddam is done."

Milling crowds of men and boys watched as the Marines attached ropes on the front of their Jeeps to one portrait and then backed up, peeling the Iraqi leader's black-and-white metal image off a frame. Some locals briefly joined Maj. David "Bull" Gurfein in a new cheer.

"Iraqis! Iraqis! Iraqis!" Gurfein yelled, pumping his fist in the air.

"We wanted to send a message that Saddam is done," said Gurfein, a New York native in the 1st Marine Expeditionary Force. "People are scared to show a lot of emotion. That's why we wanted to show them this time we're here, and Saddam is done."

The Marines arrived in Safwan, just across the Kuwait border, after Cobra attack helicopters, attack jets, tanks, 155 mm howitzers and sharpshooters cleared the way along Route 80, the main road into Iraq.

Safwan, 375 miles south of Baghdad, is a poor, dirty, wrecked town pocked by shrapnel from the last Gulf war. Iraqi forces in the area sporadically fired mortars and guns for hours Thursday and Friday. Most townspeople hid, although residents brought forth a wounded little girl, her palm bleeding after the new fighting. Another man said his wife was shot in the leg by the Americans.

A few men and boys ventured out, putting makeshift white flags on their pickup trucks or waving white T-shirts out truck windows.

"Americans very good," Ali Khemy said. "Iraq wants to be free."

Some chanted, "Ameriki! Ameriki!"

Many others in the starving town just patted their stomachs and raised their hands, begging for food.

A man identifying himself only as Abdullah welcomed the arrival of the U.S. troops: "Saddam Hussein is no good. Saddam Hussein a butcher."

An old woman shrouded in black -- one of the very few women outside -- knelt toward the feet of Americans, embracing an American woman. A younger man with her pulled her away, giving her a warning sign by sliding his finger across his throat.

In 1991, hundreds of thousands of Iraqis died after prematurely celebrating what they believed was their liberation from Saddam after the Gulf War. Some even pulled down a few pictures of Saddam then -- only to be killed by Iraqi forces.

Gurfein playfully traded pats with a disabled man and turned down a dinner invitation from townspeople.

"Friend, friend," he told them in Arabic learned in the first Gulf War.

"We stopped in Kuwait that time," he said. "We were all ready to come up there then, and we never did."

The townspeople seemed grateful this time.

"No Saddam Hussein!" one young man in headscarf told Gurfein. "Bush!"

Bush/Blair! :D
It's fucking sad......

If this was about dead Coalition soldiers, and hundreds of burning oil fields, this thread would take off.
But noooooooooooooooooooooo, it's about good things, and people being freed, and not about soldiers hosing down innocent civilians.

Fucking pathetic, man.
Re: It's fucking sad......

Lost Cause said:
If this was about dead Coalition soldiers, and hundreds of burning oil fields, this thread would take off.
But noooooooooooooooooooooo, it's about good things, and people being freed, and not about soldiers hosing down innocent civilians.

Fucking pathetic, man.

Very good read Lost Cause.

Maybe because it dealt with exactly how some of the Iraqi feel about the war. Instead of hearing how pissed they are that we dared to invade them, that we dared to assume we are helping them..

I had relatives and family friends growing up who told me tales of when they were in Nazi concentration camps in WW II, and they were DAMNED glad to see American (and Russian) troops there to free them. I imagine many Iraqis feel the same way now, despite what American protestors might claim.

Thanks for posting that, Lost Cause.

Aloha from Patty
Yeah, the crowd from the left gets a bit more quiet with each passing hour fearing if they open their traps yet one more time, it may be to eat crow...
Of course, they wouldn't listen to a DAMN thing anyone with military experience said about the abilities of the Iraqi military compared to the abilities of our military.

We're war-hungry morons who want to send our comrades to their death...
]ooooo(chained) said:
Yeah, the crowd from the left gets a bit more quiet with each passing hour fearing if they open their traps yet one more time, it may be to eat crow...

Let's not paint with too broad a brush here. Lot's of people on the "left" support the actions that are being carried out.
What the fuck do you expect unarmed civilians to do in the face of a bunch of guys with automatic weapons? Give them the fucking finger?
Aside from a couple of guys running for President and too ashamed to admit their true feelings, unlike the ones who CAN'T get elected again, name some names...
]ooooo(chained) said:
Aside from a couple of guys running for President and too ashamed to admit their true feelings, unlike the ones who CAN'T get elected again, name some names...

I didn't realize you were talking specifically about political persons. I always take them with a grain of salt.

I was speaking of the "people" of the US.
It's sad

Osiyo -

This was a very good read. It gives a small insight into the side of the war that thus far has gone unheard.

Just wish this type of stuff was more readily available. The media's attention of course is on the bombing ... because that brings them their ratings ...


Eluwehi tlvdatsi nigawesgv nadvganvna...
i dont understand why people are trying to make this out as some sort of competition its not a game of who is right about what happens *sigh*

its started and i wish all american and british troops well and all iraqi people and iraqi forced conscripted troops

i hope this war go's well i don't care who is proved right or wrong on the lit boards ... im scared for how bad this could turn out but i pray it doesn't
It's debate. But yes it is a competition about worldview...

Some people believe in Peace at any cost.

The rest of us believe Peace costs.
]ooooo(chained) said:
It's debate. But yes it is a competition about worldview...

Some people believe in Peace at any cost.

The rest of us believe Peace costs.

use the quote function so we know what you are talking about.
All I really care about, truly, is that the threat be over.

The threat to us, the threat to our allies, the threat to the people living in Iraq and Quwait.

Soliders make their choices to defend their countries and their leaders, but children live with the outcome.

There are orphans on boths sides, and on both sides they might grow up hating the other side for making them orphans.

I hope the war comes to a quick and just end, and the healing can begin.
PoliteSuccubus said:
All I really care about, truly, is that the threat be over.

The threat to us, the threat to our allies, the threat to the people living in Iraq and Quwait.

Soliders make their choices to defend their countries and their leaders, but children live with the outcome.

There are orphans on boths sides, and on both sides they might grow up hating the other side for making them orphans.

I hope the war comes to a quick and just end, and the healing can begin.

You echo the sentiments of most people.