What is too Taboo?


Feb 24, 2013
My first thread, so here goes nothing!
I have been in this lifestyle as a sub for about 10 years on and off.When I first started I probably started like a lot of other people out there, you know beginner stuff. Naturally, with more experience comes new things.
However, it seems as though I can not find my limit of things that become interesting to me. I love to read and recently found some books that contained topics of taboo that I never thought I would be interested in. But, there it was, interest peeked!

So what do you think? Is there a limit? Should there be a limit? What are some of your favorite taboo's?
My first thread, so here goes nothing!
I have been in this lifestyle as a sub for about 10 years on and off.When I first started I probably started like a lot of other people out there, you know beginner stuff. Naturally, with more experience comes new things.
However, it seems as though I can not find my limit of things that become interesting to me. I love to read and recently found some books that contained topics of taboo that I never thought I would be interested in. But, there it was, interest peeked!

So what do you think? Is there a limit? Should there be a limit? What are some of your favorite taboo's?

informed consent, which includes meta-consent. within that frame anything goes. outside of it, nothing. that is the limit as I see it. I have other personal limits, but this I consider the unmovable one.

my favorite taboo would be emotional sadism in an age play context, or perhaps fear play. Both are likely considered taboos because they involve accepting a not unsubstantial amount of risk. And I suppose a lot of people find age play icky.
My first thread, so here goes nothing!
I have been in this lifestyle as a sub for about 10 years on and off.When I first started I probably started like a lot of other people out there, you know beginner stuff. Naturally, with more experience comes new things.
However, it seems as though I can not find my limit of things that become interesting to me. I love to read and recently found some books that contained topics of taboo that I never thought I would be interested in. But, there it was, interest peeked!

So what do you think? Is there a limit? Should there be a limit? What are some of your favorite taboo's?

I can't post stories about it here due to the rules, but I guess the most taboo things I think about are snuff and pedophilia (fantasies in which I'm the little girl with a hot adult guy). And rape, but I can post that here.
informed consent, which includes meta-consent. within that frame anything goes. outside of it, nothing. that is the limit as I see it. I have other personal limits, but this I consider the unmovable one.

my favorite taboo would be emotional sadism in an age play context, or perhaps fear play. Both are likely considered taboos because they involve accepting a not unsubstantial amount of risk. And I suppose a lot of people find age play icky.
Whoah, yeah-- my stomach jumped a little as I read your words. Very powerful, not somethign I would like to explore at all.

Still, there is definietly an element of emotional play that I used to avoid that I now welcome, I think. Lemme see if I can figure out what they might be...
My first thread, so here goes nothing!
I have been in this lifestyle as a sub for about 10 years on and off.When I first started I probably started like a lot of other people out there, you know beginner stuff. Naturally, with more experience comes new things.
However, it seems as though I can not find my limit of things that become interesting to me. I love to read and recently found some books that contained topics of taboo that I never thought I would be interested in. But, there it was, interest peeked!

So what do you think? Is there a limit? Should there be a limit? What are some of your favorite taboo's?

What strikes me as kind of funny about this is that there feels like an entirely different world of taboo in the bdsm world than the vanilla. I thought I had pretty much tested all the areas I could within the vanilla world without overstepping my personal boundaries, yet suddenly there's all these new ones to consider! It's a little mind boggling.

I think my personal boundaries will remain the same, and likely expand as I come across new options I'd never imagined in my wildest dreams. I will have to come back to this list when I am better prepared, as reading it now would be about as much fun as the instructions on instant pancake mix I'm sure.
My first thread, so here goes nothing!
I have been in this lifestyle as a sub for about 10 years on and off.When I first started I probably started like a lot of other people out there, you know beginner stuff. Naturally, with more experience comes new things.
However, it seems as though I can not find my limit of things that become interesting to me. I love to read and recently found some books that contained topics of taboo that I never thought I would be interested in. But, there it was, interest peeked!

So what do you think? Is there a limit? Should there be a limit? What are some of your favorite taboo's?

I think limits should be drawn at non-consent and permanent harm/death. So that covers pedophilia, beastiality, snuff, cannibalism and human centipede (and no doubt a whole bunch of other variants that I'm not imaginative enough to think of).

My favourite taboos would have to be punching and psychological sadism. A lot of the stuff we do would look pretty much like domestic abuse if we didn't both enjoy it.

I'd also like to try medium to long term inprisonment and rape-play involving drugging. That would take a lot of planning, effort and resources we don't have though so I don't see that happening anytime soon.

Where I draw my own limits: the other half threatened to tape a cicada skin to my cunt in place of a chastity belt this morning, which actually would work as there is no way I'd wanna touch one of those! I called hard limit, too taboo for me. Which includes play with any insects or insects by products. Heck, that in includes real life too; I'm too old to be chased around by mean boys toting insects! :D
What I find amusing are the emotional limits I find myself breaking.

Once, if my PYL / pyl wanted exclusivity, that was actually a hard limit for me.

Now? Not so much.

My limits vary from person to person, as they always have, but the physical hard limits don't.

I suspect you'll run across things that you honestly get squicked out by, you just haven't found them yet. They may not be things that bother other people, just as the things you like may not be appealing to others.

Also, it helps to remember that when you're starving, everything sounds delicious. You shouldn't shop on an empty stomach, you always end up thinking "How the heck did I end up with this?".
informed consent, which includes meta-consent. within that frame anything goes. outside of it, nothing. that is the limit as I see it. I have other personal limits, but this I consider the unmovable one.

I currently live in a meta-consent slavery under my Master. I surrendered all rights and the ability to say no when I submitted to him, and I love it. It's not for everyone though, as not every man knows how to properly handle a woman.
*points up* What they said.

I'd also add some of the safety knowledge about bdsm. Like, it'd be fairly taboo to leave someone tied up, alone, for an extended period, because of the possible physical damage and all the different things that could go wrong. Choking/strangling is not uncommon, but again safety: It'd be "taboo" to take it so far that you end up crushing her windpipe or something. Have to know when too far is too far.
I loved what everyone had to say so far!

Riles mentioned that they had thought that they had explored every varying flavor of "vanilla" and thought they were done. Until they discovered the BDSM palate, which is decidedly more vast. That is what I love about it. So many flovors and colors, its hard to pick just one.

The reply that knot_sweet said, a great point was made about when your starving you shouldn't try and buy food. That is so right. Everything always look the best when you at the edge. However, even after I should be sated, I'm not. I understand there all different types of additions out there and as time goes on many more to be developed, so I wonder is this an addiction?

I guess that if I were to say I had a hard limit it would be, anything to do with my kids (definite no no) and anything resulting in my death (not necessarily the death of others). After that the sky is the limit.

Oh, and praefect, you said most think age difference is "icky", definitely not! I love older in and out of play. Emotional sadism and fear play as well. I have found that those are the darker taboos a lot of people don't like to say out loud.

I posted a phrase on face book a few days ago, about the time I stared this thread, and I was shocked to see how many people re-posted it and "liked" it. I posted "Its easy to know who you are on the inside. Its hard to say it out loud." I guess it goes to show that there is a lot more going on in peoples heads than they let on.
I currently live in a meta-consent slavery under my Master. I surrendered all rights and the ability to say no when I submitted to him, and I love it. It's not for everyone though, as not every person knows how to manage and control the entirety of another person's life to the satisfaction of everyone involved.

There, fixed that for you.

And beyond non-consent, no limits. Taboos are for individual people to decide and tabloids to blast on their covers.
What is fearplay, exactly?

Fear play is any sexual activity using fear. Fear play does not provide the sub/slave or whatnot with pleasure, but rather creating a terrified mental state.

This "fear" causes the body to release chemical, such as adrenaline. People do it all the time in a vanilla sense, haunted houses, scary movies, and roller coaster rides.
What strikes me as kind of funny about this is that there feels like an entirely different world of taboo in the bdsm world than the vanilla. I thought I had pretty much tested all the areas I could within the vanilla world without overstepping my personal boundaries, yet suddenly there's all these new ones to consider! It's a little mind boggling.

When I was in college I thought I was pretty kinky. I used sex toys, a bit of bondage and even cuckolding before I knew what it really was. Then I got a job doing phone sex, specializing in sexual alternatives and BAM- my world seriously opened up. I heard fantasies I had never even considered. Some boggled my mind yet challenged my sexuality. I found myself wanting to try almost everything.
I think everyone has their own limits, things like non con sensuality, children, or things of that nature are obvious. I could say that exposing someone to situations where they could lose their job, face harassment,etc (i.e outing them) would be taboo, or for example, a M calling their slave at work and telling them to take off all their clothing, which would get them fired, possibly sent to jail, ridiculed, etc...but as a friend of mine who was into TPE's said, that was part of the deal, but they also expected that their D if they did that was there to help with the consequences, too..so for some that wouldn't be taboo.

One thing to keep in mind, is that in the confines of our minds, nothing is taboo, and it is okay simply to keep stuff as a fantasy:)
I think everyone has their own limits, things like non con sensuality, children, or things of that nature are obvious. I could say that exposing someone to situations where they could lose their job, face harassment,etc (i.e outing them) would be taboo, or for example, a M calling their slave at work and telling them to take off all their clothing, which would get them fired, possibly sent to jail, ridiculed, etc...but as a friend of mine who was into TPE's said, that was part of the deal, but they also expected that their D if they did that was there to help with the consequences, too..so for some that wouldn't be taboo.

One thing to keep in mind, is that in the confines of our minds, nothing is taboo, and it is okay simply to keep stuff as a fantasy:)

I think that if a Dom or a Master were to "out" a sub/slave whatever, in that manner, (your job, your kids, family, etc) that this is less of a taboo. It is more of a moral or ethics issue. I don't believe that a taboo necessarily defines a person as, "good" or "bad". However, someones moral or ethical beliefs can define that person.

But, to each their own. If it is a taboo, I would agree that the Dom or Master should be present ,accountable and available for whatever consequences arise from their demands. In a healthy relationship, all demands should be met to the best of one's abilities.

Fantasies are great, but how does one know which of them are better off to keep in one's head? I believe finding out, is a taboo in and of itself.

Its highly personal ,your limits are your limits ,anything thats legal is good ,you need to discuss your limits with your domme/dom or convers with you sub .With newbys o both sides a safe word is a must and must be adhered to .MUST . I have complete faith in what ever my Domme wants to do to me she knows my lack of limits .as in I have very few .and being a pain slut helps .
Its highly personal ,your limits are your limits ,anything thats legal is good ,you need to discuss your limits with your domme/dom or convers with you sub .With newbys o both sides a safe word is a must and must be adhered to .MUST . I have complete faith in what ever my Domme wants to do to me she knows my lack of limits .as in I have very few .and being a pain slut helps .

was just curious about being a pain slut and how one develops a tolerance for the pain
Pain Slut

was just curious about being a pain slut and how one develops a tolerance for the pain

A pain slut is not something you are born being. Yes, you may enjoy a certain amount of pain, gaining pleasure from it or enjoy the after feeling a bit, but not at a"Pain Slut" title.

To gain tolerance to pain, you must experience it. Starting out with light amounts of pain, at your thresh hold, for a short time frame and gradually increasing the force behind the pain and the length of time you endure it, until you reach "Pain Slut" status. It takes time and energy from both parties, as well as a safeword for newby's. Good Luck!