what is your dream toy?


Literotica Guru
Aug 12, 2014
What is your dream toy or on your wishlist?

I have many "butt" this one for me is at the very top...


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most these items would be sexual haha!! but one item that would not be would be a time machine as well..
most these items would be sexual haha!! but one item that would not be would be a time machine as well..

Maybe you have not experienced a sexual moment that you would ache to go back and live over and over and over? Or had a moment that was so delicious you wanted to stretch it? Pause it? Relive it?

Seems like it could be fun to me.
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...shrink ray.

But wouldn't an expand-o-ray be more practical? I mean, just think of the difficulties you would encounter. Surely you have seen the movie(s)... :p If, on the other hand, you could turn your husband into a giant... Well! Nothing but good stuff for you, many giant advantages to be had (I mean giant in the person sense, not that the advantages world be giant.. you know what I mean!!) and he is left to deal with all the awkwardness!! You have to think these things through! :D :D :D
But wouldn't an expand-o-ray be more practical? I mean, just think of the difficulties you would encounter. Surely you have seen the movie(s)... :p If, on the other hand, you could turn your husband into a giant... Well! Nothing but good stuff for you, many giant advantages to be had (I mean giant in the person sense, not that the advantages world be giant.. you know what I mean!!) and he is left to deal with all the awkwardness!! You have to think these things through! :D :D :D

Oh heavens no... the idea of being big is as uncomfortable to as the idea of being the D in a relationship. :B Giabnt hubs would be a lot of fun! Would need to be completely within the context of a scene tho, and probably in a play space. Oh, logistics...

Being shrunk seems to be the easiest route. It opens up a whole new world of silly tasks and provinding him with entertainment at my expense ("Here, kill this spider, would you?" or "Go get me a pen from the desk pls") Not to mention... literal pet! We wouldn't have to fork over an arm and a leg for a people-sized cage either. Any old thing at the pet store would do. :D
Oh heavens no... the idea of being big is as uncomfortable to as the idea of being the D in a relationship. :B Giabnt hubs would be a lot of fun! Would need to be completely within the context of a scene tho, and probably in a play space. Oh, logistics...

Being shrunk seems to be the easiest route. It opens up a whole new world of silly tasks and provinding him with entertainment at my expense ("Here, kill this spider, would you?" or "Go get me a pen from the desk pls") Not to mention... literal pet! We wouldn't have to fork over an arm and a leg for a people-sized cage either. Any old thing at the pet store would do. :D

Ok, you obviously have thought this through. A few times... :p if I come across a shrink ray, it's yours!! :)
A cool-looking thingee that divines a person's deepest suppressed desires and converts them to streaming HD, for my viewing pleasure.

Think of it.
My computer... What? you never said it had to be something we didn't all ready have. I guess I could say my dream computer but mine is very close to it all ready :p.
If I could only get one thing right now, it would be a Hitatchi or a Hitatchi-type wand. Powerful and electric. :D

I also would love to get a violet wand because my play partner has fun with it and it makes me so happy to see him so happy. :rolleyes: