What it means to ... "talk dirty."

Jan 13, 2002
Maybe its the Catholic in me, or the residual guilt from the pain I caused my mother in childbirth, but I have always loved to talk dirty to my lovers before ( foreplay is not just physical ) during, I have found that some ( not most ) people have certain "key" words and topics that really get them off... and most ot the time they're relatively taboo subjects they would usually not address in normal conversation... stuff like, rimming (oral anal contact) beastiality, incest, etc. For me, just to have a woman say, "fuck, or fuck me" is a real turn on. ... after sex is a non-issue for me...how about you?

Bareback ....
Talking dirty definately adds something for me! Nothing is off limits:D
I think there is something about Catholicism. I was raised strict Catholic. I couldn't wait to turn 21 and move out, yet my strict upbringing had me wait two more years of being on my own before trying sex. I didn't much like the first time. I didn't fall in love with a man until I was 26, and I married him first and then found too late that he had little interest in and almost no skills at sex. I don't know why I stayed with him 17 years, I guess my Catholic upbringing that I wasn't supposed to enjoy sex.

Menopause and a hysterectomony were liberating, I no longer had to fear pregnancy. That and finding a gentle, loving man as husband #2 has let me get much freer and wilder now than ever before in my life. I truly enjoy sex, I just can't get enough, and to hell with my repressed Catholic upbringing! I sometimes think I have turned so slutty because I am trying to make up for so many wasted years of not having a good sex life.

-- Latina
I've known women that love it when I talk dirty; even on the phone. A close woman friend of mine gets turned on almost always when I talk dirty to her. Yes, I love women say "fuck" or "fuck me". It gets my juices flowing.

As for talking dirty during sex, it depends on the woman. One woma I know told me she didn't much care, but when I talked a little dirty while making love to her she went crazy :) I guess it depends on the state of ecstasy we're in before we don't really care about it and all we care about it pleasuring your partner and giving them a damn good time.

Happy new year to all on here btw.
Taboos are best..

Its weird but you can't tell about someones erotic hooks. If you as some people they'll say, "Nahh! does'nt do a thing for me.." Yet when the heat is on, and you find their "buttons," they'll scream andl pant for you...

Others get it right at the befinning and all you need to do is hit those little taboo buttons and off they go to the races... and, some things that actually disgust people when they're not turned on, absolutely drive them craziy when they are... so, go figure!
Dirty talk during sex from a woman you'd least expect to have a dirty mouth is a terrific turn-on......so I'm told........for men.
Response to "Guilty Pleasure"

Abslutely ... You know when a very innocent, or beautyful, or elegant woman looks you in the eye and says "fuck" I get an erection that could be used to crush ice! The same is true of smokiing, at least for me (lol) But, then I have the fetish I'm afraid... the more innocent, beautyfull, and sophisticated the bigger the turn on.

I also love it when a woman knows she's turning you on and doing it for that reason...

Bareback writer
Re: Response to "Guilty Pleasure"

bareback writer said:
Abslutely ... You know when a very innocent, or beautyful, or elegant woman looks you in the eye and says "fuck" I get an erection that could be used to crush ice! The same is true of smokiing, at least for me (lol) But, then I have the fetish I'm afraid... the more innocent, beautyfull, and sophisticated the bigger the turn on.

I also love it when a woman knows she's turning you on and doing it for that reason...

Bareback writer

Fuck!! in a cloud of smoke. :)
Reply to Guilty Pleasure

Well, my dear lady, ( one must assume, you know) you have only missed one ingredient in the formula... I cannot objectively tell which of the three catagories you represent: Innocent, Beautyfull, or Sophisticated... at any rate ... you have me interested ...

May I have the favor of a pic? Can we IM, or email? Or, do you just want to tease my now "cartouch de fer" ( loosely translated ) tool of steel.

Bareback Writer
Re: Re: Response to "Guilty Pleasure"

guilty pleasure said:
Fuck!! in a cloud of smoke. :)

I'd love for to talk dirty to me.

I have the same opinions, here. It adds to your pleasure to hear such things, and to me noting is off limits.