What is you favorite position to make out?

My own is to have my O S on top of me this way I can play with her tits :p
Hi!:D Nice to see you here on the GB!

I prefer to be on top so I can sit up and he can play with my breasts and so I can strattle him and feel his reaction to what we are doing!;)
sitting indian style facing each other and leaning foward.

or man on top.
Sitting on his lap. Adding, with my legs wrapped around his waist, my fingers running through his hair....you get the picture.
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Shadwann2 said:
I prefer to be on top so I can sit up and he can play with my breasts and so I can strattle him and feel his reaction to what we are doing!;)


The whole "hands free" idea is a great one.
At least...

Are we talking about making out, or fucking? Making out....laying side by side. Fucking.....her riding the horsey! :D
Dreamguy001 said:
Making out

Not Fucking that is different catagory all together

I don't know.. I think no matter what you are doing a woman on top is always the way to go.
Tick one more off

For woman on top. I love to cup a woman's butt when playin' kissy-face.

DAMN that's hot!!
Cuckolded_BlK_Male said:
position to make out??? Are you talking about fucking ... or Ann Landers's guide to Heavy Petting?

Exactly what I was thinking!!!